ActionScript 3.0 :: Implicit Casting Between Vector Types?

Dec 9, 2010

I'm trying to convert a generic JSON object into a somewhat complex typed dto-like object that has the following properties:


The way I'm doing this is by giving the function metadata which sort of maps the JSON data properties to these data properties and their types, using reflection.So, I have a JSON object that might look something like this:

firstName: "John",
lastName: "Smith",[code].........

and that didn't even compile.

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Flash - Types Not Found While Using Vector In AS3

Jul 14, 2010

I'm trying to use Vector. in a Flash Professional Project, Person being a custom class. Eclipse keep saying it cannot find the type in brackets, even if I try with basic types like int or String[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Vector To Contain Elements Of Different Types?

Dec 31, 2010

The AS3 Reference says that...

ActionScript Code:
var v:Vector.<DisplayObject> = new Vector.<Sprite>();

...won't compile because the object's base type isn't the same as the variable's declared base type (even though Sprite is a subclass of DisplayObject)But I tried the following which compiles fine:

ActionScript Code:
var v:Vector.<Sprite> = new Vector.<Sprite>();
var a:Sprite = new Sprite();
var b:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Map Data Types To Custom Types?

Jan 24, 2012

Consider the following function:

public function foo(bar1:int, bar2:uint, bar3:String, bar4:Boolean):void{}

What I want is to have the different types of data represented by custom named types which are essentially representing the original data types. I other word, I would like to proxy the data types and have a valid function as following:

public function foo(bar1:PAR_Bar1, bar2:PAR_Bar2, bar3:PAR_Bar3, bar4:PAR_Bar4):void{}

so PAR_Bar1 would proxy the `int` data type, PAR_Bar2 would proxy the `uint` data type, so on and so forth.

The reason I need this is because I'm using a debugger with a GUI that can run methods and allows changing function parameter values in real-time, the issue is that the debugger can't tell me what parameter I'm changing, it only displays the data type of a parameter. So if I need to change 10 different parameters all of type int, the debuggers display all of them as int and not by their names.

I think that if I use proxy types I can easily differentiate between parameters.

So, my question: Is it possible to proxy data types? I mean map specific data types to custom data types that would represent the base data types?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Vector Of A Superclass Hold A Reference To A Vector Of A Subclass?

Sep 13, 2011

I'm getting

ActionScript Code:
1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type>[code]....

which surprises me as ConfigurationVO inherits from NodeVO.Is the compiler really not able to figure out that a Vector of a superclass should be able to hold a reference to a Vector of a subclass?

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Professional :: Import Photoshop Vector And/or Vector Styles?

May 7, 2010

I need to import a bunch of vector work from Photoshop into Flash. Is there a trick to it. So far, on import, it's converting the layer styles into black.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Vector Of Objects - Pass In A Vector To A Function?

Jul 23, 2011

If I want to pass in a vector to a function, a vector of any object specifed would it be someVetor:Vetor.<T>? beause FB 4.5 sais T is undefined.

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Actionscript 3 :: Increase Vector Length To 200 After New Vector.<String>(100)?

Dec 24, 2010

Created Vector with the initial length of 100.

var v:Vector. = new Vector.(100);

v[90] = "Ninety"

v[190] ="oneninety" //RangeError: Error #1125: The index 110 is out of range 100.

//How to change the length from 100 to 200 to store a value at index 190

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Actionscript 3 :: Vector Number Does Not Extend Vector

Nov 16, 2011

I am currently being confused by the Vector class.I wrote a beautiful XML to TypedClass parser. Works beautifully and without fault. UNTIL a co-worker noticed we got a Conversion Error for Vector.<Number> to Vector.<*>.

Every Vector I've ever tested all extend Vector.<*>.

Vector.<Sprite>, Vector.<String>, Vector.<Point>, Vector.<Boolean>, Vector.<TextField>, Vector.<CustomObject>, etc etc etc. ALL of them.
<type name="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<String>" base="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<*>" isDynamic="true" isFinal="false" isStatic="false">
<extendsClass type="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<*>"/>


But then when I use describeType on Vector.<Number>, Vector.<uint> and Vector.<int>.

<type name="__AS3__.vec::Vector.<Number>" base="Object" isDynamic="true" isFinal="true" isStatic="false">
<extendsClass type="Object"/>


Now I have accounted for these 3 vectors individually as even uint and int does not extend Vector.<Number> as I would have expected.
And my parsing function works for all types correctly again. But my confusion comes as to WHY this is the case, and why I couldn't find any documentation on the subject.

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Flex :: Screen Casting Using 4.5

Jan 2, 2012

Is it possible to develop a Flex Mobile App to record the complete actions we do on the mobile?? Like recording (screencasting) all the activities I do on the Mobile Phone. I want to do this using Flash Builder 4.5.

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Actionscript 3 :: Casting One Type To Another?

Mar 12, 2012

I have a base class called Room and a subclass called Attic, and another called Basement.

