Flex :: Limit Pyamf Flex Sessions Or Setting A Timeout?

Feb 22, 2010

How do I limit my amf sessions to flex over pyamf?

I have set up a pyamf gateway to that serves value objects that originate from a django admin panel, through sqlalchemy to my authenticated flex client. It's working great, however there is a problem. My sessions are persisting and clogging up the server, so after about 20 or so AMF sessions are authenticated, it refuses any more until I restart the server.

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Django :: Map Field Names Between PyAMF And Flex?

Jun 1, 2010

For example, using my UserProfile model:

class UserProfile(models.Model):
user = models.ForeignKey( User, unique=True )
blurb = models.CharField( max_length=200, null=True, blank=True )


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Flex :: Upload Files Using PyAMF Or PhpAMF?

Oct 23, 2010

I need to upload a group of images using flex with robotlegs. I need a progress bar to work when image is uploading. It might upload 1 image or more at the time.I want to know if uploading byteArray to server and then save the image is too heavy for the server.In the server side I have a method that is made by pyamf, and looks like this:[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Working Around 15-second Timeout Limit?

Jun 11, 2010

I have a highly intensive benchmark/testing chore and I'm getting the 15-second timeout error despite my best efforts to keep my script running.Basically I'm making about 1.2 million remote procedure calls (RPCs) over a socket and want to check the results of these rpcs.Once the calls have all been sent, my flash movie moves to frame 7 which initializes a bunch of variables that I need for my RPC checking loop.Frame 8 does all the work. The first thing it does is stop the playhead for my main movie. Then it sets up a timer to wait for minute or two until any straggling RPC responses come in. [It's been my experience that these are likely to straggle in for several minutes when I'm really pushing the server hard.

If the timer gets too high, the checkResponse function returns and the playhead moves to frame 9 which checks to see if I've checked all the RPCs. If not, the playhead returns to from 8 which skips the timer this time and starts checking immediately.The output I'm getting ends up like this:

elapsed time:4985
elapsed time:4985


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Flash :: Flex - Do Sessions With A Client

Jan 28, 2010

Since the Flash Player (or, more exactly, the URLLoader class) will not let you read HTTP response headers or cookies set by the server, and if you get hold of a session cookie through some workaround like reaching out to the browser and run JS, you can't send it to the server, because, among others, the Cookie header will be blocked. Now I'm building a Flex client against an HTTP API for my server product. I control both sides, so I can get get around the above limitations, now I'm wondering how. I see the following options:

include the session token in the HTTP payload include the token in the URL build my own HTTP client (... with blackjack, and hookers ...) in AS, using the Socket class I don't like (1), because I'm reimplementing functionality in my protocol that is already built into Struts, which I'm using to implement the server side. I then have to ensure that either both behave the same way, or turn off the usual way of session management and force other clients to use my protocol where they could just have the browser deal with it. I don't like (2), because I understand that there are security concerns with this, although I'm not too sure which

I don't like (3), because it's 2010 and tons of HTTP clients have been written by smarter people than me. So, are there other opportunities? Which of my "don't like"s do you reckon least severe? Are there ways to mitigate the problems I listed? For example, how insecure are session tokens in URLs really?

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PHP :: Adobe Flex - How To Handle Sessions

Nov 17, 2011

I am thinking about porting my social netowrking site code to Adobe Flex / PHP and was wondering how does one go about handling sessions in this case. I would imagine Adobe Flex doesn't really know if a PHP session has been started or not therefore, I would have to research how to accomplish this. One idea I had was to created a session token string after a successful login and pass this token to each http request the user makes for data. E.g. [URL]. Each time a request is made to this page, a MySQL query is run to check if the token I passed in the url matches against the token created for that user during login. If this is true, then data is returned.

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AS3 :: Test Services With Cookie Based Sessions In Flex?

Jul 6, 2011

As the title indicates the question is in regards to the service layer of a flex application. Specifically in a test case class. To call the services the user must first authenticate through an html/CF based page. Once that's done and the authentication has occurred the user is directed to the html page with the flex application embedded in. Once authenticated the server side CF code writes a cookie to the users computer. This cookie is then read by the flex app and is required for the flex app to make calls to the CF services.

The question is: how should this be handled in a test case class for the service class in the flex app? The following steps need to basically take place: use some account data to hit the server and authenticate, the cookie then needs to be written (which it will already), then the test case needs to pick up the session id from the cookie and pass it to the service call within the test case. That just all seems like too much for a test case class.

So, how is this type of thing usually handled. From what I gather it's typical for web service calls to require a session id like this.

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Flex :: Duplicate Sessions Caused Multiple Requests With Different JSESSIONIDs?

