ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Limit The Distance On X Axis?

Jan 4, 2011

example im dragin one mc object. with as3 code, and when im draging i want to do next:now if(400<mc.x<450) {trace("WIN DUDE XD")}[how to make that interval ?!(how to set that condition in "if" statement)every time when i drag my mc is between 400 and 450 on x axis, to trace Win

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Construct Coordinates With Distance In Meters On The X-axis And Time In Seconds On The Y-axis

Nov 27, 2011

I am trying to construct coordinates with distance in meters on the x-axis and time in seconds on the y-axis, without using the timeline. How can I draw the divisions on the x-axis and y-axis ? Or I better draw the whole thing.

var my_shape:Shape = new Shape();addChild(my_shape);, 0xFF0000, 1);,50);, 300);, 300);

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Limiting The Distance On X Axis?

Jan 4, 2011

example im dragin one mc object. with as3 code, and when im draging i want to do next: now

if(400<mc.x<450) {trace("WIN DUDE XD")}[

how to make that interval ?!

every time when my mc is between 400 and 450 on x axis, to trace Win

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Distance From Center - Output Distance Only In Positive Numbers

Jun 17, 2005

I am working on the project where everything is based on the distance from the center of the stage. First I made this fla where flash outputs the x and y distance from the center. First problem is that I want to output distance only in positive numbers.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Distance Between All Mcs At Equal Distance From Each Other On Mouseover

Oct 16, 2010

I am posting my code that attaches the movieclips on stage


i was hoping that when the newMc expands, all other mc would keep the same distance between each other as at initialisation. I not able to figure how to do it. maybe even an earlier post or llink where similar query was explained.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Distance Between 2 3D Objects By Using Distance Method

Apr 28, 2011

In AS3 I am trying to get the distance between 2 3D objects by using distance method.
if(Vector3D.distance(model.position,model2.position) < 100)
// do something

>>You can use it directly as a method of the Vector3D class to get the Euclidean distance between two three-dimensional points.
Which point does this method pick? Is it the closest point to the other object ?
I am just thinking of how much time this would take in testing objects with large poly count.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Object Move Along Y Axis Once It Has Reached Its X Axis Target?

Mar 2, 2005

I'm trying to grasp how functions and motion tweening works.

Heres my question. How do i make an object move along the y axis once it has reached its x axis target?

HEre is the code, that i got from here.

and what in this code is making the MC ease out?[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweens Objects Return To Their Original Position - Start Jumping Between Y Axis 200 And Y Axis 83?

Aug 7, 2009

I've put together this simple code for an SWF with three roll over images (called: Training, Resources and Contact).When I roll over Training I would like the symbol Training_txt to tween its alpha to 1 (from 0) and tween its y axis to 220 (from 83).When I roll out of Training I would like to run the two tweens in reverse.
This works fine for each of the three roll over images, so long as each tween is allowed to fully execute before a new tween is started. The problem arises if i quickly move the mouse curser between the three roll over images before the previous tweens have finished executing.In this instance, the tweened objects start to behave erratically. They usually return to their original position as per the roll_out tween but then start jumping between y axis 200 and y axis 83 (without tweening - they just appear).

Code below -
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;[code]..........

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Flex :: Stacked Bar Chart With Date As X-axis And Names As Y-axis?

Apr 13, 2012

I'm making a chart where the x-axis needs to have dates and y-axis names. The lenght of the bar is longer when the date is later. But I want to stack multiple bars on eachother. for example This is the code I have so far

import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;


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Flash :: Calculating Distance Just From Speed?

Jun 17, 2011

I'm creating a drag based control in Flex / Flash, similar to a film strip, where an individual can swipe horizontally to scroll through the items. To make the control feel a bit more natural I've added some inertia to slow the scrolling once a swipe has taken place. When first loaded up there will be five items in view with 'x' numbers of items to scroll through with the 3rd item centred and selected.

My problem though is that I want, when animating, a swipe gesture to determine whether an item will end up the middle (3rd position) and adjust its movement calculation accordingly so it docks with the 3rd / centre position. Imagine you perform a long swipe, it flys pasts 'x' amount of items, but as it slows to a stop it elegantly stops with an item centred / in the 3rd position. To do this I believe I need to determine the distance to travel just from the speed value (as time is irrelevent to the user experience, i.e. a longer / stronger swipe would justify a longer animation skimming through the items).

