ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Browser Url From .swf File?
Aug 2, 2009
I need to get the browser`s url from a html-embeded swf file. If the browser`s url is [URL], I need to have access to it through my swf file in order to find the value of the ln (language) parameter.
i have a standalone exe flash file which opens autorun from a cd, and i need to open a windows browser directly from that flash. i want it to open the htm without any toolbars or scroll.
i have a standalone exe flash file which opens autorun from a cd, and i need to open a windows browser directly from that flash. i want it to open the htm without any toolbars or scroll...
I have managed to get it to open a file browser but all I can seem to get it to do is give me the NAME of the selected file *eg.* I also need the path of the file as in C:examplefile.mp3.
The program I'm making plays an MP3 of your choice at a certain time, like an alarm clock. But I got tired of entering the file path of the MP3 EACH time so I wanted to have a browse feature.
When i save the file as an .swf file to view it in my browser the video gets really big (sized the flash document 250x240 px) . How can i easily control my flash video sizes?
another thing: When im doing a video and work with things that are outside of my white document (in the gray area) for instance things that are to be faded into the document and so on. These things also show up in outside of my video when i view it in my browser.
I have a flash file using xml to link to html pages all within SharePoint. When I click on a link from inside flash, it opens up a new browser window with the html content.Is there a way to open the html content in the same browser that the flash file is in?
I'm trying to create a page where you click on the video thumbnail and the video opens up in its own window. I'd like the video to open at a specific size that I determine, not the browser, and I want it to be scalable. Here is what I have so far as a test file[URL]
I have a problem with a swf file which will not play in web browser.It played fine until I updated my site.I tried typing the absolute path to the swf file in the browser address bar and found it straight away. When I clicked on it the screen stayed blank.I checked the path to the file and the flv file was relative to the document and not the site.
swf plays fine in flash player, flash, and locally on dreamweaver.I moved the swf up the file tree and changed the links accordingly but still would not play.I also tried saving it as a new swf from flash, but that doesn't play either.I added another swf to the containing folder and that played fine in the browser.When I open the fla file in flash it only shows a flv playback movie, not the elements, I think this is because it was created in after effects.Here is the link to the containing folder, the swf file is Home_page_movie_V2.swf
I made changes to the file and attempted to load it into my browser (IE) but it only loads the file from before I made the changes. I published the file and even cleared my cache. I double checked the location and it looks fine.
I have got a page which lets me control some devices in a local network. However, some of the advanced settings can be set only using an .exe file which is located on the computer where I run the configuration page. I would like to have all the configurational tools "in one place" so it would be nice to have a kind of link/block/button/flash animation/whatever which - after being clicked by the user - would run a specified .exe file. I think that it is possible somehow, because I've seen MMO games which are launched using a webpage. I also suspect that html/javascript will not let me to do something like that, so maybe the answer is Flash?
I am looking for an stfp filebrowser, in either php, flash og as an java applet. I really dont wanna code this myself, since its really time consuming. So i was thinking if anyone know an opensource system that can do this. I know this can be very insecure, but i will only allow certain ips with certain passwords to use it.
Is it possible for a flash file thats uploaded in an HTML page, to take up the available browsers space no matter how much resolution a computer has?For example, if I view it on a screen thats 2560x1600 or one that 1280x800, it would still fit to the screen of the browser, so that no scroll bars will be needed.
For a project I need to import a game (3 SWF into one html). After I published my SWF's, I inserted the first SWF file into an HTML in dreamweaver (index.swf). When I preview in the browser everything looks perfect, but when I click on the button that takes me to the next SWF file (game1.swf) the next SWF file changes in size, it looks a lot bigger than it is (original size is 650x450). Is the problem the publish settings on flash?
i am loading some pages/images from some folder whose path is specified in the Xml used like this:
<page src="user/_IMAGES_//image_0002.png" />
I am using Chinese /Japanese text in this Now the problem is that when i run it in the flash it loads those pages and when i load it in the browser then that file doesn't load anything.
how the image in the background always fills the browserwindow and always stays in proper aspect ratio with cropping asnecessary, but the text on top of it floats over the imagedepending on how big the window is and the size of the text doesnot change.'ve been able to manage most of this. I can get my image toresize in the browser window to always fill it completely and cropas necessary. But the type that I want to place over the image alsoresizes, which I don't want it to do. I've done this by creating acustom class, which I've attached, and then setting the size of theswf file on the page at 100%.