Jul 7, 2011

I think I inherited bad code, here's the deal: In my command, I create a local var for the remote object and then call a method on it. In the result, if there's no data, I start a timer. This timer broadcasts an event every 2 seconds that continually calls this command until data is returned. Then the timer is stopped.

What we're seeing is that the method returns data once, and then the next time it doesn't (dupe Flex sessions error). It basically alternates. If we click really fast, sometimes we'll get two to work in a row. At times, the Java dev is seeing these requests returned with different JSESSIONIDs. I believe this is causing the duplicate Flex sessions error. I'm using Cairngorm; here's the execute command.

public function execute(event:CairngormEvent):void
ruleName = (event as FetchReportEvent).ruleName;
var ro:RemoteObject = ServiceLocator.getInstance().getRemoteObject("quantRemoteObject");
if (model.guid != null)


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Flash :: Setting JQuery Timeout On A Div Containing?

Mar 15, 2011

So, I need to remove a div once the flash has finished playing. I am using this so far (the first function is to show the flash div on hover, the 2nd to remove it.):


It works fine the first time around. Though when I activate the flash again by hovering over the .showFlash element again - it doesn't work.

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Flex :: Set A Timeout For A NetConnection?

Dec 17, 2009

Using flex 3, how do i set a timeout for a NetConnection?

code sample:

nc=new NetConnection();
nc.addEventListener (NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS,checkConnect);

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Flex :: Execution Timeout In AdvancedDataGrid

Oct 25, 2010

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Flex :: HTTPService Timeout Handler?

May 15, 2011

my flex application sends a few concurent requests on startup. Sometimes it takes a lot of time to fetch them all so I've set them requestTimeout param to 5 secs. Additionally, I've defined a method that handles fault events. I'd like to resend a request when timeout occurs.It doesn't work though. Could you take a look at the code?

protected function fatalErrorOccuredInfo(event:FaultEvent):void
// get the operation


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Flex :: Timeout On URLLoader.load Connection?

Apr 22, 2010

Is there a timeout on the connection made by URLLoader.load? If there is, what's its value, where is it documented and can it be changed? Also, what event (if any) gets dispatched if the timeout occurs? Is there a difference between AIR and browser application in those regard?

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Flex :: Increase Timeout On A PHP Service Function Call?

Mar 26, 2010

I'm using Flash Builder 4 Beta 2. I have it connecting to a PHP service. The way I set this up was using the wizard, so I didn't actually write the code to connect to it.[code]...

One of the functions that I'm calling fetches users from a MySQL database. There are about 30,000 users right now. The service seems to timeout when fetching more than around 22,000 rows, I get the "Channel Disconnected before an acknowledgement was received" error. If I call the PHP script from a browser, it fetches them all with no problems at all, however. I have tried increasing the timeout in the PHP script (which didn't work), but obviously this isn't the problem since the browser is able to pull them up with no problems.

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Flex :: HTTPService Going For Timeout Error As Web Service Take More Time To Get Response

Sep 29, 2009

Flex HTTPService giving timeout error as web service take more time to response. Due to large voueme Is there any work around to handle overcome the error

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Flex :: Web Application Timeout After A Specific Time And Redirect To Login

Jan 20, 2011

We have a Flex, Blazeds & Spring based Web application. The requirement is that if the browser is idle for 30 minutes, we have to popup an error message to the user and then redirect to the login page.

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Flex :: Pasting A Large Amount Of Text In A TextArea Leads To A Script Execution Timeout

Dec 23, 2010

(Flex 3) I have a TextArea component which needs to hold the user's clipboard content. The TextArea does the job relatively well for most cases but when pasting a large amount of data, I can't seem to get the content in the component at all due to the script execution timeout.

I've done a fair deal on investigation to try and hopefully find how I could make this work. I found that the TextArea is using a IUITextField (which is in my case an instance of TextField at runtime) do handle the job of obtaining the pasting data and then throws an event when it is done.

I have found no way to take a look at the source of TextField as it is a class in the playerglobal.swc library.

Is there a way for me to maybe see the source of that class or is there something I'm missing in my approach to figure out a way to make this work?

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Flex :: Setting Compiler.theme Option For Halo/Flex 4 In FlashDevelop?

Jul 12, 2010

Here's what works with ant build.xml:


I tried the following values in Project > Properties > Compiler Options > Additional Compiler Options but none of them worked:

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Flex :: Security - Setting Wsdl Service In Flex Project Crossdomain.xml?

