Setting A Time Limit On Flash Movie?
Jul 20, 2009
I created a "movie" that is basically just several sentances fading in and out. I'd like it to stop eventually, so it's not annoying. I know with animated gifs you can tell it to "play" 5 times (or however many times you want). Is there a way to do this in Flash? Or would it be something I set on my html page?
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Feb 9, 2009
I have problem with the setInterval function. I have a game application that sets a time limit of 3 minutes. From 3 minutes counting down by 1 second up to zero. The problem is, the counting of the timer is by 2 seconds and sometimes by 4 seconds. I tested the movie in my local computer and looks fine but when I upload it to a server and it is embeded in a website. And by the time the user clicks the link to play the game application and starts playing the problem about the timer occurs.
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Jan 22, 2009
Setting up a time limit that if the time equals to 3 minutes the game stop.I have a card game with 10 different cards to be paired. My problem is to put a timer that limit the player to only 3 minutes of playing after which a movie clip that says "Time is up!" will be displayed.
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Jan 26, 2011
I'm new to the forum and also to flash.I'm trying to create a 2 minute video. Can someone please tell me how to set the time.for eg: I want the first part of animation i createed to play for 5 seconds.when i give the frame from 1 to 5 it plays too fast(i.e does not last 5 seconds). when i give frame rate as 1second per frame(usually 24fps) the animation is not smooth:(. how do i set it so that it plays for 5 seconds and the next 5 seconds i want the remaining animation to play.
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Apr 30, 2009
but i've just been learning what i can from the net. anyway, a friend of mine bought a flash website template off the net and gave it to me to modify for his wife's business (it's a spa). so i've got it all done and they are wanting to upload it onto the server for the grand opening this weekend, (even though i haven't been paid for doing the work yet).so i was wondering if there was some sort of actionscript i could insert so that the website will only play for a specific time (lets say from 5:00pm on 4/31/09 thru the weekend, to say... 6:00am on 5/3/09.
it would be extremely nice if one of you Geniuses could maybe even help out with the script
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May 18, 2004
I'd like to know whether it is possible to time-limit the final SWF Flash animation? Can it read the system date and stop working after 45 days, for example?
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May 29, 2010
I am working with the open source flash player at [URL].. and I am trying to figure out how to limit one sound file at a time. I know this has been done on a number of sites but I am unsure how to approach it.
Scenario: A page has five different instances of the flash player. The user is litening to one song but clicks on another to listen to it.Goal: The first audio file automatically stops while the second starts playing instead of both playing at the same time.
Do I need to have some sort of javascript handler than interacts with the swf or something?
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Mar 12, 2011
how to import a SWC file directly in ActionScript, without setting a library path to the file.To exemplify, I need something like this:
[Embed(source = 'Library.swc')] // This line won't work, of course...
import ClassInsideSWC;
Besides, I don't want to (I can't, in fact) import the SWC by loading it with Loader class.
Edited Just to add more info about the problem, I'll showcase my scenario with more details...I have a class SubClass that wil be independent from the rest.It will extend a class SuperClass that is inside the SWC/SWF...This SWC/SWF have the whole framework.I can't compile every class inside a single SWF.Every part of my framework is a SWF apart and will be downloaded by Loader class on runtime.
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Jan 5, 2005
sorry if i ask questions that been posted b4, but i js cant find one actionscript which teaches how to make a time limit countdown. such as in my game the characters need to do something in 30seconds. And so i need a time limit of 30seconds.
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Mar 25, 2005
I know its possible to put a limit on how many bullets (which is a MC) that can be on the screen at one time. However, I've been playing with it for about an hour now and can't figure out the right AS. I am including the swf and the fla.
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Jun 18, 2007
Can anybody tell me if it is possible to limit the bandwidth or screen refresh rate that a flash movie uses? I have a large number of virtual desktops which use RDP and flash performance is terrible.
If I look at a site in IE that use lots of flash, my RDP session can even hang sometimes or more likely become completely unusable.
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Nov 27, 2010
How can I limit flash movie to work only on single domain. For eg what I need to do if I want flash swf to work only on [URL]and it should not work if -
1. opened/embedded from other [URL]
2. Downloaded
3. opened in embedded IE Activex Controls
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Jan 16, 2010
How to do the Flash Slider in less then an hour. I followed this tutorial: [URL]. And got it right on the first time, sweet! Here is the ActionScript 3.0 that came out from it
button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic1 );
button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic2 );
button3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic3 );
button4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic4 );
button5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic5 );
function showpic1(Event:MouseEvent):void{
[Code] .....
5 buttons, 5 thumbs. I click on the third thumbnail, it shows me the 3rd picture. Pretty simple, pretty straight forward. How do I add a time limit? For instance if I click on button #3, and I stay there for 12 seconds without clicking, it goes to #4, 12 seconds later to #5, 12 seconds later to #1, etc?
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Mar 13, 2012
I asked for help earlier with a banner and a button that counts roll overs. I am having an issue where the first movie clips in the array play much more often than the others. When I mouse over every couple of seconds or so, only the red mc plays. When I go a little faster the red and blue mcs play back and forth, and when I do a bunch of mouse overs really fast, then all 3 play in order. What part of the code has something to do with amount of time between roll overs? I want it so that even if I roll over once and then again a minute later, I want the second movie clip in the array to play instead of the first again. Here is the code I have in the first frame of the main timeline, as well as a stop(); in the first frame of each mc.
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Mar 23, 2011
Lately I am getting quite frustrated by the fact that Click in Flash is basically mouse down and up (staying in the same object). I would like to add further limits like time and movement to validate a click. How to do it cleanly? I did a check with mouse down/move/up but got some issues, how to do it successfully (and tested).
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Feb 22, 2010
How do I limit my amf sessions to flex over pyamf?
