ActionScript 2.0 :: Drag Data And Load Into Dynamic TextField
Mar 4, 2009
I am using a mehot to drag data from a database (via php) and then insert it into the dynamic text field. This works fine locally, however when I put it onto mysite, none of the text loads.
PHP data looks like this
$result = mysql_query("SELECT title FROM jos_content WHERE id=46");
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
echo $row['title'];
Actionscript for text looks like this
var my_xml = new XML ();
my_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
my_xml.load ("[URL]");
my_xml.onLoad = function (success){
if (success)
titlenewsone_txt.htmlText = this;
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-input1 is for quantity
-input2 is for page count
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<image no="1">
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I need to put ALL that information into a dynamic text? what I am getting now is only the last entry.( Example myItemList[2], but no myItemList[1] or myItemList[0] ) here is the code:
Another option would be to take all this info and put it into 1 variable or something, but I'm not sure how to do that either.
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// Call the function to create textField
printBtn.onRelease = function() {
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Jan 28, 2010
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var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader()
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("directory.xml"));
xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showXML);
What I am trying to achieve, is to produce what I've traced into the dynamic field. Also if there is a way to do that when a button has been clicked. I tried making the function showXML a mouse event, but it didn't work.
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Jul 26, 2010
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var xmlLoader9:URLLoader = new URLLoader();xmlLoader9.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, showXML99);xmlLoader9.load(new URLRequest("mempops.xml"));
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May 2, 2011
I am trying to load dynamic data into text fields with in flash (.swf) the system is a closed circuit (no internet & web access) basically there are about 10 standalone computers connect through a network and one central computer i created a flash which will be downloaded to all the computers at once and each computer has a unique (name).
My goal is to load the different data into the text field for each computer:
Computer 1 would have winner 1
Computer 2 would have winner 2
and so one........
Steps the code should do..
1. call function and load the "unique (name)." of the computer by going to ("c:/myharddrive/local.ini"); flash will reconize the "ini file to say "this is computer 1
2.then have the txt request come from("c:/CMS/MediaFiles/Data2.txt");
when i publish the file out there is no errors-
When I view the files on each computer there is no data (blank screen")
so my guess it is not seeing the path for new URLRequest("c:/myharddrive/local.ini");
new URLRequest("c:/CMS/MediaFiles/Data2.txt");
can anyone breakdown the code and let me know how flash can go to those specific areas on each individual computer and pull the data into flash
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Nov 26, 2009
I'm trying to load in xml test data into a dynamic text field.
this is my code so far:
var me_XML:XML;
var xmlLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
xmlLoader.load(new URLRequest("me.xml"));
This, however, loads all the text in with tags. How would i go about accessing each node so i can remove the tags so I can apply a css style to each section??
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Sep 2, 2010
I have this Simple Flash banner, that loads text, colors, and entire banner hyperlink from external .txt file into flash.For importing text into dynamic text fields with �vars� set i use
For importing hyperlink onto flash button i use two layers:On blank layer i use:
On button itself i use:
on (release) {
getURL(link1, "_blank");
Button has instance set also.Everything works fine and nicely.I use this HTML script to use banner in any website i like:
<object classid="clsid27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
id="name" width="468" height="60">
Ok So everything works nicely. I load flash i load text, and i also load hyperlink. So after a happy job i went to sleep and other morning i tried to enter website with HTML code, that shows flash and i noticed:
1. Some times flash loads animation, but doesn't load my data.txt and places where dynamic text should be are blank, also hyperlink doesnt work, because it also seems to fail to load.
2. So i press "Refresh" on explorer and data loads perfectly.
3. So i keep pressing refresh some times try to turn of explorer and i noriced that some times it fails to load data and only non dynamic flash animation is played, and some times it loads it nicely.
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May 12, 2010
I'm quite new to ActionScript and would be grateful for any help here. I want to load text into a dynamic text field (called 'about_tab') using a class depending on the language selected (by clicking on a flag icon) by the user. I managed to get this to work when the ActionScript was written directly in the timeline, but am having problems with doing the same thing via a class.
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Oct 5, 2011
I parse an xml file that his content is:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<operator><name>OPerator1 </name></operator>
I display the name of operator in a TextField after parsing the xml file my problem is to loop through this different TextField with a fade effect.
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Nov 11, 2010
I am trying to drag and drop hierarchical data in the same advanced data grid, and I would like the data provider to updated when the ADG is updated. (I want to be able to save and load this tree, so it is important that drags and drops are saved.)
The sample app has an ADG showing hierarchical data as well as flat data. The first column of each datagrid shows the rowindex of the underlying data.
If you rearrange the items on the left ADG, the row indexes become unordered. If you click traceTree you see that the data provider is not in order.
On the other hand if you do the same on the right, the row numbers stay ordered even when the objects move around and if you click traceFlat, the data provider is in the order shown on ADG
My goal is to have the data provider order match the ADG order for the left grid which is displaying hierarchical data.
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Jun 12, 2011
What I have is a dynamicly created row of movieClips. In which TextFields are added with text that's received from an Array. What I would like to be able to do is click on the movieClip that's visible and have the code understand I clicked array[3] for example and it will show the 4th array item in another textfield.
Current development: [URL]
and code:
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Nov 25, 2010
Have an Input textfield and write e.g. 123 in it (This is on frame 1).Then later in frame 3 I want that number to be shown in a Dynamic textfield.How do I do that?
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Jul 2, 2010
I am trying to drag and drop a text field. So I have created a text field, and saved it as a swf. I then load it in using xml and the loader class. When I go to pick it up, I get the error
TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert flash.text::TextField@10d59b51 to flash.display.Sprite. at GalleryNew_fla::MainTimeline/pickUp()[GalleryNew_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:81]
It is specifically pointing to
function pickUp(event:MouseEvent):void {
stage.addChild( as DisplayObject);
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May 6, 2010
First time poster here.. I'm trying to parent a textfield to a draggable sprite which will eventually be a move icon. The reason for this is to allow the user the ability to move the textfield wherever they wish within the stage (needed for this particular project). I'm finding that although my x and y positions are copied across once I have moused up, it isn't dragging with the sprite on mousedown. I'm not sure if this is possible or whether there may be an easier method in accomplishing this...
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Jun 18, 2009
Im trying to create same MCs and create a textField inside each MC created, then I am trying to apply onRollOver event into those MCs created and change the textField.textColor.
From my code Im resulting and trace with "undefined" how can I manipulate the dynamic created Textfield inside the dynamic created MC
Here is my code:
for (var i = 101; i < 103; i++)
if ( i != 115 and i != 116 or i != 126 or i != 127 or i != 134)
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