ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Text On Dynamic Field To Flow From Right To Left?

Jun 15, 2011

loading dinamic text from rollover on buttons, with:Code:textfield_txt.text = "Example of text loaded on dinamic field"But sometimes the text will be longer than the permitted field _width, missing some letters.Is it possible to make the text flow, like a marquee or a news ticker, from left to right when the text is too long, and then go back and start again? I searched for it but is always use movieclips

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PHP Code:
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lorem_lv.onData = function(src:String) {

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//evaluate tags
private function evaluateTags():void{
for (s=0; s


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*Exact as possible.

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Using my current knowledge, I can retrieve the blue rectangle above like so:

var textRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(


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var ct:TextField = TextField(getChildByName("Temperature"));
ct.text = "Hello world";

What ACTUALLY appears is this: So... The H, Ls, and D are gone. Mysteriously. Without warning. I am sitting here utterly confused. Is this just me?

PS. The text field is set to Myriad Pro Bold, a font on my computer, so it isn't like it's a font problem.

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Flash :: Cannot Add Font To Dynamic Text Field?

Aug 6, 2010

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var format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
format.color = stringColor;
format.font="Palentino linotype";


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Flash Var To Dynamic Text Field

May 14, 2009

I have a 3 word phrase that needs to be in my flash movie, and it needs to be localized. I'm using an external AS file for all my code. Figured I would just make a flash var and pass our string value in that way. So I made a dynamic text field, gave it an instance name of "mytextfield" which is in a MC called "detail_mc".

Just for kicks I tested my code on the stage just on a keyframe, this was the code:

Code: Select allvar myText:String;
if (mytext == undefined) myText = "No Value Entered";
mytextfield.text = myText;

That worked for my test. So I took this over to my AS file and there is just no magic happening.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Var To Dynamic Text Field?

May 14, 2009

I have a 3 word phrase that needs to be in my flash movie, and it needs to be localized. I'm using an external AS file for all my code. Figured I would just make a flash var and pass our string value in that way. So I made a dynamic text field, gave it an instance name of "mytextfield" which is in a MC called "detail_mc".


var myText:String;
if (mytext == undefined) myText = "No Value Entered";
mytextfield.text = myText;

That worked for my test. So I took this over to my AS file and there is just no magic happening.

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Flash Custom Font With Dynamic Text Field?

Jan 5, 2010

I am creating a textfield using this code:

window_title = p.createTextField("border"+diepixWindow.NextBorderDepth, p.getNextHighestDepth(), wx1+TITLE_OFFSETX, wy1+TITLE_OFFSETY, ww, 64);
var fformat:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
fformat.font = "TF2 Build";


But the problem is, if the client doesn't have the "TF2 Build" font, the font will be Times New Roman.I would like to know to attach the font to the .swf file.

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Flash CS5 :: Dynamic Text Field Strips Out Certain Letters

May 3, 2011

Using CS5, and certain letters simply won't show up in my dynamic text field. Not even a blank shows up, they just get stripped out. 'g' and 'v' are two of the letters, so the string 'v testing' shows up on the stage as 'testin'.

It doesn't seem to matter if I start with the string already in there, or add it dynamically. Here are the settings, but they don't really seem to matter either, I've experimented:

Classic Text
Dynamic Text
Anti-alias for animation
Single line

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Subscript And Superscript With Flash Dynamic Text Field?

May 3, 2011

Is there any function / textFormat property/ textField property for subscript and superscript text.I have to write @, ®, ABCTM ,1025 type of value which are actually coming from xml file.

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ActionScript 3 :: Flash - Dynamic Text Field Properties Settings?

Jul 27, 2011

I have created a 3d wall and I'm passing images and linking through xml. Now I have added the description, but it just displays in the middle. I don't know how to align it. On mouse over, the description of that photo should display there itself, but it is not displaying in the middle (for all the photos).

Here is my complete code:

var name1:TextField = new TextField();
var xmlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("XML/ImagesData01.xml"); // rename to your file!!!


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Flash :: Set Value Of Dynamic Text Field Inside A Button Object

Nov 1, 2011

I've got a dynamic text field in my button object. I have named the text field "myText". How can I modify the text within it? myButton.myText.text = "test"; won't work, because it can't access myText.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash 8] Changing Color Of A Dynamic Text Field?

Feb 13, 2008

I have a xml menu bar with the menu titles in black. This titles are loaded from an xml file into a dynamic text field inside a movieclip. Well, i would like to set the color of the menu items to red when clicked and back to black when any other menu item is clicked. I know there is a way with actionscript (i have been going on circles around the color class the hole afternoon ) but i cant find it (i admit, im quite a dummy with AS).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Dynamic Text Field In Button/flashvars?

Jun 7, 2010

I am trying to call a dynamic text field that's in a button. Something like:

btnName.textFieldName.htmlText = flashvarsObj.randomFlashVar || "";

I wish it was this simple, but unfortunately this doesn't seem to be working.

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Flash :: Access Dynamic Text Field Within A Button Using An Event Handler?

Feb 10, 2011

I have what seems to be a simple task, yet I cannot seem to figure it out. I am busy creating a project in ActionScript 3, and while I am fairly fluent in ActionScript 2, I am being stumped a bit here.

I have a simple dynamic text field inside a button object. This text field has the name of txt_title. I have attached event handlers to change the alpha of the buttons when they are hovered over, however I also want to change the value of the text field within the button, when hovered over. My event listener looks like follows:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash 8] Dynamic Text Field Doesn't Return Value Calculated

Jul 24, 2007

I am having trouble getting my dynamic text field to populate based on a countdown ActionScript. My dynamic text field's attribute name is time_txt and is set to Dynamic Text in the Properties panel. Here is my code:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Var. From Ext. File Into A Flash Variable (not Into A Dynamic Text Field)?

Nov 2, 2007

I'm trying to load a simple variable &myVar from a php file into my flash movie, that's a blank movie with just actionscript in it.I tried to load this &myVar into a dynamic Text field and it works fine, but I can't get this value into a flash variable to manipulate it with actionscript.. Must be simple.. My actionscript it

PHP Code:

$x = "abc";print "&myVar=$x"; 

How to get the myVar value into a FLASH VARIABLE?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Embed The Greek Language Characters In Flash Dynamic Text Field

Jun 1, 2010

I have a problem with dynamic text field in flash. I want ot embed Greek Language characters like ≤, ≥, ± etc through actionscript (embedFonts).

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