ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Focus To Flash Movie?

Jul 30, 2009

For a project I am working on, I need the focus to be on a test field when the site loads. I can get the focus to be on the text field in the swf file, but how do I set focus to the swf file in the first place in the browser.

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Javascript :: Setting Focus To An Embedded Flash Movie/HTML Embed Element?

Dec 26, 2009

Is there a way to set focus to the embed HTML element using JavaScript? Test case: embedded YouTube videos on a page.

I have no control over the embedded Flash element. So, is there a way to set focus on it by using only JavaScript?

I read somewhere that calling the element.focus() method works only in IE. I need a browser-independent way that works in Chrome/Firefox.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Focus On MC Within MC?

Jan 28, 2010

The 1st layer spans all 10 frames and has a MC called The 2nd layer has a MC called and a button calledThe 3rd layer has frame labels for each frame:The 4th layer has actions that are similar for each frame:

nextBtn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Q1btn);
function Q1btn(e:Event)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Focus To A Textfield?

Oct 18, 2011

I can set the focus to a textbox using

ActionScript Code:

but is there an additional command to get the flashing cursor to show in the field?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Focus In An Inputbox With Cursor?

Jun 8, 2009

I have tried different combinations but its not working.Below code is working


But there is no cursor in it. I want "Cursor" in the Inputbox.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting TextField Focus BorderColor?

Jan 31, 2006

How can I write a function that checks to see if a text box is in focus, and if it is, turn the border color to red... if not, turn it to grey?

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Flex :: Setting Focus On A Popup's TextInput Control?

Jul 27, 2010

I'm trying to have a popup window with an immediately editable TextInput. This means that the user should be able to type inside the TextInput once the popup is displayed.

The problem is that I can't focus on the textInput. What happens is that when pressing a key for the first time, no text is inserted, only after a second key is pressed does the component gain focus and the user is able to type. For instance, typing "test" once the popup opened results in "est" being displayed...

For some reason the component only gains focus when the user explicitly clicks on it or types something. Programmaticaly setting the focus does not work.


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Panel xmlns="mog.miss.component.*" xmlns:mx="" >


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Actionscript 3 :: Focus On A Cell Of A DataGrid Without Setting It To Editable?

Jan 31, 2012

I am currently working on making my Flex application accessible. I have an mx DataGrid that I am using for showing complex data. Each row contains information about a person and one of the columns contains a button to "submit" that person's information. Currently if I tab to the DataGrid, it has focus on the whole thing, but I cannot tab to individual cells. For accessibility purposes, I need the user to be able to tab to each of these cells to read the information. Everywhere I've looked I've found that it seems the only way to focus on an individual cell is to set the editable property to true. However, I do not want to make the field editable, as that information should not be changed.

At the very least I would like to be able to tab to the cell that has the button ItemRendender for each person. I could set the rest of the information in the accessibilityName of that. Is there any way to accomplish this? Or am I going to have to find a more "creative" solution?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Focus On MC Within MC - Get The TypeError: Error #1010?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a MC called Questions thats on the stage.Inside that Movie clip, there are 10 frames and four layers.The 1st layer spans all 10 frames and has a MC called logoMC and a button called nextBtn1, 2, 3, etc

The 3rd layer has frame labels for each frame: Q1, Q2, Q3, etc

The 4th layer has actions that are similar for each frame:


nextBtn1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Q1btn);
function Q1btn(e:Event)

So what should hypothetically happen in when you click on the button, it advances to the next frame in that movie clip, and focus is set to the logo. The problem is, it isnt. I get the TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties. That is pointing to the stage.focus = this.Questions.logoMC; portion of code.

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Flex - Setting Focus On A List ItemRenderer With TextArea Inside?

Oct 29, 2010

I've wrote a custom itemrenderer for a List component (Flex 3.5) which is a VBox with a Label and a TextArea wrapped inside. All works fine so far but I want the TextArea in the first itemrenderer to receive focus so that it instantly becomes editable when tabbing onto the List. Is that possible and if how would I achieve this?

