ActionScript 3.0 :: File So Choppy When It Tweens
Jun 23, 2009
I have created a flash map that uses this script to move the the world map movie clip around when buttons are clicked.
I am using the tween class to adjust the x and y postion as well as the xscale and yscale.
It works fine when I view the swf but is really choppy when I post the file onto my server for testing. The file is pretty small, about 230 kb, but I guess that has nothing to do with it tweening so choppy. Can anyone lead me in the right direction of why it is so choppy when I upload the file to my server and is there any adjustments I can mke to stop it.[url]...
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I have made a application that plays videos that are stored in a assets folder of the air application but when ever I run it on an hp slate the videos are really choppy. Is there a way to preload the video or does it have to do with the processing power? the videos are 1.72mb or smaller. They are flv format and they auto play when that application is started. I am using flash builder.
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Jan 2, 2012
When I want to ask for a small fee for my app, I'm not allowed to use TweenLite. So I started thinking I could probably replace the tweens with Flash's built-in Tweens. BUT I'm also using rotationY. Flash doesn't support this as far as I know. Are there Tween engines out there with a copyleft?
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Feb 4, 2009
I have a large Flash presentation consisting of 12 slides. When exporting or previewing the movie all of the tweens appear corrupted. They flicker on the first keyframe - go blank - then display the last keyframe all static. I'm using CS3 on a MacBook Pro 2.4GHZ with 2GB of Ram. I have a dual boot setup and the same thing happens in both OS X and Windows XP. I've found a laborious work around in that if I go into each movieclip, and nested movieclip, move the timeline slider then re-export... that particular tween will then animate correctly. I can go through the entire file and thereby export the SWF with animations in tact... But this takes a lot of time and every time I restart my machine it has to be done again from scratch to export the file.... This has happened before on a large Flash file and I reinstalled Flash from scratch and it didn't fix it.
I'm wondering if this could potentially be a bug relating to how much RAM I have? I sent the file to someone who has 4GB of RAM on their PC and it exports correctly. I will be doing a lot of presentations of this nature and would like to know if there is a way to fix this bug or if it is really related to how much RAM you have and how big the Flash file is??
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Nov 3, 2009
Has anyone else had a problem in CS4 where some shape tweens disappear when a .fla file is closed and then re-opened?
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Dec 13, 2011
I have made a 3D model of a cube and imported it into Flash Builder with preFab and away3d as follows:
package {
import away3d.cameras.HoverCamera3D;
import away3d.containers.*;
import com.greensock.TweenLite;
import flash.display.Sprite;
[Code] .....
The 3D model of the cube consists of 6 sides with each their own texture (jpg). You can find the script of the cube in the attachment. Is it possible to rotate one of the 6 sides (or one of the 6 textures) of the cube with a tween from the script above? So is it possible to do tweens into an external file (attached file) from another file (the script above)?
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Jul 13, 2010
I'm working on a slide show which includes 3 sections that fade in and out automatically as well as can be navigated via buttons.Everything is working fine until I include a 3d tween animation of a hanging doesn't have any action script - just a 3d tween where the sign swings however once I include it in the slide show, the whole thing goes crazy:The fade in and out of tweens don't work.sometimes the slide show skips and everything start moving very fast as if the timeline was fast forwarded... can someone please helpe me and point me in the right direction of where to even start trouble shooting it? The problem is that it acts as if there was some kind of script added however there's no action script included in the hanging sign.
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Jul 13, 2010
I'm working on a slide show which includes 3 sections that fade in and out automatically as well as can be navigated via buttons...
Everything is working fine until I include a 3d tween animation of a hanging sign.. it doesn't have any action script - just a 3d tween where the sign swings... however once I include it in the slide show, the whole thing goes crazy:
The fade in and out of tweens don't work... sometimes the slide show skips and everything start moving very fast as if the timeline was fast forwarded.. The problem is that it acts as if there was some kind of script added.. however there's no action script included in the hanging sign..
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Jul 23, 2009
I'm new to the streaming video world but I do have FMS 3.5 up and running and have encoded some wmv and mp4 videos to flv using adobe encoder CS4. I followed the tutorials and have created the swf files in flash CS4 and the videos are streaming as expected.
The primary issue I am having is the videos tend to be choppy at times. They pause, run slowly, audio pops and just overall; glitchy. Typically at the beginning but some times throughout. The test files at the FMS admin page stream fine without issue from the same server. We have tested the site/streams from multiple providers all at cable modem speed or above.