I have set up a pyamf gateway to that serves value objects that originate from a django admin panel, through sqlalchemy to my authenticated flex client. It's working great, however there is a problem. My sessions are persisting and clogging up the server, so after about 20 or so AMF sessions are authenticated, it refuses any more until I restart the server.
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Sep 20, 2011
I'm working on a project where we use Flex, Spring, Hibernate and Blazeds,all working on a Weblogic server.Everything works fine and we call services at the server side from the flex app without problems,but now we need to limit the time who spent the execution of the services to 2 seconds, if any service takes more than 2 seconds the server must return a timeout to the flex app.I've been searching for a way to do this with the blazeds configuration, but it looks that it's not possible.Is there any way to achieve this? I've thought in add a filter to the blazeds requests so it can control the timeout... But I can't find any example and I don't have enough knowledge of filter.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have a flash movie, which has two frames and constantly loops. On the first frame I have set my variable, and on the next frame I make it add 1 to that variable. Thing is, the variable is currently being set to "0" on frame one, added one, then set back "0" again as it goes back to the first frame. Is there a way, without adding extra frames to set a variable on Load but then to not set it again?
My actionscript is like this:
Frame 1:
count = 0
Frame 2:
count +=1
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Jul 30, 2009
For a project I am working on, I need the focus to be on a test field when the site loads. I can get the focus to be on the text field in the swf file, but how do I set focus to the swf file in the first place in the browser.
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Jun 13, 2010
Trying to set time spent on each frame in an animation, its an ActionScript 3.0 project.Problems:1) Frame rate - Can this be disabled? For now I just have it at 120 to go as fast as possible, but since I'm specifying the time spent on each frame it would be nice to not have this at all.2) Actionscript - I tried putting in the following code snippets...In frame 1...
function PlayNextSlide() {
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Aug 19, 2010
i am creating a game that will load mangoes with numbers on it....i'm using numbers -9 to 9 i would like to set the time of each mango to load...for example: #2 mango loads every 48th and 15th second of the time, #-5 mango loads every 38th, 15th, 3rd second of the time do I code that???
i have a code that loads the mangoes in random x position...but when the character caught the mango, it doesn't load again... here's a jpg of what i'm trying to do...
this is the code i'm using: this code is attached in the (-2) mango
onClipEvent (load) {
//if (_root.time == 50) { ----------------> i tried to put an if statementto determine the loading time but doesn't work
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Sep 17, 2010
I'm in the middle of switching from Flex Builder 3 to Flash Builder 4, and one of the problems I have run into is that support for web services in 4 is substantially different. In both IDE's I am able to import a WSDL for my web service and it will generate the appropriate client classes for communicating with the service. The generated code in each is different.
In my Flex3 code I was able to access the endpointURI property of the mx.rpc.soap.AbstractWebService, but in the Flex4 code that is generated, the new class extends which does not have the endpointURI property.
My project has mulitple game servers and the player picks which server they want to play on. In the past if the player wanted server 1, I would set the endpoint URI to [URL], and like wise if they wanted server 2 I would set the endpoint to [URL]
What am I looking for to accomplish this in Flash Builder 4?
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Feb 27, 2011
In a part of one of my ActionScripts, I want to set a date to an exact time, using GMT, so users in any time zone will be able to see the time until or time elapsed since that time in London.
In JavaScript, I would simply add "GMT" to the date that I am inputting, as follows:
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Apr 4, 2007
Flash 8 duplicating movie clips and setting 3 nodes from XML. I am trying to read in an xml with 3 parameters; 2 links and one text field for a caption. What am I doing wrong this time?
I am trying to have "bMC" load into and repeater for however many XML props there are. within "bMC" are two MC's that on click would open window or grab file and One Text field which would load in caption. For some reason the "bMC" isnt even loading at all. Attached is the .Fla
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Dec 26, 2009
Is there a way to set focus to the embed HTML element using JavaScript? Test case: embedded YouTube videos on a page.
I have no control over the embedded Flash element. So, is there a way to set focus on it by using only JavaScript?
I read somewhere that calling the element.focus() method works only in IE. I need a browser-independent way that works in Chrome/Firefox.
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Feb 24, 2011
Havs had some erratic behaviour working with super wide MovieClips Is there a limit or is it in my head
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Dec 11, 2009
I have a fairly complex animation movie clip within my main timeline in a Flash file. When you click a button, it plays the movie clip, then goes back out to the main timeline. The first time the movie clip runs, it plays choppy and slow, but if I play it two or more times, it plays correctly (smoothly). Is there some actionscript I need to preload the movie clip, or some other solution to the first-run slowness?
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Dec 24, 2010
i call a flash script from another flash script with the following code:
i need to change it so that it will call a different movie clip each time the clip is viewed, using the time (so that the movieclip will be a new one every time a user refreshes the page or sees the flash again).
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Jun 9, 2009
Is it possible to request some data in a Flash movie from PHP at run-time? Maybe my real-world implementation can clarify some things:
I use a Flash movie to store a Local Shared Object (because for some reason I need LSO's instead or regular PHP cookies). Now, when I load up a PHP file I want to somehow retrieve the data from the LSO at runtime, assign it to some variables, and use the variables through the rest of the script.
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Sep 4, 2010
I recently downloaded a template for Flash that didn't have any type of video included. I decided to include video in my completed project and for the last two months (working in CS5), I have tried to get assistance in making it work correctly...even contacting the company who MADE the template and they told me they couldn't assist because I changed the entire template & I guess they didn't want to figure it out.Here's my problem and if this has already been answered, maybe someone can just post the link directly and I'll follow it.hen the page opens up, the video starts automatically and seems to work fine and then another instance and another begin to play but not the video, just the audio. I have two videos in my movie and both do this.
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