Flash :: Datetime - Adding Time To Movie

Dec 24, 2010

i call a flash script from another flash script with the following code:


i need to change it so that it will call a different movie clip each time the clip is viewed, using the time (so that the movieclip will be a new one every time a user refreshes the page or sees the flash again).

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I know how to add and remove the movie clip but how do a specify the period of time I want the movie clip to appear on stage?

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Flash - Adding Time To Timer / Counter

Nov 28, 2011

I've looked all over the web and everyone can teach you how to make a timer for your game or a countdown, but I can't seem to find out how to add time to an already counting timer. So here is my counter class:

package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Stage;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.utils.Timer;
[Code] .....

That works without any issues or problems and just keeps counting upwards at a speed of 100ms, what I want to know is how to add say 30 seconds if something happens in my game, say you kill an enemy for example.

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var fuelpoints = 0;
var conepoints = 0;
startButton.visible = true;


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PHP Code:
//Create your Date() object
var endDate:Date = new Date(2010,5,15);
//Create your Timer object
//The time being set with milliseconds(1000 milliseconds = 1 second)
var countdownTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
[Code] .....

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Asp.net :: Remove Special Characters When Doing A DateTime.Now.ToString()

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So I have a flashobject which I need to pass a formatted DateTime string to.

My code:

string date = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

which outputs as: 2009-09-16 22:26:45

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I think this is messing up a calculation that the flash object does based off the current time. Do I need to encode or decode this?

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For example :
input = 360 seconds
output = 6 minutes
input = 86400
output = 1 day
Is there a built-in method for this.

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Movie Clip Within Main Timeline Runs Slow/choppy First Time Around, But Not Second Time?

Dec 11, 2009

I have a fairly complex animation movie clip within my main timeline in a Flash file.  When you click a button, it plays the movie clip, then goes back out to the main timeline.  The first time the movie clip runs, it plays choppy and slow, but if I play it two or more times, it plays correctly (smoothly).  Is there some actionscript I need to preload the movie clip, or some other solution to the first-run slowness? 

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Mar 30, 2009

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e.g 1.

I click on a button, i want MovieClip1 to move to the right, then i want a 3 second gap and then i want MovieClip2 to move downwards....

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May 25, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash OOP: Adding Movie Clip From Library?

Sep 4, 2010

I've got an instance in the library linkaged to Classes.Lights.as At the Lights.as I have got

light.graphics.drawCircle(0, 0, lightSize / 2);

for some reason I'd like to change it to the light from my library.I've tried

private var light:MovieClip = new MovieClip();

but that doesn't work.How can I do it in OOP?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Time Delay Without Timers?

Jun 18, 2010

I've been having some trouble with this line of code. This is being used in an .as class file for my Ball class. I can get it to move within the main .fla by using a timers but if possible I would rather avoid the timer. I'm trying to develop a system for my FLA like this:

Ball starts at x,y
Ball moves to waypoint x,y
Ball leaves stationary copies of itself along the way forming a line as it goes.

The file will do this several times so I am trying to base this on if/else rules rather than animate it out. I feel like I should contain all movement activity within the class file and leave the waypoint rules for the main .fla. My current issue is that the code below (without the hittest) works if the FLA has a timer triggering the moveTowards function. Without the timer in the fla, it still works but the ball just warps to the destination.So I have two questions:

Is there a way to control the while loop so that it pauses at the end of each loop enough to look like the ball is moving incrementally?Is there a way for me to have a drawball function within the ball class itself or should I make a new package/class within the class file? Ideally I would have the new ball creation be relative to the "step" variable.

public function moveTowards(pX:Number, pY:Number, step:Number)
var dir:Number = Math.atan2(pY - y,pX - x); //find angle direction[code]...........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Time To A Countdown/timer?

Mar 20, 2007

I'm making a game and it has a 20sec timer in it and I want to make a button/powerup thing that adds 5 seconds to the timer when you press it.I'm currently using: -

timerBTN.onPress = function(){
_root.countdown += 5;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Numbers (time) To A Countdown?

May 22, 2009

I'm sure this is something really basic, but I've searched and nothing quite fits what I'm looking for..I have a timer counting down using this code

count = 30;
countdown = function(){


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Actionscript 2 :: Flash - Adding To A Variable And Removing A Movie Clip?

Mar 23, 2012

The portal in my game is suppose to be unlocked after you collect all the coins. The portal is locked but when I go over a coin it neither adds to the variable or removes the movie clip by instance name of coin1 coin2 and coin 3.also if the remove movie clip doesnt need _root I've already tried it without it I know that is not the problem.

var openportal = 0;
function moveStuff() {
//-Very long code that is working. [code]..........

