ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Display Specific XML Entry
Jul 7, 2009
I have a very simple line of code that i'm trying to modify to display a specific entry in a xml file:
AS3 Code:
// The first step is to activate the XML object
AmbientSettingsXML = new XML();
With the XML Object now active you must now load an XML foramtted document.
Any DTD or XLS formatting will be ignored.
AmbientSettingsXML.onLoad = myLoad;
[Code] .....
So the question is, how do I display the "event_title" entry only? (String)
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Jul 4, 2011
I have been looking for a reference for this all over Google and even through the Adobe Forums but I can't find anything.I'm using Flash CS4, AS2. I'm calling an XML document to populate 2 text areas (textArea). In one textArea I need to display the firstChild (or ROOT node) and three childNodes after that. In the other textArea, I need to display the fourth childNode only.I am good to go for the second textArea, the one that only shows the fourth childNode. What I cannot figure out is how to hide that fourth childNode from my other textArea that calls for the same XML file. My code is written below, actionscript and XML.My textArea boxes are named "myText" and "myText2". "myText2" is the one that is working properly. I need to show only the <title> <description> and <price> tags in the "myText" box, not the <link> tag.
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//Set Image PropertiesmyImageBox.html = true;myImageBox.wordWrap = true;myImageBox.multiline = true;myImageBox.label.condenseWhite = true;myImageBox.setStyle("borderStyle","non
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Oct 9, 2009
How do I get a Flex tree to display only specific XML nodes?
A sample of the XML data is below. Only the Grouper and Product elements should be displayed as branch and leaf nodes respectively; the Name elements should not be displayed. I can't use XSL or e4x to modify the XML as the Name elements' text is used as the label for the Grouper and Product tree nodes. Also, I cannot move the Name element to be an attribute as it needs to include a CDATA section.
It looks like using a custom TreeDataDescriptor is the way forward but I cannot find any examples of using one with XML.
<Grouper Type="ProductHeading" Id="" icon="drugIcon">
<Product Id="1002081" icon="genericIcon">
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Sep 21, 2006
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pdf_btn.onRelease = function() {
getURL("pdfs/sample_file.pdf#page=605", "_blank")
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public function ParseDestinations(destinationInput:XML):void
var destAttributes:XMLList = destinationInput.adventure.destination.attributes();
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Aug 28, 2010
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on (release) {
if (AS2 + B2 + R2 + SL2 < 2)
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And if so, will it be in the cache or anything when it is loaded again within the click event?
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Aug 21, 2009
Im trying to make a cursor display when rolling over a movieclip only between a specific range of frames. with this code the cursor shows up in the range of frames but doesnt follow the mouse, and the mouse pointe ris visible
thisFrame = _root._currentframe;
if (thisFrame > 50) {
if (thisFrame < 90) {
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Jun 11, 2011
I need to find the new item in a new set that is not in an existing set. here is an example:
// current set
{file, file, file, file, file}
// new set
{file, file, file, file, file, file}
- The current set contains a list of file objects (for example)
- The new set contains another set of file objects, however it contains most of the same files in the current set, but now includes a brand new file.The new file in the new set needs to be pushed onto the current set.
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actionscript Code:
for each(var currentFile:FileInfo in currentSet) { for each(var newFile:LocalFileInfo in newSet) { if( == { }}
But i just cant work out how to extract the new file. I will get it eventually, but im kinda hoping that someone will find a better solution entirely. one that might not even require so many loops.
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Jun 6, 2011
I have table named "highscore" like this:
nameQL scoreQL
piotr 50
And flash game with NAME and SCORE exported to PHP with this names.How to make this in PHP file:
IF (NAME exists in database (nameQL)AND SCORE>{Raplace scoreQL with SCORE WHERE nameQL=NAME}
IF (NAME doesn't exists){Create new row with NAME and SCORE)
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Jul 4, 2009
This is my flow chart for the project:
Frame 1;
1. User enter in a textinput named "studentname"
2. username is stored in a sharedobject (studentlist)
3. Show data of what previous students entered by evoking studentlist
Frame 2:
3. Current user enter other details, then movie loops back to Frame 1..
How do i store the a list of all students who entered their names in studentlist?
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PHP Code:
var vetXML:XML;
var vetLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
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Oct 24, 2002
I need to limit form data entry to once a day. I have created a login and a PHP script that writes variables to a txt file. However, I want to limit the users ability to enter data to the server date, so that they can only enter in data once per day. For example, a poll that allows a user base to vote once per day. I need to do it using Actionscript, PHP, CGI, or javascript.
