ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Removing Loaded Child Object B4 Loading A New One

Feb 19, 2012

having trouble removing loaded child object b4 loading a new one i can load a child object with this script if button is pressed:


but having difficulty unloading child object when just that mc_char.btn_darkangel button is pressed. Cause otherwise it just adds another instance then another and another and the different instances kinda pile ontop of each other my question is how can i incorporate removeChild script so that mc_char.btn_darkangel doesn't just pile instances of image ontop of each other

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Child As Array Object?

Jul 24, 2009

I have written this little script, as i want to remove some of the text fields that are currently contained within the Display Objec, however it does not like to see the TextField as a varaible name. How would i convert the object from an array to become a textfield that can be removed, after being added through
This is the script
var delayHeading:Number = 1500;var repeatHeading:int = 1;var setShow:Timer = new Timer(delayHeading, repeatHeading);setShow.start();setShow.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, maybeLater);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Child And Setting It To Null Completely Remove Object?

Jan 24, 2010

In document class action script file I add a movie clip to stage using

public var square:Square
square = new Square

So it adds square to stage.Then after sometime I want it to be removed. I call a function "removeSquare" also located in document class. It executes the following code. And it removes the square from stage visualy.

trace("proff that it's executed")
square = null

Then of course I want to add a square to stage again, using code I written at top of the post. And remove it again, and so on..But game is lagging more and more and more. So I guess that the square is not properly removed. If you need more details about my code feel free to say, I just written that since I really doesn't know what else should be important.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse Event / Menu Object - Adding And Removing Child

Apr 7, 2009

I'm having an issue with MOUSE_OUT triggering before MOUSE_OVER has a chance. I have a global mouse listener class that listens to every mouse event and sends the object involved a message telling it when a mouse event has happened. When a Menu object is opened it adds a bunch of children and when it's closed it removes them all. The problem comes when moving the mouse from the Menu to the Children, Menu receives a MOUSE_OUT event and closes before the Child receives a MOUSE_OVER.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Child (a Sprite) Containing (dynamic Textfield) Child?

May 12, 2010

I have created 2 sprites each containing a dynamic text field child. I then add this as a child of the stage. (I have done this in order to make the text clickable with a hand cursor on mouseover)It loads in fine, I just run into problems when trying to REMOVE it the sprite containing the text."ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller."Sections concerned in red:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Removing A Child - Bring It Back?

Mar 31, 2011

i just started learning flash. Anyways, I have a movieclip that is removed when i quit the game from the menu e.g. removeChild(character). When i press "start" on the menu, i would like the character to re-appear. How can i add him again ONLY if he's been deleted?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Removing Child From One Class, Still Being Referenced In The Other?

Feb 12, 2012

I have two classes, one called car, one called game. When the user drives a car off the map, i wish to remove the car from the map, do some fiddling with vars (lifes etc) and then re-add the child.But i get the following error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.. I think it is because the car class is still trying to control the car even though it is being removed.

Car Class

import flash.display.MovieClip;


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Child Of Child Movie Clip Are Null In Imported Object From Flex To Flash Right After Being Created?

Dec 16, 2010

I have an Movie Clip in Flash that have subobject of button type which has subobject of input text and movie clips. Right after creation core Moveclip all subobject are set to null, when I expect them to be valid objects.


MC_Core_design was created in Flash and exported to Actionscript. I've done this for button_1 class aswell. The code was written using Flex. When I comment out both lines that result in error I get correct view of the core Movie clip with all subobject. How can I set subobject properties right after object creation?

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Actionscript 3 :: How Can A Loaded Child Swf 1 Communicate To Next Child Swf, Child Swf 2, Which Is Currently Not Loaded

Oct 14, 2011

I have a parent swf with three buttons: next button, back button, ticker on/off button.I have three child swfs, each with a ticker mc. When I click on ticker button on parent swfit dispatches a custom event which brings ticker MC on stage and thus ticker becomes visible (ticker off button displaces it out of stage by changing the value of ticker_mc.y).

the problem I am facing is when ticker is on and I click next or back button to load next or previous child swf, the ticker goes off. How can I make sure that ticker is on all the time and closes only when I close it. How can a loaded child swf 1 communicate to next child swf, child swf 2, which is currently not loaded, that since the ticker is on on swf 1 so you please keep the ticker on on swf 2 as well?!

I think I know the problem. I have put a default value of ticker_mc = 160 (makes ticker inactive) on every child swf. So, the ticker becomes inactive everytime I load a new child swf. If someone could guide how can I do this, my problem will be solved: When first child swf is loaded, the default value of ticker_mc.y should be 160. I want to hold this value in a variable. When I click ticker active btn, position of ticker_mc changes to 194 so the value of variable should change to 194. When I click next btn, the variable value (160 or 194) should be sent to next child swf and ticker_mc.y should be equal to variable value.

This is the code so far

"Next button"
go_mc.next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playNext);
function playNext(e:MouseEvent):void {
if (swf_no < (clips.length-1)) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading An Already Loaded Object Into Another Object?

