ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Call Constants By Int
Jan 11, 2012
Basically I want to call a const by a int. Here is the code I have so far...
public static const _100:String = "name=lion legs*type=legs";
public static const _101:String = "name=lion tail*type=tail";
public static const _200:String = "name=tiger legs*type=legs";
///more lines going down with the number on the far left being the main differentiating factor
public static function getByName(name:int):String {
[Code] .....
Is there a better way out there to call the constants by an outside int without having a switch function handle the logic?
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Error: Syntax error: expecting colon before dot.
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ActionScript Code:
const SPEED:int = 5;
o.x += SPEED; should get this in the SWF:
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o.x += 5;
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const SPEED:int = 5;
o.x += SPEED;
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ActionScript Code:
//do stuff
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Feb 23, 2011
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"Some" : 10,
"Other" : 3,
"Another" : 5
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public class BigClass
public static const BIG_CLASS_CONSTANT:String = "Hi Mom.";
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var myObject:Object = {Event.OPEN:"value", Event.COMPLETE:"value2"};
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[Code] .....
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//Nullify 'vc0' in the vertex shader:
context3D.setProgramConstantsFromVector("vertex", 0, null);
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Nov 4, 2009
Again pulling my hair out due to some Flex/AS3 weirdness. The following code does not compile due to error 1120 - Access of undefined property AbstractWizardModel
<mx:HBox id="cntr_buttons" width="100%" horizontalAlign="right">
<mx:Button label="{model.getButtonLabel(AbstractWizardModel.GO_BACK)}" />
The constant is defined (in AbstractWizardModel) as:
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Jun 13, 2011
This code seems to compile fine in the IDE, but the command-line compiler (SDK 4.5 mxmlc.exe) reports "Parameter initializer unknown or is not a compile-time constant."
package {
public class Constants {
public static const CONSTANT : int = 0;
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Nov 8, 2011
Is there a way to compile SWC files in different targets (Debug vs. Release) similarly how you can compile a SWF file with the AS3 Conditional Compiler constants?
This link shows how SWF files can be compiled with predefined compiler constants:[URL]..
But I need to know how to achieve this with SWC files instead.
Note: I'm using FlashDevelop (Windows 7) to create the SWC (if that's any help to refine the answer).
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