ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating A Character Creation Forum
Mar 30, 2010
I'm having problems creating a character creation forum, that I've created using ActionScript 2.0 and I've been using the loadVars(), sendandLoad() and many variables to create it. You see, I've tested it but it won't save the characters onto my Angelfire account that I've already created at the start. I've created many things with Flash and I'm a newbie at Dreamweaver, so I'm using ColdFusion to save the information.
Right basically I have a character and a background. The background scrolls as you press left or right on keyboard to create the illusion of movement. I want the character to flip when you change from holding down left to right and vice versa, but when I do the following code it doubles the size of the character once and then it stays. It flips fine but in the transformed fat size.
Here's the code: var mySpeed:Number = 10; function keyIsDown(evt:KeyboardEvent):void{ if(evt.keyCode==Keyboard.RIGHT){ walkingPlane_mc.x+=mySpeed; greyCharacter_mc.scaleX=-1; [Code] .....
In other words, I have already created the artwork and I have it in my library. how to link it to my website's forum?
I've watched this video a couple of times: [URL] but I must be missing something as the panel tells me that no actions can be applied this object (my button). Yes, I've already converted it into a symbol - movie clip, and named it 'Forum'.
I really don't understand this forum. I'm trying to search for "" in the Flash section, but all I get is a bunch of icons in the left column with a second column that says: "in Flash". No subject line, nothing. Is this a bug? Or, am I seeing something different than others?
Anyhow, when reading about creating in Flash in the user manual, I'm referred to for sample AS3 code for button behaviors, but Norton Internet Explorer classify that site as dangerous. Has anyone visited it recently?? Why would Abode refer me to that site if it is dangerous?
I recently made a .swf file which is hosted here [URL] as you can see the hyperlinks work fine and go to the correct sites. My question and impass is that whenever I post this same file as a forum signature it works fine but when I click on the hyperlinks they don't bring up the websites they act like they are dead.
btw the hyperlinks are just Text that I changed to Dynamic text with urls.
I have five text boxes and a dropdown box in my flex application, how can I make the progress bar fill up when there is text in each box, and the dropdown selected. For example, if there is input in three out of five of the boxes and there is a selection in the dropdown, then the progress bar would be 4/6 full.
I have started building a website within flash(AS3) and now my client has come to me and said that they want a message/forum board. So I was curious how I would start integrating my website with a php message/forum board?
I have a flash based web****e that has a login section (user & psw) I want to have it work so that when the user enters the user&psw details on the flash site, it then takes you straight to the forum bypassing the phpbb's login form. My code atm is as followed:
Code: //---------------Setup variables var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
I have a 9 frames image of a character.In other language generally i used to make character animation by looping the array consisting of different frames and drawing each frame when pressing key.What i want to do is when i press left or right key, i want to draw each frame that makes character movement and update x coordinates of frames, and it will appear as character is moving.
I would like to point out that I am not an employee of either Comedy Central, The Daily Show or the website. The labels 'Production Assistant' and 'Intern' are just the sites rankings descriptions.There is an assumption by iPad owners, that all Flash websites must be converted to be compatible with the iPad, rather than the iPad should be compatible with existing websites.Is it worth continuing to defend against this assumption? Should we just give in to these people or try to engage them in a discussion, get them to demand Flash support from Apple?
i was wondering if any of you out there could tell me how it is possible to make a movieclip of a character and when the character is dragged about the screen by the curser, how do you make the characters arms and legs swing about in a realistic fashion.
I would like my character to move as if he was drunk I am unsure how to do that I am using the keyboard for his movement. I also have a character that moves at random I would like the drunk moving character to be able to catch this character and play a scene from within the drunk characters movie clip but I want this character to try and escape the idea is the drunk character gets points for how long he is able to hang on to this character
Searching for "8kHz" yielded two results but doesn't show the search result titles or the links to get to the post, though it does show links to the forum itself and the user who posted the result. Same results no matter what I searched for, though if I initiate the search initially from the top level Forum, the search results work as expected.
I have begun on a list: My reference is null!Stage is null! Convert this code from as 2 to as 3 for me! Crossdomain policies are in the way of my cool idea Dynamic property names I need to use stuff on the parent! I don't want my children to scale when I scale the parent! Classes vs instances. Mod note: I do not want this topic pinned, we will use a fresh topic once we have agreed to the content.
thinking of doing a pen pal site. But very simple and easy, it will just contain text. I want to create like my own lash forum People fill in a form, and after submitting, the submitted text will appear immediately on the flash forum. The lash foru will automatically build up posts for others to browse. Will this be possible in flash? Can I also number the posts?
I want to make a flash application in which i will load 3-4 different mp3 files of different instrumental music. After loading it I want play all files. Further I want to save or create a merged mp3, from all mp3s sound files in a single mp3 file.
Is it possible to convert different mp3 sound track in to different ByteArray and later using any other technology like PHP or C# can we merge all byteArray in a single byteArray to create a single mp3 file. So that we can listen all instrument playing in a single mp3 file.
I am building an ambitious site especially for someone new to the Flash.I want to create a fully functional Flash Forum.Only problem is I have not found 1 site with information on how to build one and the only thing I did find was something called the Flash Forum Engine. It is a 3rd party software suite that allows you to build a Flash Forum BUT! it costs 1000 Euro's or $2000.
I'm having a hard time creating a Flash using Flash 5. The first loop asks for a number of participants. The next loop, you select or enter the name of the beverages available. The third, and more complicated loop - Up to 4 randomly selected beverages are selected and a percentage (for mixing) are provided. For example;
I have a project of dynamic banner creation. The main part of the job is creating a swf on clicking on a "publish" button on stage. A certain movieclip of any width and height on stage must be exported as a new swf file.
I am considering using flash for a kiosk project together with Visual Basic. I need to create simple SWF file with some buttons and background image, and maybe play some movie clips. Could you kindly suggest free tools for that purpose.
If there are not free tools for that, what is the normal commercial enviroment use?
When you make a movie clip, and have it open, does it have a physical 'place' on your pasteboard or main timeline?
For instance, when I test my 'scene' (as opposed to movie) my clip will be out of whack and off to the side of my movie viewer.
Then when I place the clip in my main timeline, i have to monkey around with it to get it to line up. I get a circle and a blue line at the top, but not sure what that space corresponds to.
Is there a good tut out there for movie clip creation and placement? It feels really sloppy the way Im doing it.
I'm somewhat of a noob here, so please forgive my ignorance. I tried to google the answer to my questions, but probably not using the right terms.
So my questions are these: Is there any advantage to using vector elements in flash projects, or do they just get rasterized in the swf creation process?
If you use vector instead of raster art, can you scale your swf infinitely large (theoretically) without degradation? Will vector art result in a smaller swf size? Will it take less processing power to play?