At the moment I'm invoking the animation routine (with inertia) in the ENTER_FRAME event when the user generates a MOUSE_UP event. When they do this, I obtain the speed of drag (by monitoring this beforehand) and then decrement this speed value on each call of the ENTER_FRAME event until it reaches an appropriate value to stop the animation.

Unfortunately all the speed calculations I've seen deal with Speed and Time to determine distance, I just need Speed. Admittedly, my knowledge isn't strong in this area so I might be missing the obvious.

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Flash :: AS3: Find Distance Of Rotation

Sep 20, 2011

I am rotating an object with TweenLite, however instead of a set duration I want the duration to be based upon the distance of rotation where 180 degrees = 3 seconds 90 = 1.5 and so on. Here is my attempt to find the distance of rotation:

var time:Number = Math.abs(Math.atan2(Math.sin(angle-wheelObj.rotation),Math.cos(angle-wheelObj.rotation));, time, {shortRotation:{rotation:angle}, ease:Expo.easeOut, onComplete:rotateWheel, onCompleteParams:[target]});, time, {shortRotation:{rotation:angle}, ease:Expo.easeOut});

This just isn't working, time is sometimes huge when the rotation is small and sometimes tiny when it is big, so does anyone know a better way to do this?

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Flex :: Align Vertical Axis Zero For Multiple Vertical Axis Chart?

Mar 22, 2011

Based on this Adobe multiple axis chart example: [URL]

Then I changed some data values to negative and my axis became not aligned anymore.

how to align vertical axis? Is this another Adobe bug or there is some property that aligns axis?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


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Flash :: Finding Shortest Distance / Route On Map?

Aug 9, 2011

In Actionscript, I'm trying to work out the best way to create the shortest route between two point on the map above. I have all the distances.

Algorithms like A* I dont think are relevant as it is near impossible to work out the heuristic distance.

I thought I could create a big array of all the nodes with the distances to any connected nodes and just iterate through until Ive found the the shortest distance, but this I know is very inefficient.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Travel Distance Calculator

Jan 18, 2011

I am given a task by my client to develop a calculator which will calculate the Cab fair from one location to another. There is a list of Cab fairs as well as their corresponding Location Name. It would be displaying the results on the screen.


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash - Space Characters At A Defined Distance From Each Other?

Nov 10, 2011

I need to create a 'rolling' percentage text field, the only problem is as the size of the characters changes, the text jolts a little from right to left and back.How can this be overcome for a smoother effect?

private function init(e:Event = null):void
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, init);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Keep A MC A Certain Distance From The Mouse Cursor Regardless Of Angle?

Jun 9, 2011

How to keep a MC a certain distance from the mouse cursor regardless of angle?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Textfield Width Based Upon Distance To Edge Of Flash Movie

Mar 22, 2010

I've got a textfield creater that creates a nice textfield when I hover over a moveable button. However, when I click and drag that button around the flash movie, the text field disapears off the edge of the screen if I get to close to the right side. Can I adjust the width of the textfield as the mouse is moving closer to the edge?

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PNG Transparency Limit In Flash 8?

Apr 4, 2006

I have a PSD with about 30 layered transparencies. I exported each individual layer as a PNG 24 with the transparent background in tact. I then made identical layers in Flash just like I had in Photoshop, and imported each PNG to it's corresponding layer at which point I converted the graphic to a movie clip for future scripting animations. Once I got to the 24th layer Flash quit recognizing my transparencies and my first Flash layer masked anything else I brought in from layer 24 on....but the layers above remained OK!! I checked and double checked my Photoshop exports and had several Flash "gurus" check my work. Nobody can figure out what is wrong! Is there a limit to the number of PNG tranparencies allowed on seperate layers in a Flash document?

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Flash :: Rotate Animation In Z Axis?

Jan 13, 2011

THere are 3d carousels in Web Sites for displaying image galleries which require that images are rotated in the z axis. My requirement is to do the same but for a complete flash animation so that the flash animation is displayed slightly tilted in the z-axis

The kind of tilt I am talking about is similar to the tilted images in [url]...

My requirement is to play a flash animation inside the image of a mobile phone which is tilted hence to fit the animation inside the screen of the mobile phone image, the animation also needs to be tilted

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Professional :: Time Limit In Flash Cs4

Jan 26, 2011

I'm new to the forum and also to flash.I'm trying to create a 2 minute video. Can someone please tell me how to set the time.for eg: I want the first part of animation i createed to play for 5 seconds.when i give the frame from 1 to 5 it plays too fast(i.e does not last 5 seconds). when i give frame rate as 1second per frame(usually 24fps) the animation is not smooth:(. how do i set it so that it plays for 5 seconds and the next 5 seconds i want the remaining animation to play.

