ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Create Canvas For CS4
Aug 11, 2010
How to create a canvas in AS3 for CS4? What is the header file to be included?
canvas:Canvas = new Canvas();
canvas.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xff0000);
but this is not working.
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Aug 11, 2010
How to create a canvas in AS3 for CS4? wat is the header file to be included ? Is this code right?
canvas:Canvas = new Canvas();
canvas.setStyle("backgroundColor", 0xff0000);
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Feb 5, 2009
I'm new to Flex, but been working with AS 3.0 and Flash for many years. I'm trying to loop through a variable and based on the supplied information your the particular record, generate a canvas (and note: I'm using a Canvas as my movieclips in Flex). The new canvas (MC) will contain many other items within.
Any I'm wishing I was purely in Flash or can Flex do what I'm trying to ask it to do. I've searched high and low without find any results on creating a canvas component at runtime.
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Nov 6, 2009
In my application a canvas object has height = 90 px & width = 86400 px (indicating number of seconds in a day [60 * 60 * 24] ). The canvas is scrollable and the user can add or delete components in that.Now, I want to have snapshot of the whole canvas & shrink it to size 910x30 to draw taken snapshot in another canvas.Can anybody tell me how to take snapshot of such large Component?I have tried to take snapshot in BitmapData object but as it max width is 2880 can not give whole canvas snapshot.
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Jan 25, 2012
I'm developing a web app using Flex. This app allows to draw forms in a Canvas (like MSPaint in Windows).Now, I want a new feature on it: an infinite canvas. The user should be able to drag the main Canvas and this should be infinite in X and Y axis. Consecuently, this Canvas should be resized in real time.
Obviously, I don't want to create a Canvas of 1k x 1k pixels with zoom in an specific area to give the feeling of an infinite drawing area.
EDIT:I just read that Flash/Flex Flash/Air supports canvases up to 4056x4056 px, not infinite.
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Jun 5, 2009
I have the following code in my flex project.
I want to dynamically add different items to thumbContent canvas and use scroller canvas to scroll. I see than the height of thumbContent bigger than 7977 it truncate from scrolling. So - I see the scroller canvas with empty space on top. Then I scroll to bottom - I see the content of thumbContent and at bottom scrolling I see empty space too.
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Apr 9, 2011
I'm trying to skin a canvas with an image (which is essentially a custom border for the canvas). I've been trying the backgroundImage style as well as the borderSkin style. I can't get the image to scale to the full size of the canvas though. I was wondering what the best way to go about this is.[code]...
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May 19, 2010
I'm trying to create a simple slide gallery with one main canvas + thumbnails.Usually the main canvas has auto slide feature.Users can choose the picture on main canvas from thumbnails.When the mouse is over thumbnails I want Canvas to stop auto slide show until that mouse is outside of thumbnails.So I start creating this, and I finish coding for auto slide show and choosing picture from thumbnails. Now I need to code if the mouse is on the thumbnail then temporary stop auto slide show.I thought the right way is to write the code like this,[code]but when I do this, the timer won't stop.
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Feb 24, 2011
Basically I want to go to frame2 when the cursor leaves the canvas. The code below contains no errors when tested but it still does not work.
We know that the function gotoAndStop(frame2); works in multiple situations which means the first 3 line is fine. I don't know if the problem is the MOUSE_LEAVE event or this.stage which i suppose is the identifier for the canvas. I sure that there must be an alternative code for the identifier this.stage or the whole code. Any solution on how to fire the given function in the event when the cursor leaves the canvas?
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Jan 20, 2010
I'm developing an engine to generate components.I been wanting to get my xml script that read and create a component to be load into 'content' canvas. I not sure how do I get the addChild work correctly as in 'content'.addChild instead of the one shown below:[code]
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Jul 9, 2009
whenever I publish a FLA file I have, and load it onto a website, I see elements which aren't suppose to be within the frame sitting outside the frame.These elements are outside the canvas in flash and come in for brieft flashy moments but then fly back out again.How do I hide all files outside the canvas? I tried masking the top layer and adding everything underneath it and locking it but that never worked.
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Jul 19, 2009
I am trying to make a flash application that can save (to the user's local hard drive) a screen shot of the canvas (or more accurately part of it).I've dabbled with Quasimondo's Bitmap Exporter which did some funky stuff to render an image, ship it to a php script on the server, and bounce it back to the client. But not only is that inefficient it also has two other major flaws:
1) it's written in actionscript 2 so I can't use any actionscript 3 abilities.
2) it breaks as soon as one of the images on the stage is defined as a variable brought in through $_GET rather than hard coded. (the image comes in fine but then the rendered finished product is a blank white image)
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Dec 27, 2009
The basis for the chat window is a canvas. I've got that showing, but how do I make it scroll up? I want to clip the window so only the last 15 lines are shown.[code]...
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Dec 8, 2010
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">
<mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:Canvas backgroundColor="#A8A8A8" height="100%" right="0" top="0" width="100">
My code above works absolutely fine, until i resize my browser window to a size below 800px width. When the browser window is make of lesser width than 800px, the canvas with background color #A8A8A8 is on the right of the window, but the problem is, when I move the scroll bar, the canvas should remain on the right of the window. Which does not happen, and that is what my problem is.
