ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Values From Php To Flash Textfield?

May 12, 2011

My problem is communication between php and flash. I`m trying to load values from php to flash textfield. Here`s problem simplified:

t_field-textField name
r_val-received value from php script

var rq:URLRequest = new URLRequest("test.php");
var myLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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Flash - Change All TextField Values In All Symbols In Library Of FlashIDE Document?

Feb 13, 2012

I need to change text in all textfields in my .fla file (Flash CS3).Looks like i should call JSFL function "fl.findObjectInDocByType("text", fl.getDocumentDOM())" and it would return all elements, but it returns zero length array. I there any another way to iterate threw all library items, and change values of TextField's in MovieClips ?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Some Variables Into Flash - Get Undefined Values?

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// Setting default values for the Textfields
hTotal_txt.text = ("0");
sTotal_txt.text = ("0");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Single TextField Value Into Separate Array Values?

May 28, 2011

SlideTitles.text is an input field. I want the user to enter the titles in in this format

slide one;;slide two;;slide three

Calling the slides whatever they want, and they can have as many as they want.

I need to able to split them values up and put them into a string array. (after they submit them)

so it would end up being myStringArray = ("slide one", "slide two", "slide three")

so far i'm failing. I did do a bit of searching around but couldn't find anyone doing this same thing.

I've tried myStringArray = (textfieldsxx)

and then setting the value of textfieldsxx to equal the slideTitles.text... but then it just ends up as 1 value in the array, no matter what format i write it in... i'm still a learner with arrays

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Displaying Array Values In A Dynamic Textfield

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This sounds so simple, but its to save me doing things like this:

var Lol:Array = new Array();
Lol["Rofl"] = 0;

_root.Lol_Rofl = Lol["Rofl"]; Just to get the array value to display in a dynamic textfield, is there any other more efficient way so that I do not need to declare a seperate variable with the value of the array data to get it to display?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Values Of Textfield Variables To Display Specific Button?

Aug 28, 2010

I am building a custom shopping movie for a client. He sells wine and champagne glasses with customizable bracelets. He wants customers to first choose either a 2,4, or 6 pack of glasses, and then individually choose bracelets. My problem is I don't know enough AS to code the functions.

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First off, I want nothing to happen until they add a "1" to 2 separate fields. Once they have done that, a specific 'add to cart button' needs to pop up, that will getURL the proper link to add that bracelet combo to the cart.The code, which is wrong, that I am using so far is this:

ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
if (AS2 + B2 + R2 + SL2 < 2)


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IDE :: GetCharBoundaries Returns Incorrect Values When Parent Of TextField Is Rotated In 3D

May 16, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load And Send XML Values?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Different Values For Each Name, Email, Comment Inserted From XML?

Jun 16, 2009

I have a Guestbook project to develop (personal project) but I can't multiply the values.. I'm testing with a XML (no PHP and DB yet)

For example: I need to load different values for each name, email, comment inserted from XML.

Name: (name_txt) -> Textfield;
Email: (email_txt) - > Textfield;
Comment: (comment_txt) -> Textfield;

Well.. I can load ONE node from XML, but i can't multiply it for 5 blocks of name,email and comment.And if i'd like to paginate if it runs more than 5 blocks, the next 5 goes to another page?

Here is my code:

// GuestBook
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var meuXML:XML; // vai guardar todo o conte�do do XML;
var imageLoader:Loader;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Values From Text And Then To Make Bar Chart

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I have made a bar chart with 2 movie clips and 2 input text fields. when you clik on a button there is this script:


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Load A Fill Colour Values And Make Them Apply?

Nov 4, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load All Values Volume From A Texte File To An Array?

May 10, 2003

Here is the full code that i want to is for synchronise a mouth with the value of sound ( in level)that doesn't work as indicated below.

onClipEvent (load) {
_global.testLoad = new Array()
gStartFrame = _root._currentFrame;
_global.valueSon = new LoadVars();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Create An Array Storing All This Values, _width, And MC To Load?

Mar 2, 2004

I'm making a portfolio, it has a large amount of images, one by work, (maybe there are 25) and they are put in a horizontal band, the images all have the same height, but not he same width, and they load an external MC of each work.So I want to create an array storing all this values, _width, and MC to load.

Secondly I have a frame like a stroke of the picture, the frame is in the center of the band of images, and there are two arrows, one to move on the band to the left, and other to the right. The thing is that when I push the arrow the band must move 15 px on left or right, and te frame must adapt (with easing) to the _width of the image.And one more thing, there will be many many images in a future, so I would like that a user if it's holding the left or the right arrow for a medium/long time it could make the band of images to go faster from one to another. I think it's so simple of changing the speed of the movement, what I don`t kwow is how to know if the button is pressed for a long-meidum time.

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Flex :: Get Property Values From Shared Object In Client's Load Event?

Mar 5, 2010

I am using shared object to share data between two users. First user connect to shared object and set some value in shared object. Please consider that second user has not connected with the shared object yet.Now when second user connects to the server and try to get that property set by first user, he could get shared object but could not get properties of Shared object set by first user. I observed few times that Second user can get these properties within "Sync" event between two users. But I would like to get these values for Second user in any stage (i.e. in load event etc.). Whenever Second user tries to get the property of Shared object, the object will reset the actual property value and then return reset value.

1) Is there any way to get all the properties of shared object before sync event called, as I want to get it immediately when second user connect to the application and perform next task based on the values stored in shared object.

