Android :: Packaging Flash Builder 4.6 Mobile App As A Desktop App (with Air Runtime)?

Feb 23, 2012

I have this application that is basically the ubiqutous page turning component you can find online, but modified for mobile. It's for kid's storybooks. It's a mobile flex application in FlashBuilder 4.6. When I export release build for my mobile project, I see an option for desktop .air packaging rather than mobile. Works and looks great....but you can't sell a .air file on Mac App Store. I want to bundle the air runtime to create a .app, which hopefully I can get on the app store. However, this option is not available in a mobile project. I've tried figuring it out via commandline...


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1. I set up a new desktop project (File -> New -> Flex Project)

2. Project name is "simpleTest", Application type is Desktop (runs in Adobe AIR), Flex SDK version 4.6.0 and click to Finish

3. I go to Design mode, then set the width to 500 and height to 250. I add one button by drawing and name it btnOne and make Generate Event Handler

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adt -package -target apk-debug -storetype pkcs12 -keystore andCert.p12
myHope.apk application.xml simpleTest.swf

8. I rename "create.txt" to "create.cmd" and launch it (Shift + RMB -> Open cmd here)

9. "myHope.apk" is created

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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.Loader;


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Dec 12, 2011

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What would be the best way to send video to my desktop AIR app? I've tried multiple things already; serializing using registerClassAlias, ByteArrays.

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