I've already added an event listener that selects the item at index 0 but the textArea in it should also be focussed at that moment _list.addEventListener(FocusEvent.FOCUS_IN, onListFocusIn);

private function onListFocusIn(e:FocusEvent):void
_list.selectedIndex = 0;

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Flex :: Keep Focus On Spark TextInput After Setting StageWebView Source?

Jan 15, 2012

I have a mobile application that has a Text Input used for searching. Below the search TextInput is a StageWebView. When I set the source of the StageWebView using loadURL() the key input is shifted to the StageWebView. How can I prevent this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Listener / Setting The Focus On The Next Text Box On The Form After A Message Is Displayed

Apr 11, 2007

I'm having trouble setting the focus on the next text box on the form after a message is displayed. Here is what I have??


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Caret (flashing Cursor) When Focus On Text Field?

May 4, 2009

I want to have the caret (flashing cursor) to appear when I set the focus to a text field. It works fine when the user clicks on the text field.

the following does not seem to work for me:


stage.focus = mytxtfield

When I try this it merely focuses on my text field and no caret comes up! mytxtfield is the instance name of my input type textfield.

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How To 'focus' On A Flash Movie

Jul 8, 2009

does anyone know how to 'focus' on a flash movie? for example, my flash webpage has a button that when clicked opens a flash movie. i want the main site to darken and the flash movie to be in front in focus.url...

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Focus Border Around Flash Movie?

Dec 14, 2009

I have a very simple player which connects to a shoutcast stream. All it has is a play/stop button, and a volume control, which control a mp3 Playback Component.However, everytime I click anything within the flash movie, a little focus border appears around my flash movie. You know how when you press tab on the keyboard to switch between different elements in a program, such as different buttons, and that little dotted border appears on the button you are on? Well, that happens to me, and I am not sure why or how to get rid of it.

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Flash 9 :: MovieClip In Focus While Testing Movie

Oct 11, 2008

Then I test my movie from inside flash 9 (ctrl+enter) the MC I just edited keeps in focus: When I test a game and press UP DOWN etc. The MC inside my fla is moving too, while the compiled swf is playing!

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Flash Movie With Two Frames - Setting Variable?

Jan 25, 2010

I have a flash movie, which has two frames and constantly loops. On the first frame I have set my variable, and on the next frame I make it add 1 to that variable. Thing is, the variable is currently being set to "0" on frame one, added one, then set back "0" again as it goes back to the first frame. Is there a way, without adding extra frames to set a variable on Load but then to not set it again?

My actionscript is like this:
Frame 1:
count = 0
Frame 2:
count +=1

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Setting A Time Limit On Flash Movie?

Jul 20, 2009

I created a "movie" that is basically just several sentances fading in and out. I'd like it to stop eventually, so it's not annoying. I know with animated gifs you can tell it to "play" 5 times (or however many times you want). Is there a way to do this in Flash? Or would it be something I set on my html page?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop - Flash 8 Duplicating Movie Clips And Setting 3 Nodes From XML

Apr 4, 2007

Flash 8 duplicating movie clips and setting 3 nodes from XML. I am trying to read in an xml with 3 parameters; 2 links and one text field for a caption. What am I doing wrong this time?


I am trying to have "bMC" load into and repeater for however many XML props there are. within "bMC" are two MC's that on click would open window or grab file and One Text field which would load in caption. For some reason the "bMC" isnt even loading at all. Attached is the .Fla

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ActionScript 3.0 :: What The Focus 2 - Automatic-focus - Clicking To Be Able To Detect Key Input

Mar 8, 2011


when i have this line active(the red one) it gives me automatic focus, so no clicking to be able to detect key input so i got that going for me which is nice BUT when i have it active(not commented out) i get this big yellow line which goes away when i click it(seeBelow)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding Out When A TextField Has Focus And When It Loses Focus?

