ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweened Text Has A Hard Time Being Clicked On?

Sep 7, 2010

I have some text that is scrolling across the page like a news ticker you would see at the bottom of your TV screen on a news channel.This scrolling text has anchor tags on it (clickable links). It is a dynamic text box inside a movieclip. Problem is, I'm using the build in AS3 Tweener to animate the text across the page and 99% of the time I cannot click the links. The mouse cursor turns to a hand when I hover over the scrolling text but clicking does nothing. If I click really fast and randomly it just might work but it hardly ever does.Do I need to apply a 'display: block' type style to it?Should I use a different tweener?

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Professional :: Text Fields Don't Show Up In Preview Hard To Edit Webpage Template (monster)?

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function changeBox(){
myBonus._height = 19 * 2;
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on (release) {

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article=<font size="11" color='#FF0000'><a href='asfunction:ssp.toggleGallery()'>Open gallery of current projects</font></U></a>

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Clicked Text If Statement

Jul 13, 2011

I have an issue with a web gallery that i am building and i was hoping for some help?

1. I have a stage and I add some title text to my stage and align it right and height centered.Im preview it looks fine but when i publish its in the center of the screen

2. I have menu items that are loaded from a XML file. I have added two test lines to this file that get added to the menu one text displays as "Contact me" and another called "Links"when this text is click I want to activate a Links movieclip/ wepart and a Contact for the other.I see the logic something like If clicked.text in menubar = "Contact Me" then run contactform else If clicked.text in menubar = "Links" then run Linksform End if.I am a programmer not flash any help would be great on both questions

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mc Button Within Tweened Mc?

Jul 22, 2009

Been trying to solve this for a couple days now. I have an invisible mc that rests on a layer above a movieclip that tweens on the button roll over and scales to show another side of the card with info and two links. The links are mc buttons within the tweened mc. I cannot get the two buttons to work. Im certain its because the invisible button that triggers the twin is overtop the moveclip these buttons are in, and it cannont find the button to trigger. Anyone know how to make buttons on the same plane?

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CS3 Add 1 To Text When A Movie Clip Is Clicked?

Jun 26, 2009

Hi, I'm making a simple target shooting game in Flash CS3, and need to know how to make it so when you click on a movie clip, it adds 1 to a dynamic text box reading 00.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Bold Text When Clicked?

Sep 30, 2009

I have a textfield that has a mouse click event, and when the user clicks on the text field, I would like to make the text bold, but the following code doesn't work:

ActionScript Code:
private function onTxtMouseClick(e:MouseEvent){
var el = sng.getChildByName(;  // The text field[code].........

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IDE :: Button That Will Then Delete Out Of The Text Box When Clicked?

Mar 1, 2009

I have created a delete button and have linked it to a text box along with another button that displays "1" in the text box when clicked. I need a button that will then delete this "1" out of the text box when clicked.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: AddChild With Tweened FadeIn?

Sep 4, 2009

I am just trying to get my as3 tweening skills locked down around the basics. So, for this example, I have a logo / home button fading in, this code is working for that... however, is there a way to addChild (home in this case) via the tween code, so that I do not have to add the child at alpha0 "then" fade it in?

import fl.transitions.Tween;import fl.transitions.easing.*;
var home:Logo = new Logo();addChild (home);home.x = 400;home.y = 300;home.alpha = 0;
var fadeIn:Tween = new Tween(home,"alpha",None.easeNone,0,100,200,true);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Stop To Tweened Buttons?

Aug 20, 2010

I have created set of dials/meters with moving arms that change as buttons are pressed. The arms move based on a "Classic Tween" set-up I created.  I then applied my buttons to the flash document and then coded in some "gotoAndPlay" on an actions layer to get the arms on the dials to move when I click on the buttons.  My problem is that since I have 3 buttons (High, Medium & Low) and the tweens follow one frame right after another (0, 41,78) there is no stop. When I click on Low it plays the low tween, the medium one, and the high tween. When I click on the medium it plays both the Medium and then the High.  The High button obviously only plays itself. I don't know how to insert a stop between these buttons.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Buttons Not Working On Tweened Mc?

Jul 24, 2008

I've got a movieclip called screenHover, which will fade in on rollover and fade out on rollout. It will contain some buttons, and basically work in the same way as the Brightcove-player. Here is the AS-code I'm using for tweening the mc;

ActionScript Code:
// Import classes for the fading of the rollOverControls.
import mx.transitions.Tween;[code].....

Now, the buttons inside of the movieclip don't work when I use this tween. When I comment it out, the buttons inside work perfectly. Why? - It looks so good, but I need both the tween and the buttons.

*EDIT* Oh, the first line where the _alpha is set to zero is commented out in this code, but it doesn't make any difference, though. It was just me playing around trying to figure things out.

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