ActionScript 3.0 :: Filter Xml To Only Do My Actions Depending On When Child Matches Request?

Mar 24, 2009

How can I filter a loaded xml to only do my actions depending on if a xml child matches my request?

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Filter Out HTTP Request For Redirecting To Another Domain?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: The Menu To Filter Into Different Columns Depending On A Xml Node?

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I'm currently modifying an xml menu found in the kirupa tutorials and Ive gotten stuck. I want the menu to filter into different columns depending on a xml node called type="". So far I have this but I cant seem to get my head around how to filter the menu.


GenerateMenu = function (container, name, x, y, depth, node_xml) {
var currNode;
var currItem;
var currMenu = container.createEmptyMovieClip(name, depth);


at the moment all I've tried to do is filter the menu with an if statement to only display the type node with "web" in them. As soon as I undestand how this is done I sohuld be albe to do the rest myself.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Actions Depending On Input Text Values?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Code A Button With Actions Depending On Timeline?

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Actionscript :: Filter Xml By Child Node's Attribute

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Actions On A Child?

Jul 13, 2009

This is just a stripped down version of my problem that im using for troubleshooting purposes. I thought id try and make up a basic script to get the core of it working and then apply it to the file that im having this problem with later just to simplify things.So what im trying to do here is that ive got a MovieClip in my library called mc_brian that ive exported for action script with the class of Brian. The mc_brian movie clip has 2 frames, both with stop actions on them.So ive created my variable newBrian and loaded the Brian class into it, positioned it and added it to the stage via the addChild display object.Then im assigning newBrian an instance name and tracing the instance name, which of course returns "brian1":

var newBrian:Brian = new Brian();
newBrian.y = newBrian.x = 100;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Overriding Actions In Child Timeline?

Feb 25, 2010

I'm an animator trying to use actionscript along with timeline animation.The setup is flock>fly>wings flock movieclip 30f long, the script looping, starting multiple fly movieclips at different points.
fly movieclip 30f long, controls wings0 movieclip timeline (3 frames, each with a movieclip).       Frame1: wings0.gotoAndStop(2)      Frame24: wings0.gotoAndStop(1)      Frame48: wings0.gotoAndStop(3)

From flock timeline I'm trying to override actions in fly3. to call a different wings0 animation.
flock Frame1: var loop:Number = 0; fly1.gotoAndPlay(15); fly2.gotoAndPlay(8); fly3.gotoAndPlay(20); if(fly3.currentFrame==24){ fly3.wings0.gotoAndStop(3); }
flock Frame 30:
loop = loop + 1;if (loop > 0) {this.gotoAndPlay(2);} else {this.stop();}
But the animation of fly3 doesn't change.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Actions On Child MovieClips

Apr 29, 2011

I am having issues trying to get a simple button to make the playhead jump to a certain frame when pressed. I have the main timeline and then have a movieclip which has buttons inside of it and actionscript applied in the movieclips timeline. Is this a no? That is should all actions go on the main timeline? If this is so then does anyone know why I keep getting an error that it can't find the instance named button inside the movieclip?

portfolioButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Frame Actions Not Working On Child Movieclips

Mar 13, 2009

I've found the solutions for most of my many problems with as 3 but this one is really baffling The frame actions of child-movieclips of dynamically added movieclips are not firing! If I have movieclip, say "mc", which contains a child-movieclip "submc" which has a timeline animation in it with "stop();" on the last frame and I add "mc" on the stage via addChild() the stop action inside the sub movieclip will not work.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage Resize Actions Inside A Child SWF?

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I've ran into a very nasty little problem that has been buggin me for few days.

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But the problem is, once this SWF is embedded into the main (parent) swf, this code stops working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Restrict Timeline Actions To Inside A Child Movieclip?

Mar 24, 2011

I've done a website with different pages using the Loader component. On one page I have a movieclip that has different images (like a slideshow) that fade between each other. I'm trying to add an action to make the movieclip pause for a few seconds between each fade. So I've added this action between each fade (in a layer, above the graphics layers, that only holds actionscript):

function restart(){


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Ajax :: Detect If HTTP Request Is From Browser / Flex Asynchronous Request?

Jun 1, 2010

When Flex application make an asynchronus HTTP request, does it add a special header to the request, like some JavaScript framework does? Something that indicates whether this request is an AJAX call/not.I just want my server side code to return different response format, depending on whether the request is made from browser/flex.

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Php :: Send POST Request With X-amf (Flash) Request Header?

Apr 13, 2011

I'm trying to reproduce a POST request that was captured from WireShark using PHP. This POST request was sent by a Flash (.swf) object, so it's a little bit complicated in configuring the header.It does not print out anything in the end, so there must be something wrong with PHP code that I could not see.Here is what WireShark captured:

POST /engine/ HTTP/1.1


User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux i686; rv:2.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/4.0

Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8[code]....

The result is a blank page instead of response from server.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bitmap Filter - Push The DropShadow Filter Onto Movie Clip At RunTime?

