Flash :: Delete XMLList Data After Certain Element?
Nov 3, 2010
Basically, since XMLList are similar to Arrays in many ways, I was wondering if I could do something like:
XMLList.length = 10;
I know this is not possible because 'length' in XMLList is not a property but is a method. Hence is something like a get method without a set method. Only XMLList.length() would work.
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Apr 8, 2009
I have an XMLList:
var contentList:XMLList = loadedXML.someNode.elements(nodeFromNavElement);
Where "nodeFromNavElement" is a var being passed from a movie clip the user clicks on. That all works fine. The user is now in a particular section of the Flash app, and the content being pulled from the XML corresponds to the section. If the user clicks another movie clip (or navigation element, the content needs to update.
I need to get another node within the current node, like this:
var contentList:XMLList = loadedXML.someNode.elements(nodeFromNavElement).elements(nextNodeFromNavElement);
But I'm trying to append to the XMLList... something like:
var contentList:XMLList = loadedXML.someNode.elements(nodeFromNavElement) + .elements(nextNodeFromNavElement);
Which obviously doesn't (and shouldn't) work.
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May be this extremely confusing. Here is a very similar example on how it is done. This is actually very similar to what i want to do. [URL] on this link there is count below which increments you hit the download button.
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But I get each time the "directory not found error"
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function Article(imagen, sonido) { this.imagen = imagen; this.sonido = sonido;}function makeArray1(success) { var i, j, mainTag; if (success) { for (i=0; i<=moXML1.childNodes.length; i++) { if (this.childNodes[i].nodeValue == null && this.childNodes[i].nodeName == "appear") { mainTag = this.childNodes[i]; } } num_reg = mainTag.childNodes.length; // numero de ejercicios for (i=0;
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<!-- ... -->
<item><!-- ... --></item>
I get an array named item beneath the element children when there is more than one item sibling. If there's only one, the conversion can't distinguish it from a scalar.
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What would I have to do to get an array member children, dropping the item wrappers altogether?
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Dec 10, 2011
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It tells me it can't convert XMLList to XML
so i'm guessing xml.blah.blah.blah is a XMLList.
How can i do this (convert XMLList to XML)? the simpliest way possible?
SOLVED: See Cadin's answer.
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//returns XMLList
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Jan 18, 2012
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<IMAGE url="assets/pic1.png"/>
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Apr 13, 2006
Basically I have 14 text boxes, each box draws its content from an external txt file. Next to each text box is a button. I want the button to be either visible=true or visible=false depending on weather or not the text box has content or is "undefined" Here is what I have so far, and it's not working:[code] I would like a FOR loop to just run through the variables and check to see if any of them are undefined. if it is, then make the correct send button invisible.
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May 23, 2011
<function name="lala">
<metadata name="foo" />
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Feb 23, 2010
I am unable to access 2nd element and 3rd element (I can acces 1st element.[code]
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Jul 30, 2009
i have ade moultiple textbox at run time now i want to delete a textbox by delete key how it is possible .
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Feb 9, 2011
I'm trying to use the delete keyword to remove nodes from an xml file and it just plain won't work.Here's a stripped down example of what I'm working with. Every node has a child named "deleteme". If its value is equal to 1 I want to remove it from the xml file. If its anything else I want to leave it be. The delete method is deffinately gettig call but it's having no effect.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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Dec 3, 2010
when I create an element with this method :
this["nodeValue"+i] = new TextField();
(surely in dynamic class )
then I want to change instance name of that element.when I trace this["nodeValue"+i].name.I got a different name for that element ! f ex : instance8 .how can I get "nodeValue"+i from my element and change that .is it read only ? I want to swap tow element's instance name !
for example :
this["nodeValue"+i] to this["nodeValue"+i+1]
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Sep 17, 2009
i have A,B,C,D moveiclip
now i want to delete a mc with delete key .if i select A then press delete key it will delete .
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Jan 14, 2011
This code just generates a new ham_mc where the user releases the original (drag and drop). The original returns to its starting point. I have the same code for a movieclip called cheese_mc, the user can drag and drop cheese too.
So, if more than one of these ham_mc's and cheese_mc's are created, what is the best way to delete the last one created?
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Mar 15, 2011
Does anyone know how to delete a scene, in Flash CS5?
I have two scenes in the current .fla, and I want to delete one.
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Mar 14, 2011
how to delete a scene, in Flash CS5? I have two scenes in the current .fla, and I want to delete one.
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