How can I solve this issue. What should I do to keep my canvas be on the right=0 all the time.
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May 18, 2011
I want to lie two canvas at one Tab Navigator. when I use <mx:local it created multiple tab.
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Aug 18, 2010
Does anyone have examples of how to pan across a large canvas?
Hard to explain but basically I am using a workspace of 1280 x 800 but I have a canvas that is much larger. I want to be able to click to navigate to different areas of the larger canvas w easing.
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Aug 26, 2009
I have a Canvas(oldcanvas) whose child is a Panel [and is the only child].
Now i want to drag and drop that panel on to someother canvas(newcanvas).
But by using newcanvas.addChild(oldcanvas.getChild(0)) is not working.
I am able to add the complete oldcanvas to the newcanvas but not able to get the child i.e the panel inside that.
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Sep 3, 2008
I'm using the drawing API features to do the following: I created two different squares and want to use them as two different canvas to draw on, they should be on top of each other so for testing purpose I overlap them partially here, but somehow I'm having trouble when trying to draw on the overlapped areas. Has any one encountered this problem or know how to solve it?
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Jun 19, 2009
i am required to zoom a canvas through Hslider. The problem is after zooming the canvas i cannot scroll to the extreme left and top of the canvas i.e some part of left and top canvas are not visible. i cannot find the reason. The source code for the example is given below.
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Jul 27, 2009
Is there a way in Flex by which a disabled canvas looks exactly the same as an enabled canvas? I haven't been able to make sense of disabledOverLayAlpha and disabledColor properties for a Canvas component.
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Jul 29, 2009
a .fla is 500 x 300. Inside, content moves OUT of the 500 x 300 stage so that it appears like it hides or moves off of the screen. .fla complied... loaded into Flex via SWFLoader:
<mx:Conainer width="500" height="300">
<mx:SWFLoader width="100%" height="100%" />
Loaded .swf file shows outside of the 500 x 300 Container in Flex. How can i get it so that only what is INSIDE of the Container is visible?
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Aug 3, 2009
Is there a way to programmatically scroll the canvas to its topmost position?
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Dec 13, 2009
I am creating a canvas in actionscript like :
private var cvs_preview:Canvas = null;
So on the focus change i want to run the "end_preview_on_focus_change()" but this is not working. As per my understanding, i think the canvas not getting any focus in the first place. I was trying to use focusManager.setFocus to do that after the canvas's creation complete. but even that is giving me an error.
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Feb 25, 2010
I'm currently developing a website in ASP .NET MVC and I require functionality for a user to be able to draw a picture on a canvas which can be saved in a database.
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Jul 26, 2010
In flex, I am using
canvasEdit.setStyle("borderColor", 0x0134FF);
canvasEdit.setStyle("borderThickness", 3);
note: canvasEdit is of type Canvas.
But I am not able to put border on the sides of canvas.
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Aug 4, 2010
I'm trying to create a custom tab navigator that has to look like. Also, when there's a rollover, the borders of the arrow have to be in blue (like the label in the current tab). For that purpose, I've created a custom component: a hbox containing a label and a canvas with 3 images inside (for the arrow tip that has to change depending on the currentState). Then, I thought of overlapping the components in order to get the blue highlight color (ex: arrow button 3 is over arrow button 4. The image of the arrow tip in button 3 will be transparent outside the arrow, so that we can see the black color of the following button).
I'm now trying to position the components inside the canvas ... but I cannot. After the creationComplete event, I assign the label text and I was calculating the coordonates of the component but it doesn't take into account the label width... -_-'
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Sep 7, 2010
I need to embed a flash application(that will access FB API from within) in Facebook Canvas page.If I use , some FB related details(like session key) will be automatically passed to the flash. But since, FBML is going to be deprecated, I want to use iFrame. Is there any way to pass those variable automatically or do I have to retrieve them in PHP and pass it to flash through loadvars?Also, if I have to do it manually, is there any documentation for the php sdk 2.1 ? (already searched about it a lot, and I think there is no doc nor tutorial for 2.1)
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Oct 6, 2010
The problem is when background of top or below label is changed, the top or below button is erased.
<mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%">
<mx:LinkButton icon="{icon1}" width="25" x="10" y="10"/>
<mx:LinkButton icon="{icon2}" width="25" x="10" y="100" />
<s:VGroup width="100%" height="100%" id="lst" click="highlight( as Label)" gap="0">
<s:Label />
So do anyone know the possible solution for this problem?
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Oct 22, 2010
i am trying to add a uicomponent which contains an object of a custom class the extends UIcomponents and i want to display this uicomponent to canvas i have done no error compile or run time but it does not display the Uicomponent.
here is code;
var item:RecordRanderer = new RecordRanderer();
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Oct 24, 2010
add childs to canvas. I want to add childs to canvas in top-down direction and left-right direction? I'm using the addChild function but I don't want to calculate the X and the Y for each Item. is there a way to do that?
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