ActionScript 3 :: Variables - Incrementing Values Every Time Button Clicked
Mar 26, 2012
I am looking for a quick and easy way to store variables in a text file, rather than use amfphp to connect to a database all I need to do is increment values every time a button is clicked. Would be better if all the vars were in the same text file but if I have to have one per var that would be ok.
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on (release) {
if (AS2 + B2 + R2 + SL2 < 2)
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function changeBox(){
myBonus._height = 19 * 2;
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function langFr(e:MouseEvent):void{
var language = "fr";
When the button is clicked, the movie plays until frame 10, where there�s the code:
if (language == "fr"){
trace ("French")
but it�s not working. I imagine that because I�m creating the variable inside the function and trying to read it outside. But how can it be done?
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Mar 2, 2010
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var positionX:Object = null ;
var positionY:Object = null ;
positionX = rect_mc.x;
positionY = rect_mc.y;
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Aug 7, 2011
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<image>(image link)</image>
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