Flex :: Progress Bar Controlled By Forum Entry

Jul 9, 2009

I have five text boxes and a dropdown box in my flex application, how can I make the progress bar fill up when there is text in each box, and the dropdown selected. For example, if there is input in three out of five of the boxes and there is a selection in the dropdown, then the progress bar would be 4/6 full.

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<mx:Accordion id="monAccordian" includeIn="Monitoring" x="10" y="10" width="554" height="242" change="monAccordianChange()" >
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I've tried bar.visible = true and nothing appears.Also tried making a new one and setting visible each time the buffer is empty but no dice.Seems to just be ignored.

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Flex :: Error While Setting Value Of Progress Bar

Mar 1, 2011

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<mx:Accordion id="monAccordian" includeIn="Monitoring" x="10" y="10" width="554" height="242" change="monAccordianChange()" >
<mx:Repeater id="repMonitor" dataProvider="{monitoringArray}">
<mx:Canvas width="100%" height="100%" label="{repMonitor.currentItem.firstName+' '+ repMonitor.currentItem.lastName}" >
<mx:Image x="10" y="10" source="{repMonitor.currentItem.imageName}" width="175" height="118"/>
<s:Label x="200" y="14" text="Threat Level:"/>
<mx:ProgressBar x="200" y="30" mode="manual" label="" id="bar" width="200" creationComplete="bar.setProgress(60,100);" />

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Can I do that in Flex 3 ? If yes, how ?

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Flex :: Loading Module With Progress Bar?

Aug 16, 2011

My application has a couple of modules which am loading as thus in my application.

<local:moduleloader url="Module1.swf" id="modulel" />
<local:moduleloader url="Module2.swf" id="module2" />

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<mx:ModuleLoader xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"


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Feb 18, 2010

I have a flash based web****e that has a login section (user & psw) I want to have it work so that when the user enters the user&psw details on the flash site, it then takes you straight to the forum bypassing the phpbb's login form. My code atm is as followed:

//---------------Setup variables
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();


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Flex :: Multiple Upload Progress Monitoring?

Sep 20, 2009

I have a Flex3 application which has to be capable of uploading multiple files and monitoring each files individual progress using a label NOT a progress bar.

My problem is that a generic progress handler for the uploads has no way (that I know of) of indicating WHICH upload it is that is progressing. I know that a file name is available to check but in the case of this app the file name might be the same for multiple uploads.

My question: With a generic progress handler how does one differentiate between 2 multiple uploads with the same file name?

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Flex :: Monitoring Progress Of Loading Images?

Dec 23, 2009

I am attempting to monitor the progress of an image scroller I've built and all of the images (thumbs) load separately. What would be the best way of figuring out what the total progress of the images that are loading? I was thinking it would be cool to use a generic loader and apply it to a function such as

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Flex :: Generating Progress Bar For Images Upload

Feb 15, 2010

I am a novice to flex and I am trying to develop an application for uploading multiple image file along with progressbar for each upload. The datagrid holds the name of the file and the progressbar for each file when we select and add a file. When there is progress in file upload, it should be reflected in the progressbar as well. I have used filerefencelist to hold the collection of files and when i try to upload files it generates error "Null object"

My code :
private var initDG : ArrayCollection;
private var _arrUploadFiles:Array = new Array();
private var currentFile:FileReference;
private var currentFileIndex:Number = 0;
private var uploadErrors:Array = new Array();
[Code] .....

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