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Nov 10, 2010
This seems so simple and easy, yet I can't manage to do it, even after several hours of searching!
All I want to do is:
Have a text box field that a user can enter a string into and then display this string on other frames.
I'm using Actionscript 3.0 and Flash CS5.
I have this so far on the frame for the string entry [code]...
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Feb 11, 2010
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If I click on the first mc in the grid the slideshow will work fine, however, if I click on say the 3rd movieclip the slideshow will not work. I need to be able to figure out which frame it's exactly on so I can manage to be able to loop through all the frames..
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Sep 9, 2011
I have a sound control file that works great, however, I cannot seem to get the audio to start playing upon entry. I have tried the using the code::;and it plays but when you click the play button, the audio repeats and the sound file that started upon entry do not respond to the controls.URL...
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Jul 9, 2009
I have five text boxes and a dropdown box in my flex application, how can I make the progress bar fill up when there is text in each box, and the dropdown selected. For example, if there is input in three out of five of the boxes and there is a selection in the dropdown, then the progress bar would be 4/6 full.
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May 9, 2010
I have an array created by .push method. The entries are like:
{item:"Item 1", type:"type A", date:"09/05/10"},
{item:"Item 2", type:"type A", date:"12/05/10"},
{item:"Item 3", type:"type B", date:"27/04/10"},
I forgot to mention that, i've done it by spliting the date entry to subentries and sort the array according to them and it can be also be done by creating a new array by fetching entries from the prototype.. but i wanted to see if there is a more "proffesional" way to do this.
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Jul 12, 2010
How do I push an entry into an associative array?
ActionScript Code:
var lijst:Object = new Object({fname:'John', lname:'Carpenter'});
This doesn't work. The first name and last name work because they are created when the object was created, but the pushed middle name remains undefined.I understand that associative arrays are in fact objects. I tried turning it into a real array so the Push command would work cause it's part of the Array Class.
ActionScript Code:
var lijst:Array = new Array({fname:'John', lname:'Carpenter'});
Though this works, it only works when using a '1'. When in fact I want to keep it inside the '0' entry.So how do I really add an entry into an assciative array? So that in above example instead of each having two elements one is added resulting in three elements per entry?
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Nov 18, 2010
Is is possible to remove history entry from swf address somehow?
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Jun 1, 2011
The cursor is blinking in the correct field but it will not allow any text to be typed into the field. Is there something in the code that is causing this problem?
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Oct 1, 2011
Atm the home page loads up a swf gallery that literally just displays a photo then fades in/out onto the next photo etc
it always loads the first frame obviously but i was wondering if there was a way to randomly jump to another part of the timeline each time the home page was reloaded?? its not essential but would be a nice touch
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May 6, 2009
Okay I have two arrays, one full of bullets, the other enemies. They compare each array and hit detect. The splice function is removing the Array instance of the enemy. Now, this is all good for removing the entry from the array, the trace function says this is working, but I'm not sure how to remove the child from the stage here? I figure calling a custom class from here such as enemy.die(); is possible, but how do I specify the instance that was hit detected? Sorry if this doesn't make a lot of sense but I am just learning and trying everything I can think of.
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Nov 17, 2009
I am trying to create an audio that only uses the first entry in an xml file. I have most of the things working but I keep getting an error related to the audio file.
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert "" to
at latestMessage_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()
I inserted the url for the file into error message so you can see if there is s problem with that. I was initially trying to use a variable to hold the url for me, because this xml file gets updated every week and I only want to access the most recent entry.
This is my first attempt at making an audio player in flash, so I am sure I have made a simple mistake, but for the life of me I cannot figure out what it is.
Here is the code I have so far: (Please Try not to Laugh, at least not out loud)
//Load the podcast.xml File
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var xmlData:XML = new XML();
One last question is in regards to using id3 tags versus xml tags to fill dynamic text fields in the player. Currently I am using the xml file to do this, are there any advantages one way or the other for this. The only reason I ask is that I am hoping to display an "album art" image from the id3 tag in the player. Would it be better to grab all of the information from the mp3 file?
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Jul 22, 2009
is it possible to create an actionscript project (File > New > Actionscript Project) and still use mxml for the ui layout? basically, i want a main class as the entry point which can reference the controls within the mxml.i tried it the other way around (File > New > Flex Project), but it creates an mxml app that seems to serve as the entry point. if i create a class in this project, how do i make it the main entry point?//when i create this class inside a flex project, the constructor never gets called
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