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Error 1009 When Adding Preloader To Flash Movie

Aug 11, 2010

I'm trying to add a preloader to my flash movie so the user doesn't have to wait for additional frames to load while they are navigating. When I try to shift my current frames over by 2 frames to make room for the preloader I get this error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at APIVisionDigitalRecall_fla::MainTimeline/frame3()[APIVisionDigitalRecall_fla.MainTimeline::frame3:20]
at flash.display::Sprite/constructChildren()
at flash.display::Sprite()
at flash.display::MovieClip()
at navBar()

Everything works fine before I shift the frames by 2, so I don't understand why I'm getting a complier error abut an object not existing. What to do to add a pre-loader to my existing movie without moving everything over by two frames?

I was planning on putting this code on frame 1:
ActionScript Code:
var kbtotal:Number=stage.loaderInfo.bytesTotal/1024;
var kbloaded:Number=stage.loaderInfo.bytesLoaded/1024;
var percent:Number= Math.round(kbloaded/kbtotal*100)
loader.loadingStatus.text=Math.round(kbloaded) + " lb / " + Math.round(kbtotal) + "kb";

This code on frame 2:
ActionScript Code:
if (kbloaded == kbtotal){
} else{

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Adding Time Limit To Image Slider?

Jan 16, 2010

How to do the Flash Slider in less then an hour. I followed this tutorial: [URL]. And got it right on the first time, sweet! Here is the ActionScript 3.0 that came out from it

button1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic1 );
button2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic2 );
button3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic3 );
button4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic4 );
button5.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK,showpic5 );
function showpic1(Event:MouseEvent):void{
[Code] .....

5 buttons, 5 thumbs. I click on the third thumbnail, it shows me the 3rd picture. Pretty simple, pretty straight forward. How do I add a time limit? For instance if I click on button #3, and I stay there for 12 seconds without clicking, it goes to #4, 12 seconds later to #5, 12 seconds later to #1, etc?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Sound - Is It Taking Time To Load

Mar 28, 2010

I have built a SoundClass which handles my sound. Any time I want to call upon a sound, I call upon the class and its function. Problem is, there is like a buffering time or something. For instance, when I jump with my character, I am trying to play the jump from the SoundClass I created. It plays, but takes about 3 seconds. Btw, it does this regardless of if its in its own class, or in the same class I am calling it from. The jump.mp3 is only 4KB.

Here is how I have it set up

package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.events.*;


If I am in another class, I can call upon this by using "soundClass.jumpS();" It plays, but takes a few seconds. I have a trace on the function jumpS() and it traces immediately.

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Setting A Time Limit On Flash Movie?

Jul 20, 2009

I created a "movie" that is basically just several sentances fading in and out. I'd like it to stop eventually, so it's not annoying. I know with animated gifs you can tell it to "play" 5 times (or however many times you want). Is there a way to do this in Flash? Or would it be something I set on my html page?

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Php :: Request Data In A Flash Movie At Run-time

Jun 9, 2009

Is it possible to request some data in a Flash movie from PHP at run-time? Maybe my real-world implementation can clarify some things:

I use a Flash movie to store a Local Shared Object (because for some reason I need LSO's instead or regular PHP cookies). Now, when I load up a PHP file I want to somehow retrieve the data from the LSO at runtime, assign it to some variables, and use the variables through the rest of the script.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Adding And Removing Multiple Instances Of Same MCs After Certain Time

Dec 14, 2009

After a little break in AS3 I'm back... and facing a problem. For a school project I'm trying to make a side scroller game in which the player automatically moves right and has to avoid branches.Basically, depending on how well you do your speed (var) gets updated. After certain 'distance' (fake of course, as the player stays centered) I would like a n instance of Branch_MC to appear. Also, when that instance's x property reaches -20 I would like it removed.I'd need approximately 135 branches so creating variables isn't really an option.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding TextField To Display Video Time Elapsed

Apr 4, 2011

How to add a dynamic text field to display the time elapsed and time remaining to play. I have been checking out the Adobe Live Doc but cannot search for what I need. Below is the code I have already that just shows the video and its controls.

Actionscript Code:
//the below script it on a button on click actionvideoholder.vidPlayer.source = "videos/Introducing our team.flv"//this code is in the same frame as my FLV holder called 'vidPlayer'import fl.video.*;// vidPlayer is the FLV holder//CustomVideoControls is the mc where the play, pause, mute buttons arevidPlayer.playPauseButton = customVideoControls.playpause;vidPlayer.seekBar = customVideoControls.seekvideo;vidPlayer.muteButton = customVideoControls.mutevideo;vidPlayer.fullScreenButton = customVideoControls.fullScreenButton;

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