ActionScript 3.0 :: Incrementing Integer On Each Two Hours

Mar 29, 2010

I try to increment each 2 hours but I don't know how to proceed.

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Flex :: Calculate Total Working Hours Where Hours Passed As A Number?

Dec 9, 2011

I am using FLEX version 3.0I want to calculate the total working hours. I am giving you the details and what i have done in it.

var a:Number = 2.00;
var b:Number = 2.00;
var c:Number = 1.45;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set An Integer's Value To Point To Another Integer As A Reference?

Jul 18, 2010

I want to have a dynamic integer reference.

For instance

ActionScript Code:
var heart:int = 5;
var stalker:int = heart;


Obviously stalker traces as "5" while "heart" is "7". However, I need to make stalker a pointer reference to heart.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Var Integer Holds A Integer (Uint)?

May 31, 2011

when I try to type cast something, there r 2 ways to do it:if var integer holds a integer (Uint)

text_txt.text = integer as String;or text_txt.text = String( integer );

but sometimes when I want to pass a value to a function both ways don't work and only one way works, when should I use option 1 and 2???

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Actionscript 3 :: Why Isn't Variable Incrementing

Feb 18, 2012

When the user presses the space bar, I'm trying to take one string from a series of strings labeled c1-c9, break it into an array, display that array, and then increment the linenumber variable at the end of the function so that the next time the space bar is pressed, the next string in the series is traced and so on and so forth. Here is the relevant section of script (the strings and the linenumber variable have been declared earlier)


Every time I press the space bar, though, I just get the traces of the initial string and linenumber value repeated without any incrementing. I think it may have something to do with the "this" before the bracket in this line var displayarray:Array = this["c" + linenumber].split(" "); which I found in a code sample on some website and do not understand at all, but I get compiler errors if I try to join the "c" and the line number without the "this" there.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load SWF According To Hours?

Feb 3, 2009

I have 3 swfs of a cloud animation, one for the day, one for the evening and one for the night. I would like to load the day swf from 6 am to 3 pm, evening from 4 to 6 and night well...the rest..but honestly I dont know where to start or how to make flash read the computers internal clock.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotation And Incrementing Variable?

Sep 28, 2009

I'm working on a flash movie that involves the use of rotating 3 objects in a matter that the first one moves 18000 degrees cw according to the value in the 'num' variable. The 2nd object rotates -1800 degrees. The third one rotates 180 degrees.

What I actually want to do is create a movie of the older analogue electric meters that had the 5 dials that represented each digit so if the far right dial moved from 0 to 5 the 2nd would move the opposite way to be between 0 and 1 and the third a hair to the right of '0' and so on in increments of 1/10.

When I run the below code the dials ( I currently useing jetplanes until I draw or locate a pointer image file as well as the circle with 0-9 marked off in it) stay on 500 and should be moving a bit since I have another variable that increments num by 1. I tried using the Timer event and would get several errors. I also know that the way it runs now doesn't work since num is going to be assign the same value of 18000 since I have it setup to gotoAndPlay(1) in frame 2. How would I be able to have it so that so it would increment without getting undefined variables. I also tried a for loop to increment the num but the stage would instantly show the end result after the loop was done.

var num:Number = 18000;
var i:Number= 0;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Incrementing X Propety By 0.01 Does Not Work

Oct 3, 2009

Just having problems with incrementing the x property of an object by 0.01 using a timer.It works with 0.1, but does not seem to work with the value 0.01 (commented code).[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Incrementing A Number Randomly?

Nov 16, 2009

I'm trying to get a text field that behaves like a fake hit-counter. Adding random numbers and getting larger each time:

My code doesn't add up though, it just replaces the text each time!!

var incrementTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000,0);
var lastNumber:uint = 0;
incrementTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, incrementNumber);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Incrementing A String Variable

Mar 15, 2012

I basically have a text file with a username variable that assigns usernames to username1, username2, and so on. I would like to create a loop that checks to see if that username was created and if it was a conditional statement will follow. The problem I have is I want to do a loop with a counter(var i) and increment that counter in the loop and concat that with loginName to input that into a dynamic textfield labeled loginName1. (Actionscript 2)[code]I am using loadvars to load 2 text files, one has username and ip(username1 = blahblah ipaddress1 = blahblah and so on), the second file has an array that has ipaddress and data usage passed in an array. i want to check how many usernames there are and check the ipaddress of that username against the other file containing ipaddresses and usage.) I have everything setup, but im running into issues when writing a loop to check for username1, username2, and so on.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Loop Not Incrementing Values

Apr 24, 2010

I've solved this problem in AS2 but I can't seem to sort it out in AS3.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Incrementing An Array Of Movies?