We are running FMS 3.5 developer version and wish to purchase the full version but I really need to fix this issue to prove it's value.As a bit of background we are running/testing FMS 3.5 from a server with the following specs:Redhat EL 4.6-32 SuperMicro X7DBU Intel Xeon QuadCore DualProc Sata [2Proc] Intel Xeon-Harpertown 5420-Quadcore [2.5GHz] OEM 4GB ECC FB-DIMM DDR2 Mainboard Onboard SATAII Controller (2) Western Digital WD Caviar RE 16 WD2500YS Uplink speed 10 (Mbps) Bandwidth allotment 2000 GB(Virtual Private Rack)
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Jan 6, 2011
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I am loading all images and text via xml. Everything works great on my machine, but when I load the .swf to the web, my images become choppy.
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Oct 9, 2009
I placed my audio in the timeline, but I want it streamed rather than event driven because people will be jumping around the timeline When I change the sound to Stream the audio gets incredibly choppy.
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Dec 18, 2009
I'm new here. My first post Just for info , I use Flex to build Action script project.
So I preload some f4v movie, <1,50 mo , 720*405, between 4 and 10 s duration.
No problem for the preload. But when 'bytesloaded=bytestotal' , I play the file, it looks like choppy. The video is not smooth at all.
I try with flash player beta 10.1 , it's better but still choppy. Anyone get this problem ? I try to play with the buffertime method of F4vPlayBack , it changes nothing.
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Jul 14, 2011
why this simple animation is so choppy? http:[url].....I have set cacheAsBitmap = true
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Mar 15, 2010
I have a scroll box I made that is the width of the browser. When I click to go full screen the scrolling (TweenLite) becomes choppy. It is smooth in both browsers in regular mode but when I try it full screen it is choppy in FF but still smooth in IE7.
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Jan 31, 2009
I have some text animation I'm using for a project and with static text, the animation runs smoothly. However, when I try switching over to dynamic text so I can change the text using actionscript, the animation becomes noticeably choppy.
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Mar 15, 2009
I'm animating various squares that needs to move "smoothly" on the screen.I've tried with the basic Tween and with TweenLite at 30 and 60 fps and the animation still choppy while at 90 fps looks better.
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Aug 22, 2009
I'm developing a Flash web site with AS2 that uses a "pan" interface to transition between sections. When the user clicks on any of the sections, the entire web site pans to the location of that section. I've accomplished this by placing all of the content inside of a container movieclip, then tweening the movieclip's _x and _y properties using TweenMax. Everything works great, but the transitions are a little choppy and I'm trying to find any way I can to smooth them out. You can view the site in development here:URL...I know this type of question is hard to answer without looking at the code to ensure I'm minimizing CPU usage wherever possible, but I am using TweenMax as my tweening engine, and from the research I've done it is the least CPU intensive tweening engine available. Additionally, I know this site is pretty graphic intensive, so there is a lot of graphic rendering that is going on as the transition takes place.So, my actual question - is this as smooth as I can expect the animated transitions to be with the amount of graphics I'm using, or is there anything that anyone can think of that I could try to increase the frame rate?
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Apr 12, 2011
I'm using Flash 8 with AS 2.0 to animate the following: [URL] The page movement is done with tweens on the timeline. It works perfectly (is smooth) on my Mac and, for the most part, on my PC. But I'm getting feedback there is a "hitch" or some choppiness happening on other browsers. When the page slides from right to left it pauses just before the end then continues on. The glitch is inconsistent which makes me wonder if it could be a connection speed issue or a function of how the user is clicking the buttons.
It is a heavy file -- once the issue is resolved I plan to load the images only when that link is clicked (I hate preloaders so would rather avoid). But could the heaviness be contributing to the chop?
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Dec 21, 2009
I have an area where paragraphs of type slowly scroll up my screen. Every thing is working fine - however, if you look closely the type is scrolling pretty raggedly - as in choppy. It is subtle, but there. Just wondering the best way to scroll type - should I bitmap it into an image? Outline the type in illustrator? Or just bring it in? I have anti-aliased for animation checked - and have tried multiple options, but not seeing any huge differences.
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Mar 17, 2010
I made a preloader for this movie: [URL]. But when I simulate a download, it goes straight from 0% to 100% and the bar goes from nothing to filling only half of the screen. I'm using Flash CS3. Here's the code for the Preloader.fla file:
var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest("movie.swf");
var loader:Loader = new Loader();
var nPercent:Number;
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, preLoad);
loader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, fileLoaded);
[Code] .....
The graphic for the preloader is made up of two parts. background_mc is the light blue background for the progress bar and bar_mc is the dark bar that's supposed to fill it up.
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Jul 30, 2010
I'm creating a flash website in AS3 where the user can click a fullscreenbutton which works fine. Im not using the hardware mode because of the black borders it creates and I dont want that. The site is liquid in a sense it conforms to the browsers' size using Event.RESIZE.
The code is for fullscreen simple:
stage.displayState = StageDisplayState.FULL_SCREEN;
I'm using TweenLite to make transitions between pages and it works fine
I release fullscreen mode (escape) and go back to the browser. From then on all my transitions are extremely choppy (like 1 - 2 fps) and I can't figure out why. I had video on the pages but even when I completely removed the video from the pages the transitions are still choppy. When I go back to fullscreen the transitions are smooth again.