I don't have an idea about Flash & ActionScript 3.0. Please help me regarding this issue.Suppose, I have created a simple flash application(say, Test1.fla & Test1.swf file has been generated and works fine). Now, I need to use this swf file in my Java application as son as a menu-item is selected/gets clicked by the user.
But, when I run my whole application in IE7 browser window, If I select the Flash menuitem by clicking on it, then no flash file[viz., contents of Test1.swf file] gets visible.Instead a blank page without any conents is displlayed. In addition to this, it don't/doesn't display any message like this:" Install Flash Player to view the contents of swf file you need."
After all what I've read on this topic, I know that there is no way to do automated file upload from browser without some kind of "elevated permissions".But, elevated permissions is something what I have, bacause the application runs on intranet and user currently enables access to ActiveX control that makes it possible to do some document scanning using COM. Then a scanned document saved on file system needs to be uploaded.Now, the only browser requirement is IE7+ compatibility. But with IE8, the only way to set value to <input type="file" ... /> is manually clicking "browse" button.
Is there really no way to set value to input form field, even if the site is added to trusted sites and full access for ActiveX code is enabled?The same seems to apply to Flash and Silverlight, security policy makes it impossible to upload file without user manually selecting it. Silverlight probably could do it in OOB mode, but that is way toointerruptive if a user has to click to enable out of browser mode every time.ActiveX and Java applet could probably do it. If using <input type="file" ... /> is not an option, is there any lightweight (possibly free/open-source) ActiveX control that would handle uploading from file system?
updateI did investigated all the options quite in depth back there, and it turned out it's the paradigm of security model which makes it impossible to do automated file upload from the browser without user interaction. That means the use must either manually interact to upload file or confirm some ActiveX control or similar plugin to do that job. If you manage to find a way to upload without some special plugin with elevated permissions, you probably found a security hole, which will be fixed soon. However, that's the way web brower technologies are designed to work.
i have a question that is almost like other questions but with a small but very important difference. how can i restrict file types for user with a popup showed in the browser.
The standard file input of html can limit that with a command but it does not work in all browser so it is not an option. I do not want to validate the file extension after the user has chosen a file but before that, when he is choosing.[URL].. but it uploads the file after the user has chosen it, i do not want to do that, i want to upload it after the user submits the form.
So the problem looks like this that there are some ways of not letting the user send a not valid file but they are not good because, one is that i validate after the user have chosen the file and the other is that i upload the file before the user submits the form.
I just want a simple thing to not letting to "chose" a not valid file, it does not matter if it will be made with java script or flash, just let it work.
I would like to know if it's possible to edit a file from within the browser. I know where the file is and I know its format. I would like to some HTML5 and JavaScript but have little luck so don't mind using Flash or Java.
The file I would like to edit is the hosts file. C:WINDOWSsystem32driversetchosts on Windows XP.
This is mostly for test run of a new breed of AdBlocking so would like to give my browser and the best chance of working. I have Google Chrome Dev opened as ROOT, running on Windows XP.
How does the browser load flash files? Do they load progressively, or does the browser wait until the entire flash file is loaded before displaying it?The reason is I have a tiny clip that is extremely high in quality, only a few seconds long, but it's over 4 mb.Will the user have to wait until all 4 mb is loaded before viewing? Or does it load as the user watches it? I just imported a .flv into Flash, and exported as a .swf.
I am developing a project in which I am required to open an exe file (i.e. notepad) right inside the browsers window. The solution can be in any programming tool / language. I have tried a sample program in VB.NET and it is working. (see the figure attached below)
I'm trying to do the following : I want a pdf to be downloaded but not in the broswer just to have the usual download to a folder thing (ecxcuse my english) This what I use but it always open a new window. [URL]
I have an xml file which creates some dynamic text url's in my flash movie. I would like the dynamic text which currently opens a new browser window when clicked to open a predefined size popup browser window.