Jul 13, 2009

Does anyone know how to do this in AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TLF Focus - Set The Keyboard Focus For A TLFTextField And Cursor?

Sep 14, 2010

can I set the keyboard focus for a TLFTextField? I tried stage.focus = myTLF but there is no cursor...

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Stop Movie From Restarting When Player Receives Focus?

Sep 15, 2009

I've created several buttons and each contains a movie clip.  I then placed each button on the main scene.  Everything works well except the movie restarts every time the button over event is fired.  I added a mouse over listener to each button so I can reposition the button.  However, the movie restarts even if I don't reposition the button.  (i.e. Button 1 is active and the mouse leaves the player and returns to Button 1.)  How do I keep the movie that is embedded in the button from restarting?

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Actionscript 3 :: Movie Stops Execution When It Doesn't Have Focus

Feb 28, 2011

I have two flash movies, on different tabs of a user's browser.They use LocalConnection to talk to each other, but the one on the tab which isn't active doesn't do anything until you switch back to that tab, can you change this? Maybe in the embed tag?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Background Images Move Offscreen When Focus Is Off The Movie

Feb 11, 2009

I have background elements that slide left and right on the stage depending on where the mouse is on stage. If I take focus off the browser, like if I decide to check my email or open another tab in Firefox, when returning to my flash movie, all the elements have moved off the stage, and when focus is put on the stage, will slide back to the correct position.

I'm using an event listener on the stage to detect mouse movement...

ActionScript Code:
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, parallax);

The function is below is trimmed down example of the function I use...

ActionScript Code:
function parallax(event:MouseEvent) :void {
distFromCenter = (stage.stageWidth / 2) - mouseX;


Tweener is a tween engine used for the movements,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Keyboard Focus Not The Same As Focus?

Mar 16, 2009

I have a TextField called textField on the first frame of the main timeline, and this simple code.



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting The _width Of A Movie?

Jul 3, 2003

I am pulling the variable this1length from a text file via loadVariablesNum ("getmy.txt", 0); know that this1length works is a valid variable as I can spit it out elsewhere, but for some reason the statement below is not pulling in the variable to set the width of the MC.P.S. this1length has a value of 10 in my text file.

onClipEvent (load) {
setProperty (_root.this1clip, _width, "_root.this1length");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Flashvars When Testing Movie?

Apr 8, 2009

how to set flashvars when running a movie in CS4 using Control->Test Movie?  Under ActionScript 2 I could just set _root.flashVar, what's the equivalent in AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Setting Up Parent Movie Clips?

Jun 25, 2009

I have my flash website set up with the following structure:

Scene 1:
- Menu buttons located in Scene 1 -> navigation_mc
- Page 1 (Company page) located in Scene 1 -> companypage_mc
- Page 2 (Portfolio) located in Scene 1 -> portfoliopage_mc
- etc... a total of 4 pages.

As you can see, I have each function of the website in its own layer and movie clip, so my question is how do I access a movie clip outside of the current movie clip?

I want my company_btn (company button) in navigation_mc to navigate back outside to scene 1 and proceed to play the contents of companypage_mc. companypage_mc is visible = false, and I would like to make its visibility true and start its tweens from frame 1.

Inside navigation_mc:

company_btn -> On Click, go to scene 1 and play frame 1 of companypage_mc, making visibility = true.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Setting Vars Within A Movie Clip

Mar 15, 2004

i have three mc's that look like cd's Three instances of the same movie clip. they go into a player onRelease. do any of you know how to do this... if i click on a cd it looks if any other cd's are clicked. if anyof them are clicked then it tells them to gotoAndPlay (thisKeyFrame) in that cd movie clip(which would be a simple tween and will look like the cd comes back out).

i tried setting variables in the cdMovie clip like on the first frame onValue="no" but once it goes in and stops the onValue="yes". and then i had AS on each cd looking if the onValue variable is yes or no in each one of them. but for some reason it can't read it? Do you know what i should do? maybe create an object or something for each button?

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