I have a controller class that has an attribute called CurrentLocation which is type Room. The idea is I want to be able to put Attic or Basement in that property and get it back, then cast that to whatever type it is.

So if on the controller the content is of type Attic, I'm trying to figure out how to explicitly cast it. I thought I knew but its not working... Here's what I thought it would be, borrowing from Java:

var myAttic:Attic = (Attic) Controller.CurrentLocation;

This gives me a syntax error:

1086: Syntax error: expecting semicolon before instance.

So how do you cast implicitly? Or can you? I could swear I've done this before as as3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Casting Variables Into Functions?

Feb 5, 2009

haven't wrote here for a while!This is what I'm trying to do:

var level:Number = 1;
var goat:* = "thisIsLevel" + (level + 1);
var camel:Function = goat;


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AS3 :: Casting A Subclass Into A Parent Variable?

Jan 7, 2010

I am calling on different types classes from within a loop. The objects can be of different types so therefore I am using the getDefinitionByName method. here is a piece of my code:

for(var y = 0; y < mapH; y++)
brickHolder[y] = new Array();


But I got an error when I tried to call on methods. The interface is blank; doesn't have any methods in it. I am not sure if that makes a difference. But the parent class inherits it and the subclasses inherit the parent class. Can I instead use the parent class?

var brick:ParentBrick2 = ParentBrick2(new classRef());

In a nutshell, what can I do to loosely cast these objects so I am able to use any subclass methods that get called?

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Actionscript 3 :: Implement Casting For Own Class?

Aug 16, 2011

I made a class in AS3 for representing complex numbers. It does not inherit anything. How can I enable casting from e.g. Numbers? I.e. I want this:

5 as Complex

to be the same as this:

new Complex(5);

is there a magic cast() function I can put in my class?

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Flex :: Casting Failed When Used Swf Loader?

Aug 18, 2011

Any class common between flash swf file, loaded in swfloader turns our to throw error ypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert edia::PlayerContentView@12babac1 to media.PlayerContentView.My main swf has same class, since its been used by appplication all over, but when swfloader creates object of same name class, it adds 12babac1 to class name. and doesn't work for simple access of array values

public function get Current():media.PlayerContentView
return contentItems[VZPlay.CurrentIndex] as PlayerContentView;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Difference In Casting 'as' Or Object()

Nov 4, 2010

What is exactly difference between casting with np: DisplayObject(myObj) or
myObj as DisplayObject

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Shadow Casting Angle Bug?

Jan 10, 2011

Okay so quite an ambiguous title but what I'm trying to do is cast a shadow off shapes from a light source. Simple enough and I have it working but I just can't work out how to fix the problem of when the light source is at a certain angle to the shape I'm casting a shadow from.I know it's the whole 180 to -180 thing, but I just can't think of a work around.I've attached the swf and fla so you can see for yourself.Basically the code works by chucking points of the shape in an array and then arranging the array by the angle of each point from the light source. No big deal. From there it just takes the first and last point in the array and draws a shadow from there. Sketchy for the time being I know, but I just don't understand why it's doing what it is.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Casting A Remote-loaded SWF?

May 1, 2007

Let's say I have 3 items in the same package:Shouter interface - requires implementers to implement the shout() functionShell class - implements Shouter...this Shell.swf is to be loaded remotely from:ShellLoader class - loads Shell from a remote server, casts it as a Shouter and invokes its shout() function...uses allowDomain in order to cross-domain script.Now let's say ShellLoader.swf lives on and Shell.swf lives on ....I've got a cross-domain policy on Using LoaderContext's ApplicationDomain and SecurityDomain, I'm able to load and cast the Shell object as a Shouter and invoke the shout() function. Everything ok here.

Now let's say ShellLoader is run locally and is localTrusted. Shell.swf still lives on I'm now unable to use SecurityDomain property of LoaderContext within ShellLoader because it is now run locally. Shell.swf now exists in a different ApplicationDomain as my ShellLoader and I get the error "Type Coercion failed" when I try to cast the loader content as a Shouter.Is there anyway to resolve this issue? I believe it will require Shell.swf to be loaded in the same ApplicationDomain as ShellLoader but I don't know any way to do this when ShellLoader is run locally. Perhaps this is prevented in the Flash player on purpose?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Casting A 3d Movie Clip

Sep 1, 2009

I'm new to flash and actionscripting (i come from the land of ansi c but have traveled extensively). I've created a great animated animated 3d movie clip and want to have them generated on the stage in relation to an xml file. I've gotten this to work with a 2d movie clip but am running into problems casting a 3d object (a movie clip - boxContainer with an instance name of boxContainer_mc) is built out of all movie clips in the following way (shown in tree form):[code]

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Professional :: Casting String To Movie Clip?

Jan 14, 2010

I've been reading about this issue on the forums today, but I still don't understand what i'm doing wrong here:var theMC:String = "mcMenuItem1";var myX=[theMC];trace("myX = "+myX);myX.gotoAndStop(2);From what I've read, this should cast theMC string into a movie clip that exists on the stage, but I still get the error:TypeError: Error #1006: gotoAndStop is not a function.What am I doing wrong here? Or what is it that I've missed?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cross-scripting And Type-casting?

