ActionScript 3.0 :: Format Differently Specific Words In A Textfield?

Mar 13, 2009

Which is the easiest way to format differently specific words inside the same textfield ?

Using css html ?

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so i search for keywords ofc, but...doing this isn't really my thing:input.text.indexOf("spam") != -1 && input.text.indexOf("more") ! -1 && ... etc
I'd like to make it some what like:input.text.indexOf(<database>) != -1

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Flex :: Format Rows Of Datagrid Differently?

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I am using the following itemrenderer in one of the column of my datagrid. However I want to format each row of the datagrid differently. The column consists of numbers but some need to be formatted as Numbers while others as currency etc. Also note that I have an additional column which consists of 0 and 1 where 0 means that it should be formatted as Number and 1 means that it should be formatted as Currency.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:MXDataGridItemRenderer xmlns:fx=""


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Flash :: Search For Specific Words And Values In A Long String?

Apr 12, 2011

my objective is:

1.Read in a text file. e.g containing text like this, teacher/student/1/sn/2/3/4/5/9/f/tn/02/

2.pass it to a string.

3.then beable to extract different parts of the string and place them in different arrays.

The bit I dont know how to do is the extracting specific parts of the string? Is it possible to search for / and to treat what comes after it as a specific peice of information until the next / is read? Or perhaps there is a more efficient approach?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Split Apart Textfield Into Words?

Oct 25, 2010

I have a document class which is linked to an external class that defines the properties of a specific textfield. When the user submits the text in the textfield (whatever they typed into it) I would like the text to be broken up into the individual words and have those words placed into separate movie clips (the same instance of a movie clip, just each word placed into a different one). How can I do this? Here is the code I am using.

function replaceText(event:MouseEvent):void { //beginning of the function for the submit button


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cut Off Long Words In TextField?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a text field with a width of 10, and a height of 100. The text I'm inputting is something like:

"Hi thisisareallylongwordthatdoesntfitinthefirstline"

After setting the text, the text field becomes:


I want it to be:

Hi thisisareallylongwor

What I'm trying to say is I don't want there to be a new line when the second word doesn't fit. I want to cut off the second word.

I've looked through TextField and TextFormat and I can't find anything that addresses this. Did I overlook something?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Counting Words In An Input TextField?

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Does anyone have a code snippet for counting the number of words in an Input TextField?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Applying TextFormat To Words In TextField?

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I'm trying to apply a format (specifically, green-colored text) to specific words in a TextField. I tried the below method, checking for words in an array "commands", and it works fine apart from a few issues below (see pic).

ActionScript Code:
var commands:Array = ["green", "no"] // etc.
function formatGreen(msg:TextField):void {
for (var i in commands) {


View 9 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Counting Words (Not Characters) In An Input TextField?

Jan 14, 2009

it is possible to count the words being entered to an input TextField?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change The Style Of Single Words In A Textfield?

Jan 9, 2011

I have a question about textfields and I'm wondering if it is possible to change text styles of single words or lines within a textfield with actionscript.

I use an empty textfield and add my text to that field in actionscript with the following code: myTfield.text = "insert text here"

the text contains multiple lines and I want some of them to be bold, italic or a bigger font size. The reason why I am adding my text to my textfield this way is because I need the text in the textfield to change when some buttons are pressed. Text will be added or removed from the textfield if buttons are pressed by the user and the current way I'm changing the text is by simply re-using the code above with new text in it. (it makes the code quite long though, but I guess I'll have to deal with that) But because I'm adding text this way I am not sure how to change the style of different parts of the text.

On a related note, with CS5 there are now a number of options for textfields. There is TLF text and classic text. I've searched around for the differences but I don't find the awnsers very clear. What option should I use for my textfield if I want it to look sharp like the text I'm typing here (its just regular text, no headers or anything). Some options just give blurry text because of the anti-alias and some settings don't seem to change a thing. And at times embedding fonts looks nice but sometimes it makes it worse. There are so many options to choose from, but it is unclear what would work best for regular text. (my text won't animate, it does move with a scrollbar, but I only care about how it looks when the scrollbar is still)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: TextField HtmlText Doen't Wrap Words Completely?

