ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Values Of Textfield Variables To Display Specific Button?
Aug 28, 2010
I am building a custom shopping movie for a client. He sells wine and champagne glasses with customizable bracelets. He wants customers to first choose either a 2,4, or 6 pack of glasses, and then individually choose bracelets. My problem is I don't know enough AS to code the functions.
For instance, when a customer first orders 2 glasses, it adds them to the cart, and then sends them to a new frame of the movie, with pictures of the 4 possible bracelets and a text field below for quantity, each with a default value of 0. They can choose 2, and only 2, bracelets by adding a "1" to their desired text fields.
First off, I want nothing to happen until they add a "1" to 2 separate fields. Once they have done that, a specific 'add to cart button' needs to pop up, that will getURL the proper link to add that bracelet combo to the cart.The code, which is wrong, that I am using so far is this:
ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
if (AS2 + B2 + R2 + SL2 < 2)
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ActionScript Code:
var myColorArray:Array = [];
myColorArray = [
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myObjectArray = [
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var url:String = "";
var loadit:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loadit.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
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t_field-textField name
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var p:String = femi.text;
(s == p)
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// Setting default values for the Textfields
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slide one;;slide two;;slide three
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Lol["Rofl"] = 0;
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Jul 30, 2009
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function down(event:KeyboardEvent):void
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Jul 7, 2009
I have a very simple line of code that i'm trying to modify to display a specific entry in a xml file:
AS3 Code:
// The first step is to activate the XML object
AmbientSettingsXML = new XML();
With the XML Object now active you must now load an XML foramtted document.
Any DTD or XLS formatting will be ignored.
AmbientSettingsXML.onLoad = myLoad;
[Code] .....
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var positionX:Object = null ;
var positionY:Object = null ;
positionX = rect_mc.x;
positionY = rect_mc.y;
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Aug 7, 2011
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<image>(image link)</image>
basically extracting the value from the "category" tag. This is based on the XML Slideshow gallery tutorial on Kirupa. There doesn't seem t be anything wrong with my XML file as all the images load up as it should. The values of the category tag is either A, B, C or D. I traced (category[p]) and got the correct value tagged with the image in XML to show up in Output, but I can't seem to use that in an if statement like
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