Feb 24, 2010

I'm loading a .jpg into an object, and what I'm trying to do is load that same .jpg into another object later on in the script without requesting it to be downloaded (since it should already be in memory). Here is an example of what I'm using:

var my_loader:Loader = new Loader();
my_loader.load(new URLRequest("photo1.jpg"));


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Flash :: Loaded Font Doesn't Show Up When Parent Swf Creates TextField In Loaded Child Swf

Jun 14, 2011

Im working on a project that has a main swf file associated with the document class. It loads XML that provides the text content for the project, then it loads a swf that contains a font in its library, then it loads the first of several content module swfs. When the font swf has inited, I'm registering its library font with Font.registerFont(), and using it in a TextFormat object. After everything is done, I can add code to the document class to create a text field on the stage of the main swf and format it successfully with the TextFormat object, but when I try to do the same thing inside the loaded content module swf, the text doesn't show up there at all.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Object Is Not Sufficiently Loaded

May 29, 2007

I'm working on a class to track the loading of N objects.In order to do that, I Use a class called Advenced Loader inheriting from flash.display.Loader.I want to be able to listen to the ProgressEvent.PROGRESS but instead of receiving how many bytes have been loaded so far, I want to know how many byes have been loaded since the last PROGRESS event.So, I have the bytesPerProgress property inside the AdvancedLoader class which listens to its contentLoaderInfo object to calculates the bytesPerProgress.Then, inside another class which uses the AdvencedLoader I could do that:[code]

That's where I get an error #2099. It seems that I can't access the Loader instance only until after it completed the loading proccess.What I really need here is (if I could) to change the contentInfoLoader. loader to reference to my AdvancedLoader class instead of the Loader interface which doesn't include my new bytesPerProgress (implicit getter).What I could have done instead is to listen to the PROGRESS event inside the AdvancedLoader and then dispatch new PROGRESS event from within the AdvancedLoader. That's not quite what I thought it would be like, but I can't think of anything else since the contentLoaderInfo is an implicit getter (read only).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Object Loader Loaded And Not Loading

Jan 27, 2009

I loaded 5 JPG's into specific locations of an array via the URLRequest. So now when I trace my array:


THE PROBLEM: when I scan getXMLlinksArray and see that its NOT null, and i try to addChil to xmlImgHolder and then to spriteHolderArray, I just get a blank space. The debuger is showing that spriteHolderArray contains some loader info and the appropriate URL up until I load it with the existing loader from getXMLlinksArray. Then it says it doesn't have any conentedLoadedInfo.

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Adding Child At Video CuePoint, Then Removing Child At Another CuePoint?

Aug 4, 2009

However, either I'm declaring my variables at the wrong bit/way or there is another problem, as I have been able to add the child I want to from the display list (sidepoint: is it right to call the display list everything in the library on stage at runtime plus those things you have exported for actionscript usage??!)...but when I want to remove it at the next cuepoint nothing happens. I feel this is a basic principle that is alluding me here.

vid.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, cueText);
function cueText(e:MetadataEvent): void{


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing A Shared Object Outside Of Flash?

Feb 13, 2007

How can I find a shared object file that flash uses to store data? I want to remove it manually.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing A Child?

Feb 2, 2009

Im using the following code to create a mc from a template iv made stored in the library:

var galleryThumbs:MovieClip = new contentTemplate();
galleryThumbs.x = 710; = "galleryThumbs";[code].........

that all works fine but then im trying to remove it with this, with no success:

if (galleryBox){

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Child One By One?

Aug 10, 2011

Here it is:
var ZombieInstanceTimerL:Timer = new Timer(8000,60);
ZombieInstanceTimerL.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, ZombieTimerLfunction);


Basicly im first setting a timer of 8 seconds for a zombie to sprawn then it sets the properties and then using the addChild method it adds the zombie every 8 seconds. then i made the zombie move but as if it hits the character i make it stop and go to the attacking scene which is frame 4 and then when it isnt hitting it, it goes back to frame 2 which is walking,, then i made a Zombie death code which works by in the zombie attack class it has hittests for all the weapons and it reduces a varible in a GlobalVaribles class the varible is called ZombieHP and here it says if ZombieHP is below 1 it should go to 3 which is the death scene and add a point to the score but the hp and gotoAndStop affects all of the zombies so when it hits one they all die how can i make it so only the one its hitting can be affected..

View 3 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Child By Name?

Feb 8, 2010

I'm trying to remove an instance by name, that was previously captured when it was created. (in a property)

ActionScript Code:
trace(this._blockInstance); //returns instance name, eg "instance203"

But when i try to combine that with the removeChild method, it don't work.

ActionScript Code:

TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at Board/boardBlockClick()

View 7 Replies

Data Integration :: Removing Flash Object After Play?

Mar 29, 2009

I have a transparent video playing on my front page, with a small semi-transparent controller. After the movie plays and fades out, the controller remains. How can I remove the controller display after the movie finishes playing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Target Child?