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IDE :: Filter Is Using Too Much Memory - Apply The Filter To Only A Specific Area Of A Movieclip?

Jul 15, 2009

To achieve a zoom effect in our 2D flash game, we make the background of the game much bigger than the visible stage. This becomes a problem when the background is complex or when we apply a grayscale filter to the background. Is there a better way to do zoom? Or, is there a way to apply the filter to only a specific area of a movieclip?

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Actionscript 3 :: RegEx Not Finding All Matches?

Dec 23, 2011

I have the following code (AS3 & CS 5.5):

var regEx:RegExp = new RegExp(/(?:^|s)(#[^s$]+)/g);
var txt:String = "This #asd is a test tweet #hash1 test #hash2 test";
var matches:Object = regEx.exec(txt);

The trace returns '#asd,#asd'. I really don't understand why it would to this, as in my RegEx testing application 'RegExhibit' it returns '#asd,#hash1,#hash2', which is what I'd expect.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Split Function Is Deleting All The Matches

Feb 24, 2010

The split function doesn't work. Following function:


The split function is deleting all the matches! Why is this happening?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Comparing Two Strings To Find Matches?

Jan 19, 2009

Im trying to write something that compares two strings and returns the matches between the two.


String 1: Personal Training,Laptop,Massages,Facials,Web Design,Cars
String 2: Web Design,Telecaster,Cars,Beagles,Painting,Laptop
Would yield: Cars, Laptop Web Design

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Flex :: Scale An Image So That Its Width Matches ContentWidth?

Nov 13, 2009

I have a dynamic layout, where an image is loaded into an HBox:

<mx:HBox ...>
<mx:Image height="100%" .../>


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Flash :: Ensure Background Of Object Matches Page?

Apr 14, 2010

Since there is no way that you can make the flash object transparent, there needs to be some other means by which you can match the background. I thought of maybe creating a ActionScript/Javascript bridge, but I wonder if this is the route to take.

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Regex :: Exclude A String Anyhwere In Pattern From Matches?

Apr 4, 2011

I need to write a regex which will match URLs that do not have a specific query string name/value pair anywhere in its URL. All other query string names, and all other query string values with the same name should be matched. Other pages in the same directory (or sub-directories) should not be matched.URL...The query string name and value that I need to exclude from matches is:[code]How can I prevent matches when the string exists anywhere in the pattern?

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Actionscript 3 - Regex - Match 2 Consecutive Matches Multiple Times?

Aug 22, 2011

I have the following regex, which will match all the <br> and <br /> tags in a string:


I actually want to match every set of two consecutive tags, with valid matches being:

(and all variations with a space before the slash)

Obviously I can just double up the expression to /<br[s|/]*><br[s|/]*>/gi, but is there a shorter way of taking the first expression and saying "this, but twice"?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex Compiler Get Confused When Property Name Matches A Class Type

Aug 18, 2011

This is more of a rant than a question; but I am curious to know if anyone has some insight for me. The application I am working on deals with a C# .NET backend; communication is achieved via a socket over which we push AMF objects. The AMF object class definitions are generated by the server side team and I just have to use registerClassAlias on the flash side to link them up - pretty standard; the only difference being that as they come from a C# background they prefer to use UpperCammelCasing instead of lowerCamelCasing for property names.

Today I got a bunch of updated AMF objects which I dropped into the project; but I noticed that after updating my project would no longer compile [code]...

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Feb 10, 2011

I want to know how to write "Intercepting Filter Pattern" like Java's servlet filter in Flex.

And I want to insert it into the classes which have a role of server communicating.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timeline Actions Ovverriding Actions In New Frame?

Jun 19, 2011

I have a series of frames one the timeline. Each frame has a graphic and a mouse click leads to the next frame. Think Myst.


When the middle frame is returned to, clicks no longer change anything. I believe that the actions of the 'left' frame are replacing the one's in the middle frame so then it is told to gotoAndStop to itself.

I'd like to know if that is indeed what is happening and how I can make it stop.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Put Another Set Of Actions In Frame 2 Of The Actions Layer?

Sep 29, 2010

1. Can i put another set of actions in frame 2 of the actions layer?i tested but it doesn't seem to has 836 rows of code and it's getting annoying when tryin to search for a function..
2. I am not that familiar with classes, i usually put all the code into movieclips or in actions layer.. i am not sure if i can call a function from a actionscript class..
3.I am curios if there is any way i could specify an alternative for the if statement like in this pseudocode:
if ( apple is not clean BUT is tasty)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Determine Point Size For A Font That Matches Specified Pixel Size?

Aug 22, 2009

I have a list of fonts obtained via Font.enumerateFonts() and I want to display them all as 12 pixels tall. The problem is that I cannot simply set the point size because this can vary in actual pixel size for each font. So basically I want to determine what the correct point size is for a font in order to make it exactly 12 pixels tall. Because I'm doing this with a potentially large list I'm looking for an efficient method to do this.

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