ActionScript 3.0 :: Flex-built Component Doesn't Drag Onto Stage

Oct 3, 2008

I'm working with a fellow coder on a project; he's the Flex guy and I'm the Flash guy. He supplied me with a custom Component he built in Flex, to act as an API. It's working just fine for him when he runs it in Flex.

I installed the .swc file in my Components folder. When I open my Components window, I can see it sitting right there. However, I can't seem to drag an instance of it onto the Stage. It highlights in the window when I click it, as I drag it I can see the little dotted-outline box indicating that something's being dragged, but when I release it it disappears. Nothing on the Stage, nothing in the Library.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag The MenuBar Component From The Component Window Onto Stage

Dec 11, 2004

I'm building this game, and it was working fine, until I used the menuBar component. It's not code related, 'cause i've commented out the script that does things with the menuBar. If I drag the MenuBar component from the component window, onto my Stage , the game refuses to work. If I deleet it (but keep it IN my library), it still doesn't work!. But if I turn the export settings of the MenuBar off, it works! The classes that i'm using for my game are called, The class I want to use to do something with the menuBar is called (but that doesn't matter, since I commented the calling of that class out).

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Flash :: Line Chart Possible To Achieve Using Adobe's Built In Charting Component In Flex?

Jan 13, 2012

I'm new to Flex/AS3. I've attached an example line chart below. I want to know if this type of graph can be created using the standard line-series chart available in Flex (Flash Builder 4.6), or whether there's something drawn below that is non-standard and would therefore require some rather involved customization. The key features are:

-Different line styles and colors (dashed, dot-dash, solid, thick, thin, opacity)
-Placement of units (y-axis "seconds" and x-axis "Hz")
-x-axis zoom/pan control bar below graph (move knobs in and out to set x-axis min and max plotted values)
-Log x-axis scale, linear y-axis scale
-Data Tip (or, some call it tool tip, not shown below)
-SI units for x- and y-axis tick labels.

My guess is that everything should be pretty standard to accomplish using Adobe's built-in charting (with the possible exception of item 6, see below). Is that a good assumption?I'm particularly concerned about the x- and y-axis tick labels (item 6). For example, the x-axis tick marks as a number would be:1, 10, 100, 1000, 10000, 100000, 1000000, 10000000 but they need to be replaced with SI units, where k=1000, and M=1000000, so the corresponding marks would be (replacing the numbers above with the strings below)"1", "10", "100", "1k", "10k", "1M", "10M".The same goes for the y-axis, where p represents 1e-12, and n represents 1e-9.I can create an algorithm that accepts a number and outputs a string to do the SI unit conversion. But given that, is there a way to easily manage the tick mark labels to replace the default numbers with such strings?

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Unable To Drag Component To Stage / Library

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We are the developers of a complex Flash component (url...) which worked without issues on Flash CS3 and CS4. Now, in Flash CS5 (both Mac and Windows versions) we have found a couple of problems at author-time

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[Event(name="refreshPreview", type="")]

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<s:Group id="contentGroup">
<s:Group id="formGroup">
<s:Form x="11"


I am seeing that the refreshPreview event is not getting propagated to the custom component.

I doubt this is because the built-in component is a sibling of the target (where the event got generated) and not a parent. how to make refreshPreview event propagate to custom component?

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<myNameSpace:MyComponent constructor="{argArray}"/>

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override protected function commitProperties():void {
//some stuff ...


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private var _questions:ArrayCollection;
private var questionsChanged:Boolean;


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PHP Code:
<mx:Button label="Button" click="function();"/>

but I need to do it with actionscript..

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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
public class Main extends Sprite {


I need to access the main stage to add a mouse up event listener.

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Html :: Built Fith Flex Builder 3 For FP 9.0.124 ?

May 17, 2011

So I got Bada Wave II.. It shall have FP9 and Adobe site thinks it has! but we see strange banner on top. So I thought - grate - we have it... And I built this fith flex builder 3 for FP 9.0.124 but when I go to it I see nothing but this

or ...