2) Is it possible for second user to check whether any property has been set by first user? So that second user can use the property instead of reset it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load XML Data - Parse Through The XML Tree And Assign The Values To An Array

Oct 8, 2004

Goal: load XML data (it parses automatically), parse through the XML tree and assign the values to an array of my choosing for access later in the movie. Problem: I can load the XML data, but the only time I can access the XML functions, i.e. XML.firstChild, or XML.getChildNodes(), is when I am within an XML.onLoad function.


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Flash :: Textfield Embedded Font Only Adjusts According To Textfield Height?

Jun 14, 2011

i would just like to ask why is the case that when i use embedfonts = true on a textfield, the textfield's text only resizes according to the textfield's height but not the textfield's width. meaning if i make the textfield's height bigger, the text also gets bigger in terms of height, but not width, can't the embedded font maintain aspect ratio according to the textfield height?

I'm only wondering about this because this is not the case when embedfonts= false

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load All Xml In 1 Textfield?

Aug 2, 2006

This may sound easy but I just can't figure it out. I want to load all the xml i have into 1 texfield. but still be able to adjust color to certain nodes loaded from the xml in the text field. I know this can be done by css.

but i just can't get it to work properly:

i could load eveverything but then the lines don't break. it needs to look the way it shows in the output screen.[code]...

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IDE :: Load An Image Into A Html TextField?

May 24, 2009

I thought you could load an image into an html textField? I have HTML data that has IMG tags embedded into it, and I need a way to display them.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load CSS To ANY Textfield In ALL Levels

Aug 28, 2010

I'm loading some CSS for my dynamic text textfields, but I have lots of MC's containing many other MC's which contain many textfields.[code]but the main nuisance is the fact I need to apply this piece of code for every MC in the movie and every MC within an MC... and every textfield.Isn't there a way to apply this CSS just once, to ANY textfield in ALL levels of the project? (Just like when you load an external txt file with LoadVars)

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Actionscript 3 :: Load MovieClip Inline In TextField?

Jan 22, 2011

I want to load a MovieClip inside a TextField inline with the text.

The TextField documentation says "HTML text that you assign to a text field can contain embedded media (movie clips, SWF files, GIF files, PNG files, and JPEG files)."

How can this be done with MovieClips? There must be a listener we can override.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A List Of Products In Textfield

Nov 25, 2009

What is the best way to load a list of products in a textfield?I'd like to load it in a table-like structure, something like this:[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Text From Url In Dynamic Textfield

Apr 28, 2010

how i can load a piece of text from a Url into a dynamic textfield? Im working with AS 2.0 in flash CS3. My goal is to load a name into a dynamic textfield which can be changed in the browser. if you change the name in de navigation bar of your browser the name in the flashmovie also changes.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Pre-Formatted HTML Into TextField?

Feb 13, 2006

I have pre-formatted HTML in a textfile. Let me know if any of this might already be an error-source- I am currently too tired to try out alternatives: The textfile looks something like this:

HTML Code:
<p><img src='biathlon' vspace='2' hspace='4' width='40' height='40'></img>Alot of text</p>
<p><img src='biathlon' vspace='2' hspace='4' width='40' height='40'></img>Even MORE Text</p>

It's saved as a ".txt"-file... I didn't think that would really make a difference? What I want to do is load the file and dump it directly to an HTML-enabled textfield, using something like

if (loaded) {
TickerData_txt.htmlText = this;
in the function connected to the "onLoad".

If I use "LoadVars" as a handler to load the file, it gives me the raw data, something like "%3Cp%3E%3Cimg%20src=%27biathlon%27%20vspace%3D%27 2%27..." (you get the idea)... If I use an XML handler, it only gives me the first entry when I use "this" to send the file's content to the htmlText-field... probably because each entry in the file is enclosed by "<p>"-tags and the XML-handler considers the file to be over once the first closing "</p>" occurs?

What would need to be added to the file to make it load it all? Or what would I need to change about the function to make sure it sends the whole content of the file? When I use "trace" on the "this" that is loaded, it actually *does* give back only what it also sends to the textfield, even though the text-file contains several rows of that stuff.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A .txt File Into A Dynamic Textfield With XML?

Feb 15, 2006

I just did the "Photo Gallery using XML and Flash tutorial" and it works perfect!! Good tutorial!! I'm struggling with one thing though. Instead of loading the comment text from within XML, I want to load a .txt file into a dynamic textfield in Flash with XML. The code in XML I changed to <caption>folder/pic01.txt</caption>. The code in Flash is now:desc_txt.text = description[p]; I'm think that's the other code that needs to change

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Chinese Text From Xml In A Dynamic Textfield?

Nov 25, 2009

I'm trying to load chinese text from an xml-file to a dynamic textField in flash.Is there anyone who knows how I can do that?every feedback - url, idea or what ever will help me - can't find something on google....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load A Textfield Into An Empty Movie Clip?

Nov 30, 2005

Trying to do a simple thing, load a textfield into an empty movie clip

Here is the code



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag Data And Load Into Dynamic TextField

Mar 4, 2009

I am using a mehot to drag data from a database (via php) and then insert it into the dynamic text field. This works fine locally, however when I put it onto mysite, none of the text loads.

PHP data looks like this
$result = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM jos_content WHERE id=46");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
echo $row['title'];

Actionscript for text looks like this
var my_xml = new XML ();
my_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
my_xml.load ("[URL]");
my_xml.onLoad = function (success){
if (success)
titlenewsone_txt.htmlText = this;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Text Won't Load Into Runtime TextField?

Feb 7, 2005

I can't get my text to show in a text field created at runtime within a movieclip on _root. I use a trace statement and it loads into the Output box but is not visible in the textField area. there are no masks in the movieClip.

My function for creating it...

// Call the function to create textField
printBtn.onRelease = function() {


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