ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - XML Filter To Return XML Not XMLList?
Aug 10, 2011
When querying/filtering my XML var I want it to return XML not an XMLList...I can't work out the best way to do it! == _targetID)
//returns XMLList[0]
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12, 12,
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[Code] .....
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import flash.display.*;
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Oct 25, 2011
difference between XML and XMLList in my example code? I am passing a node to the function and extracting the url of the file:
private function getFile(node:XMLList):String {
var file:String;
for(var i:uint=0; i<node.children().length(); i++) {
trace("Test 1: "+node.children()[i].@id);
Why do I have to have 'current' as XML and not as XMLList? I thought XMLList's with length == 1 are handled as XML's anyway, aren't they?
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