ActionScript 3.0 :: Identifying A Clicked Element From MouseEvent?

Dec 9, 2009

I have several array element each assigned to different symbols on the stage and now I have assigned one function (fcn1) for each element's MOUSE_OVER event as follows:.

for(h = 0; h < fields.length; h++)
fields[h].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, fcn1);


Now in fcn1, I have to identify which element the mouse was over it. I could not do this because I can't pass any parameter to fcn1 other than e:MouseEvent. And I tried to look the properties and methods of e:MouseEvent that might give any information about the source element (in this case, array elements).So far, only way out of this was I create function for each array element which in turn call fcn1 with appropriate parameter, but it is cluttery.

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Flex :: Events - MouseEvent Doesn't Fire When Mouse Stays Over Element

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<mx:Canvas id="wrapper" height="80" width="750">
<mx:HBox id="pubsBox" horizontalGap="10" height="80" width="100%" />

My problem is that I'm not sure how to make the MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER work, to recognize that the mouse is still ON the area and so pubsBox should continue to move 10 pixels to the left every second. I understand that i have to use a Timer, but what I'm concerned about is the fact that I can't get Flex to recognize that the mouse is still OVER "wrapper" and continue firing the event.

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Actionscript :: Get Index In An Array Of A Clicked Element In It?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm trying to create a virtual keyboard.

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But the index always returns the value 4294967295.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get The Index In An Array Of A Clicked Element?

Aug 10, 2011

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In the main class, I create an object of the class VirtualKeyboard and added an eventlistener on it when a letter is clicked.

I tried this in the event handler :

var objectClicked:Object = event.currentTarget;
var index:uint = virtualKeyboard.keyboard.indexOf(objectClicked);

But the "index" always returns the value 4294967295

So how can I know which letter was clicked, I mean the index in the keyboard array corresponding to that letter?

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var textinput:TextInput=new TextInput();

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Actionscript 3 :: Determine The Index Of An Element In Array That Has Been Clicked?

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Flash :: AS3 MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE Event Stops Responding After MouseEvent.CLICK Call?

Nov 6, 2010

I have several stage event handlers to enable mouseovers over several dynamically generated moviecilps on the stage that then change their alpha to indicate the mouse is over that particular mc... fairly trivial (mcOver handler). Additionally, I also want to know what MC is clicked, so I update a public variable (public var activemc:Number) with the ID of the dynamic movieclip when the mouse is over it (using a hitTest to check, which is why the EventListener is added to stage and not to the MC), which is checked in the mcClicked handler:This is in the constructor:

//stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startDrawing);
//stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, stopDrawing);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mcOver);[code]....

However, the mouseover behaviour (alpha 0 when over, alpha 1 when out) stops working as soon as I click on any movieclip on the stage, and the mcClicked ID checking (below) stops working completely. I don't know if this is to do with focus:

private function mcClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
myTextField.text = String(activemc); // activemc is a public var:Number with the movieclip //ID

I then tried adding the event handler for the stage mouse_move again and this gets the mouseover working again but only for 1 more click, after which it stops again:

private function mcClicked(event:MouseEvent):void {
myTextField.text = String(activemc); // activemc is a public var:Number with the movieclip //ID
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, mcOver);

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Code:myButton_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, fNavigate, false, 0, true);
myButton_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fNavigate, false, 0, true);

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Aug 11, 2011

I have a MOUSE_DOWN handler that creates a CLICK event listener on a child object. Naturally, as soon as you release the mouse button, if you happen to be over the child object, the CLICK event fires.I was disappointed to discover that event.stopImmediatePropagation doesn't interrupt the CLICK event from registering the MOUSE_DOWN as part of its detection cycle. It makes sense that it doesn't but still... disappointing.A MouseEvent.CLICK consists of detecting a MOUSE_DOWN on the object and then if it's followed by a MOUSE_UP without leaving the object, he event fires. I had hoped that by cancelling the MOUSE_DOWN event, it would clear that out of the CLICK buffer, but no such potatoes, alas.This could all be handled with a flag and a couple more MOUSE_UP and MOUSE_DOWN handlers, but dang, smacks of effort

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Jul 24, 2009

I have the following:
rwBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, audioOver);
function audioOver(e:MouseEvent):void
var thisClip:MovieClip = e.relatedObject;
thisClip.alpha = 0;
I would like to change the alpha of the clip that is being rolled over. I don't know how to target the clip that is being rolled over. How do I do that?

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Mar 18, 2012

I know that there is no such function as getElementByName in Flex but I also now that you can do this["object_id"] to get the element of the application u're in.What about getting an element inside another element?I've tried making element["id"] ? But in my try-catch it always runs the "catch" do I get an element inside another element just having it's id in dynamically created string form?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Identifying Memory Leaks?