Apr 7, 2011

How can i settings crossdomain.xml my flex project.* this is my crossdomain.xml.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd">
<site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="all"/>


I've tried lots of different methods but my project send error message "Security error accessing url Unable to load WSDL. If currently online, please verify the URI and/or format of the WSDL [URL]"

put the file in different places

(my swf url : http://localhost/bin-debug/test.html checked http://localhost/bin-debug/crossdomain.xml its ok)

I added the load line of the project

protected function application1_initializeHandler(event:FlexEvent):void

if flex server type select none everythings ok. but server type select PHP need crossdomain.xml how can i fix.

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Flex :: Itemrenderer - Referencing And Setting A Single Item Renderer Instance In A Flex Tree At Runtime?

Oct 17, 2010

Anyone know how to change a single instance of an item renderer for a Flex tree item at runtime? To reiterate, I'm not trying to change the entire tree's item renderer like this:tree.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(ItemRenderer2);I'm trying to change the item renderer of a single tree item like this (the following code does not work):tree.selectedItem.itemRenderer = new ClassFactory(ItemRenderer2);To put it more simply, does anyone know how to reference an instance of an item renderer and set it to a new item renderer class? I've tried using the Tree's itemToItemRenderer() method with no success.

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Flex :: Setting Background-color For Flex Tree Component?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a Flex Tree component in my app. I set the icons for open and close.
BUT I can't find something about changing the default background-color from white to something different.

obviously there is no background-color setable in css...

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Flex :: Setting Disabled Button Appearance In Flex?

Apr 11, 2011

I'm making a trivia in an Air application, a question, three buttons, after you choose one, the right button gets coloured green, the wrong ones get coloured red. I was trying to do this changing the styles, so I created a Button.Right and a Button.Wrong style, but I also need to disable the buttons so they don't get clicked more than once while I'm showing the correct answers.

So I'm having trouble making it so the buttons don't look greyish and with the alpha turned down when I set their enabled property to false. I'm trying to be as minimalistic as possible here, changing disabled-overlay-alpha or disabledOverlayAlpha in the css file doesn't seem to do the trick, neither does changing disabledBorderColor

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Setting A Time Limit On Flash Movie?

Jul 20, 2009

I created a "movie" that is basically just several sentances fading in and out. I'd like it to stop eventually, so it's not annoying. I know with animated gifs you can tell it to "play" 5 times (or however many times you want). Is there a way to do this in Flash? Or would it be something I set on my html page?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetInterval Function - Setting Time Limit In Game App

Feb 9, 2009

I have problem with the setInterval function. I have a game application that sets a time limit of 3 minutes. From 3 minutes counting down by 1 second up to zero. The problem is, the counting of the timer is by 2 seconds and sometimes by 4 seconds. I tested the movie in my local computer and looks fine but when I upload it to a server and it is embeded in a website. And by the time the user clicks the link to play the game application and starts playing the problem about the timer occurs.

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Flex :: Limit Rows Of Datagrid In It?

Jul 26, 2011

I have a data grid consisting of 3 columns & many rows, i want to show only the first 20 rows to user. Is there any way i can show only the first 20 rows in my datagrid.After by clicking button 'next', next 20 rows should display and so on...

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Flex :: Get A Vague "Socket Timeout." Error On Occasion When I Am Loading My Site?

Jan 7, 2010

I get a vague "Socket timeout." error on occasion when I am loading my site. I make various HTTP requests for PHP data and also am using a Loader() class instance. Can anyone shed some light on where this error might be coming from? I wish there was more of an indication of where the error stemmed from...

Here is my code that I am using.There are multiple problems going on, but the most important is that catch{} catches an error on first load. I have a fade in function that only works if the loader is fully loaded and I know that all of my URL links work, so it can't be that.

public function loadImage(url:String):void
this._imageURL = url;[url].......

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Flex :: Adobe Air : How To Limit Download Speed?

Apr 8, 2011

Is there any possibility in Adobe AIR to control bandwidth usage with AIR when downloading a file using URLStream?

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Flex :: List Limit Number Of Elements?

Mar 9, 2012

Is it possible to define a property to limit the number of elements which will appear in a mx:List ? I've read about setting the property rowCount, but I don't see any effect.Can a filter be applied to accomplish this? My intention was to avoid removing the items from the list/array collection, but simply "hide" them. Can this be done?

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Android :: Flex - Adobe AIR App 50MB Limit?

Mar 22, 2012

I have an application built with Adobe AIR for Android. The apk is 108MB, larger than the 50MB limit imposed by Google.

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Flex :: Limit Width Of Custom List Itemrenderer

Jul 23, 2009

I'm using a custom itemrenderer to display a list of photos and need to know how to control the width. At the moment it does this: Which, as I'm sure you'll agree, is eye-bleedingly ugly. The list is created like this:


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