Code behind is simple:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
<mx:VideoDisplay id="va" source="" autoPlay="true" [code]...

I also tried to compile it for FP 9.0.28 which was one of big FP game changers... So I whent to Google and found something that worked on Bada and at the same time was FP9!) It was not working 100% correctly as you can see but any way - I can operate with out navigation... Here are screensho. Note that flash content was unscrollable, unzoomable and browser about was showing ...

So at leasted it worked! So I descided to try and go into html... and modified my flex builder generated html into something as close as possible to that sample that worked and it shows this same wary FP9 logo thing...:... so It seems that I can not run Flex, mxml based projects on my bada... or can I?


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Have Transparent Background In Flash Application Built With Flex 4?

Nov 13, 2010

Is there a way to have a transparent background in a flash application built with Flex 4? I need to put it on a webpage where the html background is visible through the flash.

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Flex :: RemoteObject After Application Built - No Fault No Result

Jan 25, 2011

When i run it in Flash Builder (debug mode) the remote object called successfully. but whenever i build the application (AIR application), then the remote object will return no result nor fault, the busy cursor is showing about 3 seconds. then no clue at all. how to get advance fault or something than regular fault event or result event? or anyone have the same experience?

UPDATE: Actually it was failed only for ONE service method, for other method (some of them took longer time to call) the service call is work fine. CASE SOLVED So the problem was not on the service call, but on my result conversion that cause the advanced datagrid failed to render.

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Flex :: 4 - Null-component - Checking If The Cancel Button Component In The Child Component?

Jun 23, 2011

I have a component "child" which has a cancel button. Now this component is placed in a state called "newChildComp" I also have another component called "parent". In the parent component, i have a button that dispatches an event. Here is the event code:


so, basically,i am checking to see if the cancel button component in the Child component, while i am still in the parent Compoent, was clicked, if it was clicked, call the cancelButtonHandler. The problem is by the time the addNewChild handles the event, that cancel button was still null. My question is how do i solve this without using the itemCreationPolicy on the cancel button?

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Remove Built In Delay On Showing Flex Title Window?

Mar 30, 2011

The flex title window component is nice and all, but before it shows up it insists on blurring out the background of your window if it's set to modal. What if I want it to just show up immediately or at least speed it up so that the user doesn't have to wait around to enter data. Am I going to have to build a custom component based on TitleWindow to get this or not have it be modal? If I were to do that could I extend current TitleWindow or just copy out the source directly?

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Flex :: Graphics - Filling Color In An Object Built Using Primitives

Apr 22, 2011

I have a bounded object, created using primitives lines in Action Script- either an oval or a triangle. Is there any way I can fill the contents in a specific color

Just to clarify on this- the shape could be in two ways

a) drawing a isoceles triangle based on a variable apex angle

b) two curved lines to form a "lens"

I am not sure if I can use the fill function, as I am not drawing a inherently bounded shape- the closed nature is based on my calculations


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Bypass The Cross-domain.xml Requirement For An Adobe AIR Application Built With Flex?

Apr 23, 2010

Is it possible for an Adobe AIR application to connect to a remove webservice that does not expose a cross-domain.xml file? If so, how do you configure the security sandbox within Air to allow this?

I have attempted a socket connection and received the following error:


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Feb 17, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have A ScrollPane Component On The Stage And Within That Component?

Dec 22, 2010

All I want to do is have a scrollPane component on the stage and within that component I would like to have a movieclip that is essentially a list, and each list item is a button to be clicked on. I have no problem doing this if I have buttons within a movieclip, but having them in a scrollPane produces the following error:

1119: Access of possibly undefined property mcButtons through a reference with static type fl.containers:ScrollPane.It seems that I am unable to use the scrollPane component as if it were a movieclip and to use dot syntax to access it's content.

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