Jul 5, 2010

I wrote a post a week ago but it seems no one is able to help or I didn't explain my problem well enough, so here I go again.I want to load an external SWF, get an object reference from it and add it to the PV3D scene of my main class. The problem is even though the types have the same names, they are not recognized as the same type.
---------------------------------pv3Dviewer--------------------------- -----------
package {
import org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Sphere;
public class pv3Dviewer extends Sprite {

When pv3Dviewer is run, it traces "no". If I try to assign shereRemote without type casting i get this error:TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert org.papervision3d.objects.primitives::Sphere@59930b1 to org.papervision3d.objects.primitives.Sphere.

View 7 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Casting Results In Error #1009

Oct 28, 2011

I'm having a casting issue that I am hoping to resolve. I have 2 arrays:
1st array = the clip's parent that I'm trying to target 2nd array = the clip I'm trying to target
When I trace the results, I can see the clip and the clip's parent, they exist on the stage and are qualified. When I try and get the clip by name in part 3, I get an Error #1009.
Can someone lend insight into what I'm doing wrong, or suggest a better way of doing what I'm trying to do?


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Flash :: Casting Variables To Movie Clip?

Apr 27, 2010

How i can convert gecko object to a movie clip

function finish(boxname, arrayname:Array):void {
for each (var item:String in arrayname) {


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Actionscript :: Correctly Casting A Bitmap To A Class?

Nov 9, 2011

I have tree instance calling an iconFunction "getIconFromItem".

<mx:Tree dataProvider="{collection}" iconFunction="getIconFromItem" />

The getIconFromItem function is returning null even though the bitmap is not null.

public function getIconFromItem(item:Object):Class {
var result:Class = item.icon as Class ;
return result ;

Setting a break point on the return result line reveals that item.icon is a bitmap and result is null.

how to successfully cast a bitmap as class so that the bitmap is returned as an icon?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Casting A String To Be A Resource Path?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a situation where I am trying to build a path to an xml node like this:

var personName:Object = ["xmLoader.xmlData.profilepage.p"]+num+[".p1name"];

Where "num" is a number passed into to the function. What is happenning is when I trace out personName after this code I get:


instead of the value that resides at that node name (I can trace out p1name which is John from my processed xml earlier in the code).

View 5 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Casting String Gotten From Xml To A Number Type?

May 1, 2007

I have parsed the data from an xml doc to global vars in flash and need to use a few of them as numbers for things the position of "nodes" on the screen. However I can not cast the data stored as a var to a number or int value.

For example in the code below when the set Node button is pressed it traces the "Node's" current X value, then the value in the global var gotten from the xml, which contains the x position of where to place the Node.

Next it creates a new var of Number Type and assigns it the Number value of the string in global var. It then traces the new value of SNtopLeftX and sets the x pos of the Node's movie clip to the value of SNtopLeftX However the Node doesn't move and this is the output I get from the traces

Start Node is at x = -734.5
nod_topLeftX is 16
TopLeftX = 16
SN TopLeftX = NaN

I do not understand why I am getting NaN when the string of nod_topLefX is 16, any ideas?

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is my Code
butNodeSet.onRelease = function() {
trace ("Start Node is at x = " + mcStartNode._x);
trace ("nod_topLeftX is " + nod_topLeftX);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Casting Shadow / Light In 2d?

Sep 20, 2010

I want to make a game which uses a light effect similar to left4kdead (link). I just can't seem to be able to find how this effect is called. It will be strictly 2d top-down view.

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex3 - Convert One Vector Data To Another Vector Data?

Mar 11, 2011

Class ShootGame implements IGame{


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Actionscript 3 :: Casting An Object Using 'as' Returns Null MyObject?

May 3, 2010

I am trying to create a custom object in AS3 to pass information to and from a server, which in this case will be Red5. In the below screenshots you will see that I am able to send a request for an object from as3, and receive it successfully from the java server. However, when I try to cast the received object to my defined objectType using 'as', it takes the value of null. It is my understanding that that when using "as" you're checking to see if your variable is a member of the specified data type. If the variable is not, then null will be returned.

This screenshot illustrates that I am have successfully received my object 'o' from red5 and I am just about to cast it to the (supposedly) identical datatype testObject of LobbyData:


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Flash :: Casting Array Item To Reference MovieClip In AS3?

Sep 20, 2011

I have what I think should be a very simple problem. I have an array and can access an element of it like this:

var test = finalArray[0];
Will be a number between 1 and 7

say this will trace a number.No there is a movieclip on the root of stage whose name is a letter (always the same, say "R") and whatever the number is. I'm trying to get this movieclip to gotoAndStop at the frame corresponding to the number that is test. However this isn't working:

"R"+[test as MovieClip.gotoAndStop(test)];

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