Mar 22, 2011

I'm using TextFields to draw text into BitmapData. The problem is that my words are not wrapped completely, by example :
var textField:TextField = new TextField();
textField.wordWrap = true;
textField.multiline = true;
textField.width = width;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To Change Text Styles Of Single Words Or Lines Within A Textfield?

Jan 9, 2011

it is possible to change text styles of single words or lines within a textfield with actionscript. I use an empty textfield and add my text to that field in actionscript with the following code:

myTfield.text = "insert text here"

the text contains multiple lines and I want some of them to be bold, italic or a bigger font size. The reason why I am adding my text to my textfield this way is because I need the text in the textfield to change when some buttons are pressed. Text will be added or removed from the textfield if buttons are pressed by the user and the current way I'm changing the text is by simply re-using the code above with new text in it. (it makes the code quite long though, but I guess I'll have to deal with that)But because I'm adding text this way I am not sure how to change the style of different parts of the text.

On a related note, with CS5 there are now a number of options for textfields. There is TLF text and classic text. I've searched around for the differences but I don't find the awnsers very clear. What option should I use for my textfield if I want it to look sharp like the text I'm typing here (its just regular text, no headers or anything). Some options just give blurry text because of the anti-alias and some settings don't seem to change a thing. And at times embedding fonts looks nice but sometimes it makes it worse. There are so many options to choose from, but it is unclear what would work best for regular text. (my text won't animate, it does move with a scrollbar, but I only care about how it looks when the scrollbar is still)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Type A Word In A Textfield And Have It Search For A Match Through A List Of Words In Xml

Jun 1, 2007

I'm trying to figure out how to get this started. I'd like to type a word in a textfield and have it search for a match through a list of words in xml. There would be 26 xml files containing a list of words starting with a letter of the alphabet.

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Flex :: Assign Date To DateField In Specific Format?

Jan 19, 2012

I want to assign date to Date field that is in DD-MM-YYYY format. That is I receive String Closure_Date which contains date in DD-MM-YYYY format.

I want to assign that date to Date field like:
dtCloseDate.selectedDate=new Date(Closure_Date);
In this case If Closure_Date contains 16/11/2011 it takes 16 as month so it takes 12 and adds remaining 4 months and it returns 04/11/2012.

My question is how to assign date(DD-MM-YYYY) to DateField?
If I use Dateformatter(DD-MM-YYYY) like
dtCloseDate.selectedDate=new Date(Dateformatter.format(Closure_Date));
It Returns NaN

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Converting Minutes To Specific Hours Format?

May 14, 2007

I have number of minutes with me how can I convert this into Hours:Minutes and Seconds.? More clearly if I got 1045 minutes, how could I convert this minute value to HH:MM::SS format?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: New Local Textfield Format

May 17, 2010

I have a global textfield format which I want to make a local copy of within a function, so I can make small variations without changing the overall global format. The way I do it below is still a reference instead of a value, so the global format changes as well. How can I make a new format (local to the function) based of the global format? [code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Format Textfield Colors

Nov 5, 2004

I am trying to format a textField like so:


altough the color has changed according to the difference between the results of the first and the second trace the color did not actually change in the flash movie when played.the setTextFormat was replace with setting it directly since this did not even lead to a reported change of the textColor. the textfield is dynamically attached to a movie and is filled with text before i change the color.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Format Textfield Colors?

Nov 5, 2004

I am trying to format a textField like so:

format = new TextFormat();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find Out Client Machine TimeZone In Specific Format Using Flex Date?

Sep 12, 2011

I have a requierement in my project that i need to store 'US/Eastern EST' and day light saving 'US/Eastern EDT'  in data base if client machine is in US/Eastern time zone. Because this gives clear identification instead of justing the chars like 'EST'. There is CDT in US region as well as Chaina too so can't relay just on three chars like 'EST'/'EDT'.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Type Into TextField With Format Applied?

