ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Change Object Type?

Jun 23, 2009

-= Lets say I have two swfs: 'parent.swf' and 'child.swf' AND that extends MovieClip-= In child.swf I have a MovieClip physically placed on stage (not using adddChild). Lets call it "ball_mc"-= child.swf gets loaded into parent.swfWhat I want:-= once child.swf is loaded I want to change ball_mc from a ball_mc:MovieClip to all_mc:MyCustomObject-= Then I want to be able to call ball_mc.init() (init() would be a public function in I want to do this:-= I dont want to import directly into the child.swf. This is because there will be LOTS of child.swfs (child1.swf - childN.swf) If the .as is imported directly into each of these AND the changes I have to re-publish ALL the child.swfs so that they publish with the new code... Right.MAIN QUESTIONs:-= whats the best way to go about doing this?? I just want to be able to change the and have the effects show up on all the child.swfs (but not have to re-publish them all

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my_cb.addItem({data:1, label:"First Item"});
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tPoint = new Point(0,0);
tRect = new Rectangle(0,0,30,30);


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var objectA:ObjectA = new ObjectA();
var objectB:ObjectB = new ObjectB();

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if(_groundType1.hitTestPoint(_player.x, _player.y, true))
if(_groundType2.hitTestPoint(_player.x, _player.y, true))


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var x;
var y:Object;
var z:*;

Is there anything in AS that's not an Object?

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Sep 30, 2010

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IDE :: Cant Duplicate The Object On Picture - Always Start To Change The Oroginal Object?

Feb 8, 2010

I have problems in my flash project. I cant duplicete some pictures or "group items" , when I copy/paste them and when I start to edit that one that I copyed it automacly edit the original version...I cant duplicate this object on picture ( http:[url]....)... what ever I always start to change the oroginal object...

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Flex :: How To Cast One Object As Derived Type

Nov 3, 2009

Here's the example:
var cartesian:CartesianChart = new CartesianChart();
cartesian.width = 100;
var column:ColumnChart = new ColumnChart();
column = cartesian as ColumnChart;
Why does this not work? "column" ends up null. ColumnChart is a derived class of CartesianChart, so I would have thought I'd end up with a ColumnChart with a width of 100.

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Actionscript 3 :: Checking If A Variable Is Of The Object Type?

Dec 11, 2009

I want to do something like this in Actionscript 3:

if(variable is Object) ...;
else ...;

Where variable could be a String(), Number(), Array(), Object()...Currently the above check returns true for all of these types, which makes sense. I only want it to return true for objects made with new Object(), however.

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Actionscript 3 :: Treat A Class As Object Type?

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I have a custom class say class A :

class A
public testA:int;
public testB:int;

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can I cast that object into class or vice versa. Instead of set/get of individual variables.

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function addProductToArray (e:MouseEvent):void{
currMC = ( as MovieClip);


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