Flash - Change MovieClip Width Along With Dynamic TextField Size Inside

Apr 21, 2009

I am a newbie in Flash CS3. How to resize the width of of a movie clip according to the size the size of dynamic text inside it. I did it by creating a text field 'myText' and then converted it to a MovieClip symbol and named the MovieClip as myClip. The text in myText is assigned at run-time and its width changes according to the text.

I did it as follows:-
myClip.myText.selectable = false;
myClip.mouseChildren = false;
myClip.useHandCursor = true;
myClip.buttonMode = true;
myClip.myText.width = myClip.myText.textWidth + 5;

On doing this I find the clickable area changes according to the size of the text field but the text field doesn't appear at all.

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// define new text formatting
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minimenutext_txt.size = 8;
avsb_txt = "A VS B";
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btn1.btext.buttext.text = avsb_txt;

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txt_field = new TextField();
txt_field.text = source;

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_root.caption1.textbg._width = _root.caption1.words.length*7.5

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Mar 10, 2009

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code: trace(label.textWidth);

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ps what is the difference between

var pageContent:TextField;
var pageContent:TextArea;

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Sep 15, 2011

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Jun 18, 2009

Im trying to create same MCs and create a textField inside each MC created, then I am trying to apply onRollOver event into those MCs created and change the textField.textColor.

From my code Im resulting and trace with "undefined" how can I manipulate the dynamic created Textfield inside the dynamic created MC

Here is my code:

for (var i = 101; i < 103; i++)
if ( i != 115 and i != 116 or i != 126 or i != 127 or i != 134)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Font Size TextFormat In TextField?

Oct 11, 2010

Project: Simple Click Counter of two separate buttons.

Problem: Font size of clicks needs to be changed/increased.

link to .fla
Not sure where to place this code in the script below.(inserting it causes font to initially to be correct size of 20 but changes back to default when a mouse click is issued)[code]...

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Sep 30, 2010

the idea it's to have a textfield of 200px width where the username gets loaded. The thing is that i need the font size to be as big as possible to fit in that textfield. So if the username is shorter the font size should increase if the username is longer the font size should decrease. So I am guessing i should be counting character and knowing how big each character is and then according to that make a mad algorithm to set the font size to make the text fit.

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myMovieClip.scaleX *= 2;
myMovieClip.width *= 2;
The movieclip will be scaled multiple times and to varying sizes.

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ActionScript Code:
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
fifteen_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, changeSize);
function changeSize(evt:MouseEvent):void


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