ActionScript 3.0 :: Flip Objects Horizontally And Vertically Using Senocular Transform Tool?
Oct 15, 2008
I am using the senocular transform tool for scaling, rotating etc... skew is disabled in the tool. I Have tried many ways to flip the display object horizontally and vertically. he function I am using is given below. It works fine when the display object is not rotated. When it is rotated and then flipped it outputs a skewed inverted display Object.
function flipHorizontal(dsp:DisplayObject):void
var matrix:Matrix = dsp.transform.matrix;
matrix.transformPoint(new Point(dsp.width/2,dsp.height/2));
I am using the senocular transform tool for scaling, rotating etc... skew is disabled in the tool. I Have tried many ways to flip the display object horizontally and vertically. he function I am using is given below. It works fine when the display object is not rotated.When it is rotated and then flipped it outputs a skewed inverted display Object.
function flipHorizontal(dspisplayObject):void { var matrix:Matrix = dsp.transform.matrix;
I've been using Senocular's free transform tool: [URL] in tandem with an image upload (using the fileReference class) so that users can upload an image and the transform it.
The free transform class has a function that allows you to restrict the scaling of the movieClip that you apply the free transform to, but it works on a 'scale' rather than specific height and width properties. My problem is, that I don't know what he dimensions of each uploaded image will be, so if it's restricted to a scale, some images will be allowed to be bigger than others....
I'm having trouble with loading in an external image that I can transform with the Senocular Transform Tool class. I have managed to load in the picture but the transform class doesn't seem want to grab it. Eventually I want to us the FileRef to upload the image but I just need to figure out how it works first. Here my code to load in the external image
The transform class can grab the other movieclips but it doesn't want to grab the new image loaded in from the code above.
I defined a symbol and applied 9-slice guides to it. When I transform the symbol, it transforms fine (the 9-slice works the way I expect) until I flip the symbol horizontally or vertically.
Is it possible to flip a movie clip, horizontally or vertically, using script. I have tried to find tutorials, and I have searched through the ActionScript refernce. Perhaps it requires more than 1 line of code?
I am a teacher I used the senocular transformer tool "action sript 3.0 Transformer tool [url]... to create a program for my students I want to add a reset button to it may anyone help me to do so?
How do you get a movie clip to flip vertically/horizontally when a key is pressed. I know how to rotate, but I need to get the clip to flip to make it look more realistic.
How do you get a movie clip to flip vertically/horizontally when a key is pressed. I know how to rotate, but I need to get the clip to flip to make it look more realistic.
how can I modify the code in Senoculars Free transform tool so it resizes on width/height basis instead of scaleX / scaleY like in the current version?
how to load an external image with fileReference and loader into a movieclip such that it can be transformed with senocular's transform tool.Here's what I have so far: (It places the image down but I cannot transform it)
ActionScript Code: var fileRef:FileReference = new FileReference(); MovieClip(root).loadBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, openClick);[code].....
I am using senocular's transform tool AS3 in one of my projects.I am having a problem in customizing the tool, I need the movieclip to be drag only with in a rectangle.
Does anyone has a modified version of this awesome tool that can limit the dragging of the objects to a given area? me in the right direction on how to accomplish this, which class i need to modify.
I'm using the Senocular Transform Tool to allow the user to scale an image that is loaded in. The demos work fine with sprites that are already on the stage.My setup is PureMVC and the images are loaded in, then I turn the loader content into a Bitmap and put that into a Sprite.I mimmicked the source files and added the TransformTool onto the stage level then I make the target the Sprite with the image inside.This all works and when I click on the image the TransformTool pops up and is the right size and shape. Unfortunately as soon as I try to scale or move it using the tool the image skews and scale in huge increments and goes off into the wrong directions.
I tried adding the Bitmap to the Sprite with the registration in the middle. I tried using a transform matrix to move the registration point to the center.
Working with senocular Transform Tool - How to remove/disable tool for objects Im new to AS3, and i have to use it for my current project. I have used the AS2 Transform tool extensively, but needless to say, the AS3 version works entirely differently. The way i understand it, the tool applies to and every Sprite , movieclip on stage
I have a image of burlap @ 500 width x 430 height. I need to tile this as my entire background for my full screen flash site. flip the image horizontally for every other placement horizontally, and then i need it to flip vertically for every other Vertical placement. So the image only looks seamless if i do this. I have a illustration below to help show what i mean.
I have tryng to centre my SWF website in html index file but for some reason when i upload it it only uploads to the top right hand side of the browser, center this SWF absolutely in the center, vertically and horizontally my html code im using in html is as follows;
Possible Duplicate: How to merge cells in DataGrid/AdvancedDataGrid in Adobe Flex I want to do something as Office Excel with Flex, such as merging cells. How do I do it ?
I would like to load a movie that is centered horizontally and vertically on the stage even if the browser window is opened larger. I have a liquid layout that opens up if the browser is enlarged, but I need to make sure the loaded movie stays centered in the browser.
how to use actionscript to stretch a movieclip indefinately either horizontally or vertically? I have a swf file which I've set to resize when the browser window resizes and I want to have a background movie clip that 'stretches' or 'repeats' itself to accomodate the browser window at whatever width it is.
I got a movieclip which should be dragable horizontally and vertically, however it should be "locked" horizontally when dragging vertically as well as the other way around.[code]
Lets say I have an array with a bunch of bitmaps that I�m using for bitmap material in away3D.
But I want to take each Bitmap in that array and flip it vertically so that it displays properly when displayed in 3D space. How would I go about this?
I was wondering in the photo gallery thumbnail tutorial how do I make the thumbnails display vertically not horizontally. Also how do you add the picture caption underneath the thumbnail? [URL]