Jan 8, 2012

I've run into a problem when trying to move one of my sprites from the stage when it dies.So far what I'm having to do is call the Death method from the main class, which then goes to the Enemy Class in order to play the animation, once the animation has reached the last frame an event is triggered which is situated in the main frame which then removes the now dead enemy from the stage. However it doesn't appear to be able to target the child which I want removed =/Main Class:

private function hitCheck(e:Event = null):void{
var samuraiPos:Number = SamuraiChar.samuraiPos();


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Flex Error When Removing Child

Oct 6, 2010

Have a rather bizarre issue with Flex throwing an error when teh application is running in the background. I use Selenium and SeleniumFlexApi to run various tests against my app. If the browser window is in the foreground or any part of it is visible to teh screen, the test pass as expected. However, if the window is in the background and not visible, I am getting the following error in 1 part of my app.

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller. I have a VBOX that creates a number of children and then upon creationComplete(or UpdateComplete, I've tried both) it then needs to remove any of the children that are not visible. Each child has a listener for CreationComplete which checks if the child is visible and if not, adds it to an array which is iterated over when the parent UpdateComplete is fired. I cant seem to find any reason for this behavior and am curious if its an issue with the Flex Component LifeCycle.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing All The Child Of The Movieclip

Jan 26, 2009

In my document class I have assigned the root of fla to theRoot movieclip as theRoot = MovieClip(this.root); And as my program proceeds I have added several childs to theRoot. Now at the end of my program I need to delete all the childs of theRoot. So,how can I do this without individually deleting single childs.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Child On Other Frame?

Oct 2, 2009

I have these lines of code on frame 55 on the Main Timeline that generates the contact Form :

ActionScript Code:
import com.warmforestflash.ContactForm;
var contactForm:ContactForm = new ContactForm();
contactForm.x = -200;


My problem is, that I want the contact Form to be deleted everytime I change the frame means --> everytime I go to another subpage of the homepage.
So I would need a script to check for instances of the contact Form class on every subpage-frame and to delete them if present.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Child Does Not Work?

Nov 11, 2010

When I put in this code

ActionScript Code:

it doesnt work as it says it cannot find dementorBlack basically.Here's my .as file where all this is going on.

ActionScript Code:
//the directory structure to this file
package [code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing A Certain Variable Child?

Nov 28, 2010

I'm trying to create s simple website by using flash. My idea was to have a series of buttons that when i click will add a child to my stage. Now my problem is that i can only figure how to remove that child again by clicking the same button, i would like that the child could be removed by clicking any given button.

Below you see the code for two of my buttons. It is basically made up of the snippets from Flash CS5. I've restricted the amount of children thath can be added, so that no two subpages (children) can be added at the same time. When i add the child by pressing a button the child will be the seventh child on the stage. Is it possible to then make a piece of code for the button so that given a child number seven is already at the stage this will be removed?

ActionScript Code:
infobtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fl_ClickToLoadUnloadSWF_info);
var fl_Loader:InfoPage = new InfoPage();
var fl_ToLoad:Boolean = true;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing External *.swf From Child?

Jan 2, 2012

I have a main_mc that loads and external xml slideshow on frame 1 via this code:

ActionScript Code:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stage.removeChild() Not Removing Child

Aug 12, 2009

I'm having a problem removing a child from the stage that is added dynamically. Shouldn't this work...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Child Which Is An Array Type?

Feb 2, 2011

so here goes the description of what i'm (trying) to make : i want to make a slideshow with AS 3, it will load external image which the location will be written in xml after it has load all the image it will play by itself and change beetwen image with transition.. well i manage to : read the xml, load the picture one by one and convert it into a bitmap tipeafter convert it to a bitmap tipe data i save it into an arrayafter all the image has been laoded , converted into bitmap and saved into array to display the image  itself i first add the the image which has been save into the array to the container that i specially made to hold this (well actually because transition manager can only have effect on MovieClip).
myMCContainer.addChild(myImageArray[imageIndex]); that's how i display it (of course i have added "myMCContainer to the stage").
well the real problem is when i tried to use remove child fo myMCContainer it give me error #2025, and when i tried to check number of child that myMCContainer has it returned 0 even after adding the image...


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Child Of Class On Different Frame?

Oct 5, 2009

I got a Homepage set up and I have a Contact Form on Frame 55 of my main movie clip.The form is created on runtime using AS with the following code:

ActionScript Code:
import com.warmforestflash.ContactForm;
var contactForm:ContactForm = new ContactForm();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding - Removing Child For A UI Loader?

Nov 9, 2009

I have 4 separate photogalleries, they are all swfs called by buttons with UI loaders attached. The problem is when one is called the loader remains on the stage I need to be able to remove any loader on stage BEFORE calling another page weather its a photogallery or not.Easiest explanation is how I used to do it in AS2 example 2 btns /2 load separate swfs into level1 on each btn I would have

LoadMovie (xxx.swf) 1

I need to do the same thing in AS3 Also, do I need to use separate loaders or can I use one loader and instance names? Below is the code I have now (btns are in two areas)

main timeline btns (all btns except photogallaries)
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onHomeClick);


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