ActionScript 3.0 :: Fade In/Out Random Images?
May 19, 2010
I have 5 pictures that I want to randomly fade in and out on a loop, the problem with this is that there's not really anything to trigger this action. An animated intro comes in on load (all done on the timeline) and on a frame named "home" it stops, this is when I want to run this piece of Actionscript. When a button is triggered here, the images are going to fade, and it goes to several full page menus (laid out on the timeline), when clicked again it goes back to "home".This is the closest I've gotten so far:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
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I have been looking at tutorials online and I havent found exactly what I need.I have a folder of jpegs that I need to fade in and out at random. One movie clip, not triggered by anything, just fadeing in and out different jpegs from an external folder
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Mar 29, 2010
is it possible to modify this script to make images load like a fade in/fade out slideshow. It works with buttons to action the transition I want, but I want a similar script to play a simple slideshow with same transitions.
this.pathToPics = "images/";
this.pArray = ["home1.jpg", "home2.jpg", "home3.jpg", "home4.jpg", "home5.jpg" ];
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Nov 19, 2003
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Sep 26, 2006
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May 15, 2009
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Jun 30, 2009
I am looking for script to load images from a folder to the stage and have the images fade in then fade out. As the first one fades out I want the second one to fade in. My students currently have done this in the timeline using tweening, however they have multiple images and this gets to be very long and tedious. If it is possible to have a script to say "go get image 1 out of folder and fade it in then get image 2 out of folder and as image one fades out image 2 fades in.
If this has to be accomplished by making movie clips out of the impages and have the script get them from the library that is fine also. However my students need the effect now. I am an instructor at a college and I like to be able to show the students how to do what their designs support.
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Feb 17, 2011
I have 2 images that need to fade in and fade out so after 5 seconds image1 slowly begins to fade out while image2 slowly begins to fade in. My first image does not fade in because on the start of the flash movie I want to directly see the first image. But when image2 is done (so the whole movie is almost done) and it's start fading out.... I get to see the background (just a black empty background) while I actually want to begin fading in image1 (so looping the 2 image constantly).
So how can I immediately see an image on the start of the movie and still getting a fading in effect of the first image when the movie is almost on its end (so during the fading out of the last image)?
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Feb 26, 2012
why is this code NOT loading a random image, despite tracing random number?
package {
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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May 3, 2010
What I want to do is to get the movie to display random images (from a selection) for random amounts of time (subject to minimum and maximum times).
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Apr 7, 2011
I am trying to implement a random slideshow type thing which would be fine if all of the images were in the one folder, but i want to randomly display them from multiple folders... if I define each path as a variable, is that the easiest way?
ActionScript Code:
var pathaURL:String = "folder1/slideshow/";
var pathbURL:String = "folder2/slideshow/";
var pathcURL:String = "folder3/slideshow/";
and then somehow implement the randomness with the image variable...?
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Mar 10, 2003
I'd like the tutorial on randomly loading images to go one step further...Anyone know how to have the images load randomly and have a button that ALSO draws from the images randomly...?
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Jan 18, 2007
i found this loading random quotes -but changed the code a little bit that it loads randomly without clicking the button:
function newquote(){
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Aug 29, 2004
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Feb 12, 2004
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Dec 19, 2007
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Apr 20, 2010
i have this code and cant work out how to make the fade in time be random, say between 1 and 10 seconds for instance.
var maxVal = 4; // max number of fotos
var oldVar = 0; // keep track of previous random number[code]....
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Sep 5, 2009
What would be the best way to get my random background to fade in? It is loaded using an XML file, and the images are large so when the site loads it takes a sec then... BAM - - image, lol.Heres my code:
ActionScript Code:
package CustomClasses {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Jun 6, 2010
I used the fade class to build a fade in-out image gallery. It s quite easy and it works fine. But then they asked me to load the images randomly and thats when the thing got complicated.[code]...
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Feb 26, 2003
ok im trying to create a clip of a dot that fades randomly between four pre defined colours whilst also randomly varying in the size range 0 - 100%. i am trying to create a smooth size tween also.this is my attempt:
size = random(100);
setProperty ("purple", _xscale, size);
setProperty ("purple", _yscale, size);
myArray = ["0x399FB6", "0xCBC5D7", "0x5A3084", "0xffffff", "0x399FB6"];
myArray[0] = 0x399FB6;
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Mar 25, 2005
I've done the fading grid tutorial at: [URL], but I was wondering if someone knew how to make the grid fade in diagonally from the left or right top corners (or bottom corners too) like this site [URL]. I also have another question with the fading grid, does anyone know how to make the grid fade in from random spots on the movie clip instead of the left to right, up to down, etc. way?? I'd really like to see that effect happen, if possible.
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Jun 14, 2010
im working on an xml based slideshow. Random images loading (only ones and no repeated image) and fade in-out effect. That�s working fine, but the problem is that when animation starts it does it on white screen and then fades in to the first image. How can i keep my slideshow working the same way but starting with the first image already on stage (without fade in)? My Code:
code: import fl.transitions.Tween; import fl.transitions.easing.*; import fl.transitions.TweenEvent; import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; var my_speed:Number; var my_total:Number; var my_images:XMLList; var my_loaders_array:Array=[]; var my_labels_array:Array=[]; var my_success_counter:Number=0; var my_playback_counter:Number=0; var my_slideshow:Sprite = new Sprite(); var[code]..........
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Jun 14, 2010
im working on an xml based slideshow. Random images loading (only ones and no repeated image) and fade in-out effect. Thats working fine, but the problem is that when animation starts it does it on white screen and then fades in to the first image. How can i keep my slideshow working the same way but starting with the first image already on stage (without fade in)?My Code:
ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
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Oct 13, 2009
How would I do a text movie like the one on this home page? http:[url]....I've tried before, but have had no success. I can create the swf file and fade images in and out. In the past I've put one line of text on one image, then another line of text on another image, but when I fade the images in they just cover up the prior one.
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Oct 6, 2009
I am using Flash 8 - trying to get started by simply fading in/out using Alpha. I totally get on the first layer converting image to movie, inserting key frame and motion tween, selecting clip and changing alphato 0%. Where I am absolutely lost - is when it comes the second, third, fourth and fifth image. I have tried inserting new layers and repeating the steps - but for some reason 2-5 images do not transition like image one.
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Dec 29, 2009
I have a loader with the array function. When you click on different buttons on top of the loader, images and text load into the loaders. I would like the images and text to fade in and out instead of just flashing.
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Feb 9, 2011
i need to do another one, exactly the same, but it will have a rolling picture (4) when 1 button is rolled over.
I can set it up to fade in when the mouse rolls over, but i am just wandering how to set it that i can make 4 images fade in after eachother after a space of about 3 seconds. If you need code i am more then happy to give what i have at the moment. i am assuming i will need a timer in there but i am not very good at AS3.0 so i do not know how to write it
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Jul 30, 2009
so far using actionscript and xml a rotating banner of images what I am having trouble with is keeping one image as static so it shows up throughout the whole banner rotation of images. I need it to never disappear and be seen throughtout the fade in and out of images.
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Jul 19, 2004
i need to fade some dynamic images one after the other in.. how i do this?
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Jan 10, 2005
Does anyone knows how to fade images smoothly using actionscript
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