Jun 13, 2005

I'm trying to create a spinner for different ads for an advertising company website. Each ad has a name, such as "out" "pie" and "bigger". All of them are turned off except "pie" to start off with:

//initialize movie
var itemArray:Array = new Array();itemArray[0] = out;
itemArray[1] = pie;
itemArray[2] = bigger;


The thing is, I can' figure out the button script to cycle through this array. I want to click a forward and back button, lets use forward for now, and do something like (don't mind the syntax):

on (release) {
i+1, remember the spot, and make everything else invisible.
When you click again, you increment to the
next ad/instance name and so on.

What is the actual syntax for this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Incrementing Within Arrays Using XML Data

Jan 6, 2007

I'm working with a gallery grabbing images from data extracted from an external XML file, and I'm trying to make it work in a hierarchical or folder like structure in Flash 8.For instance, thumbnails are displayed on load, and when a thumbnail is clicked, more thumbnails specific to the image clicked are displayed.As sort of a beginner to Flash and ActionScript, I've been working with this project for a couple months.There is one obstacle I'm facing within the 'for' loops I'm using.First, an example of my XML file is like this:[code]This way displays the catalog look just as I'd like, but it is only good for the first piece of art since this 'for' loop only loops through the <products> node within the first <art> node. Now, if I change 'this.childNodes[0]'to 'this.childNodes[1]',I can display the <products> for the next <art> node.The part that I have not been able to figure out is how to increment that 'this.childNodes[x]' so that I can use it in an onRelease function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Incrementing Values To A Variable

Jun 17, 2011

i'm trying to add values to a variable.[code]a simple drag and drop on a MC.i would like to store the X displacement when i drag. let say i have 30 in a variable wich store x position of myMC, if i drag the MC 200 units the variable should read 230 and so on.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Won't Stop Incrementing While Being Hit By An Object

Feb 3, 2012

I have a problem creating scores in my game. how can i stop it from incrementing +1? [cod]e...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Incrementing A Variable With Buttons?

May 20, 2005

I've followed several tutorials on how to do this, but my dynamic text box always returns a value of "Nan" when I try to increment it's value.I've been trying to use = + 1;] in an on release function. Even if i managed to get this to work though, I still need to reuse the variable i'm incrementing within other calculations.

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Flex :: Comparing Hours And Minutes In AS3?

Jul 25, 2010

Is there a way to compare the current time to a bunch of times (loaded from XML) and have it figure out which is the closest to the current time?

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Flex :: Cover Exactly 24 Hours On DateTimeAxis?

Apr 10, 2011

I want to show a full 24 hours along the datetimeaxis wherever the values fed into it happen to fall. I thought that setting the minimum and maximum of a datetime axis on the chart would have that effect.

so I have private function loadDayComplete():void{ //called when data is reloaded. also includes reassigning the dataprovider of the chart.


When I load up the function though it doesn't plot any points when the min and max are set. If I take out the minimum and maximum they show up fine! I double checked in debug mode that the minChartDate and maxChartDate are what they should be.. but maybe I'm misunderstanding how minimum and maximum are supposed to function... I also tried widening the min/max to include several days and still no luck. I also tried assigning the min/max when the chart data changes like so:

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Subtract 7 Hours From Date?

Sep 15, 2011

[code]This passes the date to another function that uses the date to see who in my office is oncall in the database and displays their name. The problem is, everyone that is oncall has to be oncall until 7am the next morning. So this works great IF they were off at Midnight each night. Is it possible to subtract 7 hours from this date?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Swf Depending Of The Hours Of The Day?

Oct 18, 2005

i want to have an swf loaded between 8am and 6pm and another one between 6pm and 8am. How can i do that? i guess it's not very hard but i don't get it. i suppose i need a variable with the hours. then do a if statment that check if the current hours is between 8am and 6pm. then if it's between this time do this if not do that..

View 8 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping / Incrementing OnRelease Function?

Mar 6, 2009

Just getting up to speed on looping and incrementing variables. A real time saver.I have a onRelease function that I would like to apply to several button objects:

phase1a.but1.onRelease = function() {

I need the p variable as well as the target but1 to increment. This is my first attempt:

for (n=1; n<=23; n++) {
phase1a.but[n].onRelease = function() {

I get a good trace on n showing that the incrementing is successful but nothing on p when the button is clicked and no execution of the function thisImage(). Not getting any errors either. Can you not loop an onRelease statement?

View 13 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Incrementing Through Instances Of Movieclips To Get Them Into An Array?