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AS3 :: Flash - Set Boundary Limit For MovieClip?

Sep 22, 2010

I have a MovieClip that can move up, down, left and right. If the MovieClip hits a wall, the MC bounces, and should not move past the wall--but if you continue to press either your up, down, left or right key, and don't let go--the MovieClip will go past the wall. I'm trying to figure out a way, to stop that from of movement

// function hitWall --------------------------------------------------------------
function hitWall(event:Event):void {
if (box.hitTestObject(wall)) {


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Flash :: Gallery Limit On A Template?

Feb 4, 2011

I'm working in another template, and i have this problem with the gallery.I need more than the 10 pictures on that template, but i really don't know how to add another picture to the website.

the thing is the gallery is the website (more or less) and i can't find the way to add another picture to the gallery.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Limit Flash Loop To 30s?

Feb 12, 2011

I have a flash banner exactly like this one on a continuous loop. Does anyone know how can I stop the loop at the 30s mark? That's one of the adwords requirements for flash banners.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Does Flash Limit The Size Of URL

Apr 20, 2005

When I import a block of text with a link in it (and render as htmlText in flash)... does flash limit the size of the URL?It seems to be doing that on a file of mine. I load in the txt file, with for example this in it:URL...It cuts it off way before the end of it (there are no special characters involved).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Size Limit For URL In Flash?

Apr 20, 2005

When I import a block of text with a link in it (and render as htmlText in flash)... does flash limit the size of the URL? It seems to be doing that on a file of mine. I load in the txt file, with for example this in it:
<a href="testingareallylongurlllllllllllllllllll + 100 other characters">
It cuts it off way before the end of it (there are no special characters involved).

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Time Limit For Flash Website?

Apr 30, 2009

but i've just been learning what i can from the net. anyway, a friend of mine bought a flash website template off the net and gave it to me to modify for his wife's business (it's a spa). so i've got it all done and they are wanting to upload it onto the server for the grand opening this weekend, (even though i haven't been paid for doing the work yet).so i was wondering if there was some sort of actionscript i could insert so that the website will only play for a specific time (lets say from 5:00pm on 4/31/09 thru the weekend, to say... 6:00am on 5/3/09.

it would be extremely nice if one of you Geniuses could maybe even help out with the script

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Setting A Time Limit On Flash Movie?

Jul 20, 2009

I created a "movie" that is basically just several sentances fading in and out. I'd like it to stop eventually, so it's not annoying. I know with animated gifs you can tell it to "play" 5 times (or however many times you want). Is there a way to do this in Flash? Or would it be something I set on my html page?

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Flash :: Professional - Stage Size Limit To SC3?

Jul 4, 2011

I am not a Flash user and would like some information as a client. I have some problems with my service provider and wanted to verify his claims regarding the software.

1. Is there a stage size limit to flash SC3 and what is it?

2. Is it possible that the software crashes because of the data added to it (pictures and vectors)? Or dose the crash is happening from insufficient computer resources?

3. Dose a 1027X768 stage require a substantial amount of computer resources? And is a 4 year old 17" mac book pro might crash repeatedly if such data is applied to it? I understand that these are not the general questions asked in this forum

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Flash - Limit The Following Cursor To A Specific Area?

Nov 10, 2009

I have a flash cs3 file where I want a mask to move on the y axis (up and down) when the user is scrolling over the navigation area.

In my code, I have:


How do I limit the area where the mask will move, then make it return it back to it's original position when the user moves away from the specific area (in this case the navigation).

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Adobe - Limit CPU Resources / Shockwave Flash

Sep 14, 2010

Can I set a maximum percentage of CPU resources a specific program or process can use? I want to use the executable name instead of its pid, because I would like certain executables to always run with constrained resources.

The reason I ask for that is that I am bored of the way Shockwave Flash behaves. It is not possible that to draw a few stupid things in my browser it takes 50%, 80%, 99% of my dual core CPU!

MacBook Pro 2009 -
MacOS X 10.6.4 -
Chrome 6.0 -

P.S.: Now, when my fan starts running I now the reason and I know how to temporarily fix it: I kill Shockwave Flash and everything is back as normal.

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