ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Packaging A Timer Class?

Mar 26, 2011

how should i run a timer in a class(.as file) to my timeline? im getting cofused by stage then timer? or direct code for timer?i got error and it says implicit coercion of a value of type Class to an unrelated type flash.utils:Timer.

package {
import flash.display.Stage;


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public function MovingObject(){
tmr.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, Move);
} public function StartMove():void{
[Code] .....

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public class Main extends MovieClip {
private static var _stage:Stage;
private static var _timer:Timer;


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TypeError: Error #1016: Descendants operator (..) not supported on type Logo.
at Doc/fadeOut()


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AS3 :: Flex - GetTimer() Method And The Timer Class?

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In the following sample, I tested how long (on average) the intervals were between 1000 timer ticks intended for 30ms. Time and time again, the results are ~35-36ms. Decreasing the time, I found the floor on the timer delay to be ~16-17ms. This gives me a max fps of ~60, which is great visually but also means I can't possibly fire more than 60 lasers per second :-(. I ran this test a few times at 100 and 1000 loops, but for both the 30ms test and the 1ms test the results didn't change. I print to a textField at the end because using trace() and launching the swf in debug mode seems to negatively affect the test. So what I'm wondering is:

Is this test a decent measure of the Timer class's performance, or are my results questionable? Will these results change dramatically on other machines? I understand this is dependent on the getTimer() method's accuracy, but the discussions I find on this topic usually center around getTimer()'s accuracy on larger intervals.


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I am using the Timer class to time events. Although, I am not sure I have it set up correctly as after a few seconds the events start to get synchronized. first two, then three, etc. Here is an example of the code:


Does anyone know what could be possibly interfering with the Timer for this to happen? It mainly starts happening after you click on an mc and it is removed from the stage (this is for a game).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Complete App Slowdown When Using Timer Class?

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My app is set up to pause the animation when the mouse is pressed down by calling Timer.stop(). While the mouse is pressed, the user can draw on the screen by dragging the mouse. When the mouse is released, the animation starts again with Timer.start() and is based off what the user draws.However, after I let the animation run for a while the app gets so slow that I can't even drag to draw when the timer is not calling the animation update without the drawing skipping hundreds of pixels at a time.

ActionScript Code:
package  {
import flash.display.Sprite;


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Building A Timer Class For All MovieClips?

May 17, 2009

I've been coding actionscript poorly for about 5 years now. I'm actually pretty proficient at sloppy code. Well, now with the advent of AS3, I have to get everything right. So now it's all from scratch.

I have Lee Brimelow's example of the Timer class:

Code: Select all// We need to import the utils package
import flash.utils.*;
// Create a new Timer object with a delay of 500 ms
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(500);


However, I have no idea how to connect this to a movieclip without re-building the thing over and over again with a new instance name inside the function. This is horribly redundant, something I got used to using setInterval, and I want to break that habit.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Stop Timer In Other Class From Root?

Nov 5, 2010

I'm trying to do a simple game like tetris.I have a class "tile" that have got timer event, and every 50ms move my tile.y+=1. So every time I call for a new tile, it will go down until reach bottom of a stage. And the thing is, when the tile will hit another tile, he is still going down until bottom, becouse I dont know how to myTimer.stop(); in the tile class from the root.

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Flex :: Packaging AIR Apps With ADT Gives Wrong Namespace Error On Windows, Works On Mac

May 17, 2011

I'm packiging AIR app both on Mac and on Windows. On Mac everything goes well, but on Windows I get an error.

Myapp-app.xml: error 102: Invalid namespace [URL]

I have latest SDK's installed on both machines, although Flash Builder is newer on Mac. Does the Flash Builder version even matter?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer Class: Precise Pause And Resume?

Jun 13, 2010

i have a mc with a slideshow nested on the main timeline and two buttons with a simple code to pause and resume:

ActionScript Code:
pause_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickPause)
function onClickPause(event:MouseEvent){


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Control Firing Order Of MC's With Timer Class?

Sep 11, 2010

I am working on a card game.When the game initializes, 2 cards get dealt to the dealer and 2 to the player. Each card MC is created dynamically. When you hit the deal button, the cards are dealt, but all appear at the same time. So i figured i would try using the Timer class in order to delay each card so they are dealt one-at-a-time. Seemed easy enough, but evidently i am missing something obvious and probably embarrassing. The short, simple code, which i expected to be a no-brainer, doesn't seem to want to work. My ignorance with the Timer class isn't helping where i am going wrong or if i am way out in left field? I created a Timer that repeats 4 times(repeatCount). I was thinking that i could target e.repeatCount with a case statement and fire off each card. I can't seem to get it working though.

Code: Select allimport;
import flash.utils.Timer;
var dealTimer:Timer = new Timer(200, 4);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Circle Countdown Timer Class?

Jul 29, 2009

I am making a circle countdown timer class. It works fine, however, the startAngle variable isn't really working the way I wanted it to. It seems to start at 45 degrees even though I have it set to 0. I want it to start at the top and work it way around like a clock. So it would start at 12 and end at 12. Here is my class

// Create an instance of the class in an empty FLA
import com.ronnieswietek.utils.CircleTimer;
var counter:CircleTimer = new CircleTimer(15,0xff0000,0x000000);


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Flex :: Enterframe Event - Using Timer Class For Main Loop

Jan 8, 2011

I have been developing a game using Flex, and used the Timer class to keep the main loop going. However, when I tried using the enterFrame event to do the main loop, there were a few problems. First of all, physics simulation seemed way too fast. Is the enterFrame event called more than once per frame? I set the application's global frame rate to 24, so shouldn't the application set off the event every 1/24 of a second? And the second problem is that when the game runs like this, some MXML components that are added are not shown.

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Actionscript 3 :: Stop Timer Class-based Animation In Another Frame?

Dec 14, 2011

I have a project which consists of 4 frames (+ one starting frame), where each frame contains a Timer class based-animation. You can visit each frame by selecting the appropriate button.

Let's say the animation in frame1 lasts for a total of 30 seconds, but I'm too impatient to watch it and decide to go frame2, which also I don't like. In the background however, the animation for frame1 is still running, for when I go to frame 2 and go back to frame1, the animation starts both from the beginning and also continues to play from where I left off.

I also get an error:

TypeError: Error #1009: Kan geen eigenschap of methode benaderen via een verwijzing naar een object dat null is.
at fl.transitions::TransitionManager/saveContentAppearance()
at fl.transitions::TransitionManager/set content()
at fl.transitions::TransitionManager()


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