Jun 30, 2006

I am make an input textfield via actionscript and then applying a textformat, cannot type in it.

var format = new TextFormat();
with (format) {
font = "Tahoma";
size = 8;
bold = true;
[Code] .....

It not only puts it in the box(neatly formatted the way i like), I can also erase it and type what i want in the box. Also if i comment out the embedFonts line, it works too (obviously without formatting).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Custom Format For A TextField Text?

Aug 23, 2009

I've created a custom format for a TextField text as below:

var _format:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
var _font:Font = new VerdanaPlain();
_format.font = _font.fontName;
_format.size = 12;

and then I've applied it to a TextField like so:

var _text:TextField = new TextField();
_text.text = "Here is some text";

and for some strange reason, the format does not seem to have any effect on the text in the text field. It still shows using default settings. And yes I have exported the font for linkage.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Why Does Highlighting The Text In Textfield Cause The Format To Change

Nov 20, 2009

The movie I am working on has a dynamic text field which I setup and format in the constructor of the ActionScript 3.0 class code for the movie - I am working with CS3 Flash. I do not reformat the text field anywhere in the code after the constructor.The text displays in the text field perfectly as long as I do not highlight the text when running the movie.
If I highlight the text in the text box as if I were going to copy and paste, the next time text is written to the text field the font type and size changes. The only way to reset the font formatting is to restart the movie.
Is there a solution or workaround? Of course I can reformat the text everytime I write new text to the textfield, but during the course of the movie text is rewritten to the textfield many times.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Text Format To Caret Number In Textfield?

Jan 20, 2010

Add text format to caret number in textfield.This works for getting it on selection[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Change Text Format Of Nested TextField?

Jul 28, 2011

I have a master MC named "bodynews" with inside some texfields and loaders without instance names

Then i want to manage the color of every TexField nested in it. I don't know their positions and instance names, then i've wrote[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Textfield.getTextFormat() Does Not Return Correct Format For That Index?

May 17, 2011

All I have in the fla is this code

var t; var f;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Retrieving Length Of Specific Line In Textfield?

Feb 25, 2009

Does anyone know a way, to return the length, preferably in pixels, of a specific line in a multiline textfield. In this case, I need to know the length of the last line.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Input TextField With Specific Embedded Characters?

Feb 21, 2010

I have an input textfield nested inside a movieclip, i embedded a set of characters but when i run the movie i can still input characters that were not part of the embedding list. The input text field has both an instance name and variable name. If i copy that text field into an empty fla file, it works correctly by not allowing character inputs that were not embedded.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Prevent Specific Characters From Entering Textfield?

Aug 8, 2011

There is an attribute .restrict but as the defined it only prevents other characters from entering the textfield, restricting the textfield to the given characters. I want to prevent characters 1-10 from entering the textfield. The code below does not work the right way.
txt.border = true; //
function down(event:KeyboardEvent):void


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Values Of Textfield Variables To Display Specific Button?

Aug 28, 2010

I am building a custom shopping movie for a client. He sells wine and champagne glasses with customizable bracelets. He wants customers to first choose either a 2,4, or 6 pack of glasses, and then individually choose bracelets. My problem is I don't know enough AS to code the functions.

For instance, when a customer first orders 2 glasses, it adds them to the cart, and then sends them to a new frame of the movie, with pictures of the 4 possible bracelets and a text field below for quantity, each with a default value of 0. They can choose 2, and only 2, bracelets by adding a "1" to their desired text fields.

First off, I want nothing to happen until they add a "1" to 2 separate fields. Once they have done that, a specific 'add to cart button' needs to pop up, that will getURL the proper link to add that bracelet combo to the cart.The code, which is wrong, that I am using so far is this:

ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
if (AS2 + B2 + R2 + SL2 < 2)


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