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Dec 6, 2010
We are running Adobe Flash Media Server 3.5.2 Streaming Edition. It is running on a dedicated physical server with 4 cores and 4 gigs of RAM.
I tested the FMS thoroughly before moving to production. I tested by throttling my bandwidth to simulate different connections. Streaming worked great, but almost all of the testing was INTERNAL, not external. We recently started publishing some videos external. We are getting complaints all over the place that the video is choppy.
During our troubleshooting, we started using one of the native videos from the FMS install. The video is only 5 MB. We have tested from several different connections... Fiber, Cable, DSL.... The test video from our Flash Media Server is choppy... It buffers quickly all the way through playback, it is horrible. We published the same video on a public FMS and it works flawlessly from all of our test connections. Our expert developer has published a CF page with both videos, one from our FMS and one from the public.
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Aug 17, 2009
I made a carousel with actionscript 3 and it doesn't seem to be refreshing well. It's very choppy. Here's the file [URL] The framerate is 30fps
basically as ellipsePosition increments, the x and y values of the doc increment around the carousel. There is more to it for the scaling and alpha changes, but I get the same result if I remove them. I tried changing the framerate up alot. I also decreased the step size of ellipsePosition and it still acted the same. In DirectX I would create a backbuffer but I'm not sure that would be a reasonable fix for actionscript. Surely there is something built in, actionscript is by no means low level. It's a really vague question but is there anything thats very common that could cause this or that could prevent this, or is this expected behavior of flash.
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Feb 17, 2010
I am building a game where I want to scroll the background horizontally as the player moves. The issue is that the scrolling always ends up choppy. The player can move at different speeds and I understand that at greater speeds the scrolling is going to look weird but even at slower speeds the scrolling "stalls" on some frames it seems. This occurs even at 60 fps (scrolling an image). I update the position each frame and I even tried using delta but still no dice. I don't have a concrete example but if you look at the scrolling in this example demo it behaves the same - the background scrolling is not smooth. [URL].
View 9 Replies
Apr 25, 2010
I'm recording Webcam to FMS 3.5 but when I play the recorded video from FMS it's choppy. I have set the camera.fps to 30 but when I trace out the currentFPS for camera it's variable and usually falls between 20 and 30. However when I play the recorded video, netStream's currentFPS returns a lower value, something closer to 10. So my question is, 1) why currentFPS of netStream is not the same as Camera's? 2) What's the actual frame rate of the recorded video (not the netStream, but FLV's)?
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May 7, 2010
My animation is too fast and when I take down the speed and cut some frames it appears choppy. Do I start with a one big image and make small but fast movements between or could I perhaps have to draw several small movements. I've been in a hole lately and I feel spaced out. I also have trouble concentrating.
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Apr 27, 2010
I have some preloader (timeline-based) content and some FLV's that I want the user to see while other content is loading in the background. The preloaded content and the FLV's are very choppy while the content is loading and run fine afterward. I initially thought this might be a RAM issue, but my other apps are running fine at the same time (YouTube, etc.) so I think it's an issue within my code or Flash Player. How do the really nice preloaders (animation on timeline OR FLV's) run so smoothly while background content is loaded? For example, are they independent SWF's? internalized classes exported for Actionscript? some other option I'm not privy to? Mine, for example, are internal classes in the main library that I have exported for AS.
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Nov 6, 2008
What is best practice for buffering video playback? To prevent choppy playback? Using NetStream etc...
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Aug 15, 2010
I just got a new laptop that is running Windows 7 (64 bit) and has Intel HD Graphics (driver version built in to the CPU (Intel p6000). The laptop came with Flash version When I play HD video with this version of Flash on Youtube and on HULU, everything is fine, I can play 480p and 1080p videos at 30fps with no noticible problems (although there are occasional frame drops according to the right click menu option "Show Video Info" on Youtube, but nothing major.) Then the other day, flash told me there was a new version available, so I upgraded to
Running this version, all HD videos on Youtube and HULU are choppy and unwatchable, according to "Show Video Info" on Youtube, I am getting only 8 fps, and the frame drops increment constantly. I unchecked "Enable hardware acceleration" in the Flash settings, but it has no effect. The only other people I can find who are having a similar problem are Mac users who are also using CPUs with Intel HD Graphics and Flash 10.1, I couldn't find anyone else complaining about this issue on Windows 7. Is anyone aware of any issues with Flash 10.1 and Intel HD Graphics on Windows 7? Will there be a future release of 10.1 that fixes this issue? Is there any workaround for this problem other then downgrading to 10.0 (which is what I am running now)?
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Feb 1, 2012
While streaming the audio through FMS 3.5, audio starts breaking at the receiver's end after some time. can anyone please provide a suitable solution?
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