Jun 2, 2009

the user needs to select an answer from a dropdown list.  I am then creating  an array that will store the answer to each question when the user clicks the submit button.  Each of the drop down menus is named sequentially.  So what I am trying to do is write  a while loop that will increment through and read each of the values into the array so I can process the responses later.  The issue that I am having is writing the syntax to recognize the Instance name of the specific drop down I am trying to reference.
Here is the basic code I am using:
var Store:Array = new Array(2);
public var Increment:Number;
Increment = 1;


So the DropDowns instance names are DropDown1, DropDown2 etc...  It works fine if I manually enter in each instance name (but there are 43 total and I don't want to do each one individually).  
I am assuming that I need to setup some sort of variable to temporarily add the increment number to the "DropDown" and then use that as the reference:
Increment = 1;
while (Increment <=2){
ItemNumber = "DropDown" + Increment;
Store[Increment] = MovieClip(Scroller2.Form_Scroller.content).ItemNumber.value;
But when I do that, I get the following error message:
TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at combotest/submitted()
I assume this is because it is looking for an instance of ItemNumber instead of the instance of the value of ItemNumber. 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Modifying Status Of MC - Incrementing Properties?

Aug 31, 2006

I'm working on a class which extends MC. I would like to be able to do the same as this line: movieclip._width++. I already havewritten the function which modify the status of my MC and works perfectly. But now I want link it to a property, so any variations applied to this property calls the function and modify the MC.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Incrementing Instance Name To Work With .addChild?

Jul 1, 2010

i have a set of images with incrementing names image1, image2, image3 etc and i have a series of empty movie clips on the stage also with incrementing names mc1, mc2, mc3, etc

i wanted to use this:


to display a series of images into the series of movieclips on stage my_loader is an incrementing variable, and that works fine with the .addChild however, when specifying what addChild is loading content into, it doesnt seem to favour variables as names, it only seems to like real instance names thought i could use

like this:
getChildByName("mc_empty"+num).addChild(my_loader) ;

but that doesnt seem to work with .addChild either

View 7 Replies

Determining Hours To Build Flash Website?

May 2, 2009

use it for my final project to graduate with a CS degree. I did some basic animation type stuff around 5 years ago in school but nothing major. I want to make a website for a non-profit organization for my project. I know what I want to do, but I need to give my advisor an estimate of how many hours it will need to complete it.Here is a general outline of tasks I want on the website:Message boardBlogEmbedded videoPhoto galleryArchived newsE-commercestoreGuestbookCounterPollsApplications - games, instant messenger type thing (if I have time)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 24 Hours Looping Countdown Clock?

Oct 13, 2010

i am trying to create a 24 hour countdown clock that will loop and play backwards counting it self back down to 00:00:00:00, being new to flash As3 i am struggling to create this animation


I have been given this code by a very helpful user

var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
var currentSeconds:int = 86400;
var milliseconds:int = 86400000;[code].......

the problem i am having now is do i need to add an instance name to the 00:00:00:00 design on the flash stage for the code to work as i have tried and i think im doing something wrong.

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Slow Flash Animations After Few Hours Playing

Nov 24, 2009

I have recently developed a standalone Flash entertainment system, containing Flash games and screensavers etc., i have also included a third party mp3 player.
The problem i have is the PC is left switched on daily and the system is used quite heavily, i.e mp3's playing in background while screen savers are displayed and games are played.
Everything starts fine but after a few hours the flash animations slow down to about 2 or 3 frames per second, then the PC will finally crash.

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Professional :: 24 Hours Looping Countdown Clock

Oct 14, 2010

I am trying to create a 24 hour countdown clock that will loop and play backwards counting it self back down to 00:00:00:00, being new to flash As3 I am struggling to create this animation. The AS3 code I have put into my actions is as follows:

var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000);
var currentSeconds:int = 86400;
var milliseconds:int = 86400000;
var result:String = "";
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countDown);
function countDown(e:TimerEvent):void {
[Code] .....

When I press to test the movie the numbers are still 00:00:00:00. Below I have attached a link to an image to give a better idea of where i am at with this animation: [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Car At Time / Date For 11 Hours

Feb 15, 2011

I'm making a timeline with a moving car. It has to go from left to right in about 11 hours. I got this code and the car is moving from left to right:


But everytime I refresh my page the car is at the begin again. So I have to attach it to a Timer/date class to it so it stops at a certain point / time and date.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Game FPS Drops Upon Playing For 3 Hours

Sep 6, 2011

I am a game programmer and i have made  a game where there is a character which has to select the right pieces and avoid the wrong ones. the pieces/food come from top, the character jumps and fetches them. Thats why we are keeping a gap between the pieces to avoid the character touching the wrong ones.

Problem : When I win the game and keep re-playing it continuously for more than an hour i notice that the gameplay gets slow(slow FPS). The behavior and movement of the characters become slow. Upon playing for 3 hours the slowness is easily noticeable. This also happens when I minimize the game window or get the focus off the game to some other window for a long time (half an hour or more). The problem doesn't come if I play once or if I lose the game and try again. This comes when I keep playing it for a longer time.

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