ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Passing An External Object?
Apr 11, 2011
I got an object into a class (a public one) called "squaddie0", and when i try to call it back from another class dynamically with :the main_class is the passed class, i get the vars like this : main_class.var1r index:int = 0;var ob:Object = (getDefinitionByName(main_class["squaddie"+index]) as Object;I get an error as an undefined object...Why that ?
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Dec 18, 2009
A brief overview:
1. I am working on a project in ASP and I am making queries to a SQL db that returns data back in the form of xml. I am not in control of the db or how it returns data.
2. I process the XML within the ASP page and then I also process the data from within flash. I am therefore making two database calls for one page view.
3. I am trying to figure out if I can in anyway, pass an XML list from the page to flash so that I am making only one database call. The site is heavily hit and I am practically doubling the server load. Basically, the only way I think that may be possible is through javascript but not sure where to begin.
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//File (
import utils.Container;
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Sep 20, 2010
I'm relatively new to Flash and ActionScript and have a problem with the following code I'm putting together:
// creating a new testmclip object
var testmclip = new testmclip(); // creating a new testmclip object
/* create a new pop up menu
- sending the testmclip as var and "test" as label */
popupmenu = new Menu ([path: testmclip, label: "test"]);
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var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
var url:String = "us/us.swf?data_file=senate.xml";
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);
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What am I doing wrong here? I have spent a while looking for solutions (including moving code outside of TME2_Main's constructor),
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Apr 11, 2011
So far, I have a class that creates a Vector object, and pushes data into it:
ActionScript Code:
public var mList:Vector.<cusClass> = new Vector.<cusClass>();
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ActionScript Code:
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Apr 27, 2011
I keep getting this error #2007 i want to parse the stage and pass a bullet object to a class function that function is called every ENTER_FRAME in the class itself
because the bullet object is added to the stage and on the bullet, there is a event listener to call a function in a class every ENTER_FRAME
but now i want to delete this bullet as it leaves the screen on the top because bullets in this game can only fly upward.
this is some of the code so far in the class itself:
ActionScript Code:
package classes {
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Jan 13, 2012
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name: 'go'
params: {}
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Jun 16, 2004
I'm having troubles activating the HitTest, passing the objects name as a parameter through a global function. Let's say there is the following function on the main timeline:
_global.fallIntoBasket = function (fallingObject) {
if (_root[fallingObject].hitTest(_x, _root.basket_mc._y+(_root.basket_mc._height/2)-7, true)) {
trace ("teste");
I then call this function passing the this._name of the object as a parameter in a onClipEvent (EnterFrame) on each of the falling Objects action box. The whole detection thing doesn't work though... but if I place the hitTest code on each of the object, and change the _root[fallingObject] to this it works. Can I not pass hitTest through a function?
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Mar 23, 2010
I have isometric tiles that are put together to form a map. Because the graphics are isometric, and the images themselves are rectangles (with transparent corners) I was wondering if there's way to pass a mouse event through image being clicked if it's being clicked at a point that is transparent onto the object that is layered below it. Using the bitmapData class I already know how to check if the position being clicked is transparent or not, just not the second part.
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Apr 10, 2011
I'm trying to have Flash execute a file, and I can get FSCOMMAND to work. Sort of. While I can use it to run a single batch file, what I really need to do is to pass a parameter from within Flash to the item being executed. I'm currently using Flash to allow a user to select some items, and I need to pass that selection out of it in order to kick off some other processes (Flash is basically just my GUI interface right now until I learn more about how to do things in it).
I don't care if it's a batch file or JavaScript or anything that's not uber complex (so no .NET or C++). I just need to find something that we can run internally for our company (either from an .HTML or a .EXE file output from Flash - not too picky there either).
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Apr 14, 2011
I am loading an external child swf file into a MovieClip container in my main swf.I have a button in my child swf that when clicked, needs to be able to access a movieclip or variable that is in my main parent swf. How would I do this??
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Jan 25, 2008
I am using a carousel with items in it...when the user clicks an item in the carousel, I want a new swf to load to _level0 and replace the carousel on the stage...the new swf reads an xml...however the xml should be different for every item on the there any way to pass the xml file name to the loadMovie command so the new swf can use it?
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Apr 18, 2004
I have a .exe file (it is a player) i need to pass a parameter to this player so it could play a specific file ( the parameter is the name of this specific file ).
now what i do in windows is
Start>run ( <full-path-to-.exe-file><space><parameter> )
now that works perfictly on windows.
what i need is to be able to start this application ( the player ) and pass the parameter to it, all through a flash button (from the flash player )
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Aug 25, 2010
We have a pretty big application with lots of objects being passed between flex and java One object in particular has a subtle bug:It's a plain old java object being passed to the flex front end (using blazeds producer/consumer messaging). The POJO has two String properties such as:[codewhen I get the object on the frontend, in Flex, the value object's properties are swapped, as in:[code]Clearly, this is some type of confusion blazeds is having when the objects are serialized/deserialized. Since they are both Strings, it seems something is getting confused when reading/writing the objects.Both objects exactly mirror each other with parameters and methods in the same order in the files with the same names.How do I correct the serialization, preferably without having to handle it on my own?
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Jul 11, 2011
My web application pass a javascript object to flex application using addCallback function.
when the flex application is in modal dialog in safari browser, the object in the flex application is null and when I open the flex application just in a new window, the object is passed correctly. But, I need the showmodaldialog to show the flex application.
The flex code:
ExternalInterface.addCallback( "handleEvent", handleEvent );
override public function handleEvent( event:Object ):Object {; .....
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Jun 27, 2009
I am working on an flash application that requires that all user interaction are stored in a database. The application will have thousands of lessons and needs to keep track of how long each user views lessons and scenes with in the lessons.
I would like to come up with a good solution on how to accomplish this with out having to send a call to a serve side object every few seconds. I could store the data in an as3 object and pass it when the user finishes a scene or exits out of a scene. However this would not work when a user just closes the browser. Maybe I could tie in some JavaScript.
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Nov 4, 2009
I have a flex application that reads from external XML file(URL loader) and displays graph. My xml file is dynamically generated using PHP and the filename=currentloggedin user name(i.e. username.xml).How should I load the xml into SWC? Will Flashvars work? I have a HTML page that has PHP code to get username and the same file embes the swc. How to pass the PHP varibale to my SWC?
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