ActionScript 3.0 :: Hide Fact That A Class Is DisplayObjectContainer?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a class which will contain exactly one child, no more, no less, and other classes are not allowed to change that fact.

I could throw error messages every time a child is added or removed by overriding the default properties, but I don't want the object to be treated as if it were a DisplayObjectContainer.

I want it to look like only a DisplayObject, yet I still want to add a child to it in private.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mouse.hide() Error 1061: Call To A Possibly Undefined Method Hide Through A Reference With Static Type Class

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<!-- Generated by Oracle's Dynamic HTML Generation Package -->
<HEAD><script>function <TITLE>Mailform Entry Submitted</TITLE>
[Code] .....

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Solution 3: use 3rd party plug-in like FlashDevelop

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import flash.display.Sprite;
var sp1:Sprite = new Sprite( );
var sp2_1:Sprite = new Sprite( );


I'd assume from this that there is no correcting done for children with the same name being added to the same parent. I ask this question because I'm creating a structure that needs to mimic the display list and I'd like to keep behavior consistent.

Another question: I'd assume internally the children are saved in something similar to a Dictionary object, does anyone know if this is true? And then getChildByName simply does a foreach loop and returns the first match on a name?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flash Builder Hide Class Properties From Content Assist?

Nov 25, 2010

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override public function setTextFormat(format:TextFormat,[...]):void{}

I would like now to hide setTextFormat from code hinting, so when, in some other class, I type:

var t:MyTextField = new MyTextField;

And hit ctrl+space I only see setPropertyIsEnumerable(...) and setSelection(...), no trace of setTextFormat(...). But no matter what I do it still appears, I tried @private metatag in asdoc, as well as some made-up (like @remove, @disable, @ignore, @deprecated). Using [Exlude] doesn't work either as, afaik, it works only with mxml. Is there some way to actually accomplish this task? Or am I forever left with useless and redundant code? Some plugin maybe? (I know I can just leave it as is and don't double methods, but, nevertheless, I'd rather have it my way)

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Dec 9, 2009

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Jan 21, 2010

I'm working on a class that let's you use "addChild" to add children to it. In all aspects, it's treated like a regular class, the only difference is that it doesn't really add them. It only draws the BitmapData of them and displays that, which doesn't make a huge difference for the user, but might make a difference for performance, at least the way I am planning to make it.

Now, if users add a regular old Sprite or other DisiplayObject to the container, I have overridden the function to draw the BitmapData of the item, and store the item in an array.The problem is, if the user want to do something like "sprite1.parent", since the Sprite technically isn't on the display list, the parent property will be null. I can't override the passed in sprite's properties, right? Is there any way around this?

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Flex :: Any Method In Module Class Where I Can Hide And Show Based On User Login?

May 19, 2010

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This module loads an image. -->
<mx:Module width="100%" height="100%" [code]..........

I have such 10 modules. Is there any Method in Module Class where i can hide and show based on user login.

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Flex :: What Happens When The AddChild, Or RemoveChild Method Is Called On A DisplayObjectContainer

Jan 27, 2011

I would like to know the internals of that method, in other words what exactly happens when I call that method. If someone can explian it with a list 1,2,3... would be great. including events..

and the addElement method too, if is possible.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Xml Object (or Any Object In Fact) Named After A Variable

Oct 28, 2003

How can I create an xml object (or any object in fact) named after a variable, i.e variable called section with value "names" create object [section value + "XML"] = new xml(); result: empty xml object called namesXML

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Width Of DisplayObjectContainer - Make The Size Of Sprite Is Not Affected By Its Children?

Jan 30, 2010

look at the following codes first
var sp:Sprite = new Sprite();
trace( sp.width );                    // the result will be 0
var mc:DefinedMC = new DefinedMC();          // assume that DefinedMC is derived from movie clip, and the width of mc is 100
trace( ap.width );                    // the result will be 100
so the size of an instance of Sprite is affected by its there any class derived from DisplayObjectContainer whose size is not affected by its children, or is there any method that could make the size of Sprite is not affected by its children.

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Feb 8, 2011

Is there anyway to hide .swf path showing up from webpage??

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Hide A Layer So It Does Not Publish?

May 19, 2009

I have many layers and would like to hide or shut one off so it does not Publish. How? When I hide the layer in the timeline, it dissappears from the timeline, but still Publishes...

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2nd Click To Hide Pop-up Menu?

Oct 7, 2009

I have a Movie Clip configured as a Button and I wanted to know how to make the cursor transform into a pointer (little hand) when it's over tat movieclipBut well that was just not the point of the Post what really interests me is that when I click that MC a Pop up menu appears (another MC) but if i decide not to click any of the buttons in that menu the menu will stay there until I click another button or something and i will want it to disappear if a click it for a second time or something like that.

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