Feb 23, 2007

I have an AS3 application which seems to be leaking memory slowly while running. I've been looking for a profiler for Flex 2 / AS3 and haven't been able to find one yet, in fact I saw posts from people at Adobe saying they were working on it but no release in the short term!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Identifying The Nature Of Properties?

Oct 27, 2009

I am trying to produce an auto check on the synchronizing process between XML values (string based by nature) and object properties.

E.g. if the property on the instance is of

public var isThere:Boolean
public var anum:Number

the code should know the type and adjust the property value


isThere = Boolean(xmlValue)
anum = Number(xmlValue)

Its all swell apart from Arrays, which mainly are identified as 'object'.

Anyone know the best check to differ between Array and Object?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Identifying An Item From A Xml File?

Feb 28, 2012

I have an xml and it has items, you can trace the items in Flash, but how do I call them to allow me to identify that object getting clicked on the stage?

e.g. Item 1.2- how can I identify it in Flash?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<menu id="1">


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ActionScript 2.0 :: For Loops And Identifying Instances?

Jun 1, 2004

I have 16 layers of movieclips (one in each layer), each has been given the instance name, "line1" through to "line 16". I'm trying to figure out how to hide all of them through actionscript, so far, my code is:

for(x=1; x<17; x++){
line[x]._visible = false;

but for some reason, it doesn't hide all the instances. I've tried typing it in seperatly, (line1._visible = false; , line2._visible = false; , etc...) and it works, but for some reason, when I use the for loop, it doesn't work..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Identifying MovieClip By Coordinates

Apr 11, 2012

I've been scouring the web to see how to do this, and now I'm not even sure it's possible. However, it seems there must be way. What I want to do is create a function that will take x,y coordinates and tell me what MovieClip or Sprite is at that location. I want it to happen automatically, without any MouseEvents or anything like that.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loops And Identifying Instances?

Jun 1, 2004

I have 16 layers of movieclips (one in each layer), each has been given the instance name, "line1" through to "line 16". I'm trying to figure out how to hide all of them through actionscript, so far, my code is:

for(x=1; x<17; x++){
line[x]._visible = false;

but for some reason, it doesn't hide all the instances. I've tried typing it in seperatly, (line1._visible = false; , line2._visible = false; , etc...) and it works, but for some reason, when I use the for loop, it doesn't work...what am I doing wrong?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Render Value To One Element Of Flash On Basis Of Other Element?

May 10, 2010

I have flash where there is a link for song download. And, at the bottom of the flash I've a count, loaded thorugh flash vars which should increment everytime donload button is hit. Please let me know what approach should i take to do that. can i call a Java method on donload button which will insert a row in the table and and then get the count and render it to the count variable in my flash?

May be this extremely confusing. Here is a very similar example on how it is done. This is actually very similar to what i want to do. [URL] on this link there is count below which increments you hit the download button.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Identifying The Child In RemoveChild Action

Nov 23, 2009

I am creating a selection of checkboxes that are supplied from XML. These checkboxes are to provide additional details to a background picture and therefore they each have a unique name and an eventlistener to add the extra details to the background picture. Depending on other buttons clicked on the stage, the list of checkboxes could change for the same background picture. I have a selection of 5 different background pictures all of which have a different list of checkboxes. I therefore want to load the checkboxes dynamically. When a button is clicked to change the background picture, I want to remove all the checkboxes associated with that picture and display a new set for the new picture.


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Textbox - Identifying Individual Values In A Text Box?

Jan 15, 2011

I want to identify specific strings in a text box from user input to add to a score variable, like so -


The example given adds 1 to the score, but if a user adds a space then a second word the text box views it as a whole and not individual words, resulting in no values added to the score variable.The problem lies with the whole text box being viewed as one entire string. Instead, I want to split it up so word1 will add 1 to the score, word2 will add 1 to the score, etc.

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C# :: Identifying Click Tags Names Used By An Swf File?

Feb 24, 2011

How can I read the click tags names used by a flash file?

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Actionscript 3 :: Collecting And Identifying Functions Within An Array?

Dec 28, 2011

I want to do something where I collect functions to be invoked later when a certain condition is met. E.g.

function doSomething(someArg:Object):void {
if (conditionIsFalse){


Basically if doSomething is called twice, I only want operationsToDoWhenConditionIsTrue to hold the most recent invocation. Obviously since the invocations are wrapped in function(){} all the functions are the same. Is there any way I can accomplish what I want?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Identifying Objects Beneath A Given Point?

Feb 4, 2009

How do I determine what objects are underneath a given x or y coordinate on the stage or within a sprite? Preferably, I'd like to be able to do this so that a class that extends Sprite and is a child of the Stage can determine what's underneath a given x coordinate of itself, regardless of position on the stage. This has to be done without user input.

I'm not clear on what methods might make sense for this. The hitTest stuff requires more info than I'm likely to have. Maybe localToGlobal, but to use that, I need to know what the objects are already. There are a finite number of them, so I could have them testing for this all the time, but that doesn't seem right and may not even get me what I'm looking for.

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