ActionScript 3.0 :: Infinite Moveable/Draggable List?

Mar 12, 2009

I have an MC that is a giant text box that contains 20different items laid out vertically, like this for example:ABCDEetcI want to make the list infinitely moveable/draggabl on itsy position, meaning the user can drag this list up and down but thelist never ends.....In other words when the user drags to the lastitem in the list, the list, the list starts over again. And thesame works in the reverse; if the user is dragging up and gets tothe first item, the last item pops up after and then goes inreverse. In other words no ending. Think The Price Is Right Wheelor the alram clock on the iPhone or iPod touch.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Infinite Draggable Menu - The Looping / Movement To Be Activated By The User Literally Dragging Up And Down

Mar 12, 2009

I'm using the code below for an infinite looping menu but this menu code makes it move on its own. I want the looping/movement to be activated by the user literally dragging up and down. Does anyone know how I can alter this code so it responds to the user dragging up and down.


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IDE :: Make Infinite Moving List?

Mar 11, 2009

I have an MC that is a giant text box that contains 20 different items laid out vertically, like this for example:


I want to make the list infinitely moveable/draggable on its y position, meaning the user can drag this list up and down but the list never ends.....In other words when the user drags to the last item in the list, the list, the list starts over again. And the same works in the reverse; if the user is dragging up and gets to the first item, the last item pops up after and then goes in reverse. In other words no ending. Think The Price Is Right Wheel or the alram clock on the iPhone or iPod touch.

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Flash :: Implement A Infinite List In Flex (hero)?

Apr 12, 2011

I'm new to Flex/ActionScript (.NET/Java has been my main playground so far).I'm trying to build a Flex app that has a list that is meant to look and behave like an infinite list (of items - which can be any object). The idea is that the user should be able to scroll up or down and never reach the end of the list in either direction.

An example would be a list of numbers. Scrolling up will show negative numbers; scrolling down will show positive ones. Now, my list is a simple Flex Spark list (using Flex Hero).It is bound to a data provider that is an ArrayList.My initial idea was to listen to the scroll event and add/remove items as needed. However, in the current build of Flex Hero, there is a bug that doesn't raise scroll events for vertical scrollbars sometimes (http:url].....).So, I'm using the workaround suggested in the link above (i.e listening to the propertyChanged event of the list's scroller's viewport. The event though only gives me the current verticalScrollPosition. And it looks like the default spark list supports smooth scrolling and raises the event many times before the list scrolling comes to a standstill (it is a nice visual effect).Now, I need to :

Figure out whether it is scrolling up or down (how do I do that?)

Figure out which items are visible. I can get this from:


Add/remove items as needed, so that the user can scroll up and down forever, never reaching the end of the list in either direction.

I've tried the following code but it doesn't work. (comments in code).

import mx.collections.ArrayList;
import mx.core.INavigatorContent;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: List Component - How To Include Infinite Menu

Apr 17, 2007

I am using the List component as a menu. The user uses the arrow keys to go up and down the items in the component and uses another key to select them. This is all working but now I would like to include infinite menus. I have made a quick animation to show you what I mean: [URL]

I am currently using this code:
lastItem = menu.length - 1;
menu.selectedIndex = 0;
var keyListener:Object = new Object();
keyListener.onKeyDown = function() {
if((menu.selectedIndex == lastItem)&&(Key.getCode() == 40)){
menu.selectedIndex = 0;
} if((menu.selectedIndex == 0)&&(Key.getCode() == 38)){
menu.selectedIndex = lastItem;

However this results in an "off by one error" and the top item and bottom item cant be selected. e.g. [URL].

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Actionscript 3 :: Render Horizontally Draggable List Of Movieclips For A Flash To Ios Project

Aug 2, 2011

ActionScript Mobile Project.

Flash to IPad.

I am using Flash Builder 4.5.1

I have a row of movieclips that I need to drag horizontally. there could be up to 300 clips. Each clip is 100 px wide. Each clip has different content/text and animations. the viewable area will be the stage.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding/Infinite Menu - It Cuts Off A Bit When Going Infinite?

Nov 12, 2002

onClipEvent (load)

i did the tutorial but something is wrong cuz when i created my own little sliding thingy and i put my mouse so it slides left or right on the right side it cuts off a bit when going infinite.I think its something to do with the positioning of my menu because its not on x=0 its on x=120.8 and i was trying to work out how to fix it but i'm stuck...and when i move the menu to x=0 it works nicely.

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Moveable Objects Within Stage?

May 7, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Textinput Moveable Or Dragable?

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Flash - Static Mask With Moveable Content

May 28, 2011

I'm having trouble figuring out how to make a static mask with dynamic content (as in a picture you can zoom/pan) in ActionScript. I've seen a lot of the opposite (see here), where you have static content (like an image) and a dynamic mask on top that you can manipulate. I would like to do the opposite - have a static mask (set at some size at some area) with dynamic content underneath. So for example, a user could zoom in/drag around some content, and the display size wouldn't change, while the content would move. You could imagine Google Maps being confined to a smaller square and being able to zoom in/manipulate the map through that square, and have whitespace outside of that square.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Moveable / Clickable Seekbar In Lessons That Scrubs Main Timeline

Apr 1, 2009

I have an elearning course that I make flash lessons for and, surprise!!! I am new with AS3. I use a moveable/clickable seekbar in the lessons that scrubs the main timeline. The problem I am having is that I am not able to put my script into custom classes due to my skill level, so I put my AS3 code into the timeline as I do my timeline animations. AS3 code only runs when the first frame is entered, if that frame is skipped with the seek bar then that code is not ran. I have AS3 code that runs my template controls - seek/scrubber bar, volume, mute etc. that loads on first frame of project after preloader, but I use AS3 code throughout the timeline for some tweens, user interactions, links etc.. How can I combine usage of the seek/scrub bar with AS3 code in the timeline?

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Flex :: Float - 4: While In A Vgroup - Add A Moveable Element That Won't Be Part Of The Vgroup?

Jun 22, 2010

I created several components that are placed inside a VGroup. in one of the components code, i want to add an image and to move it. i don't want the image to be part of the vgroup and to be bound to the vgroup area, i want it to be like float in css. how can I do that?

update I want to be able to move the element in the entire area of the application. not to move it within the vgroup. i don't want this object to be attached to any container besides the main application window in order for me not to have limits how much can i move it and where.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Moveable Circle Around Another Circle - No Overlap

Apr 5, 2007

I have two MC's, circular in shape. One of the circles is stationary and you can drag the other. I'm trying to get the moveable circle to be able to move around the circumference of the stationary circle, but not overlap. I'm able to detect when they overlap, not using hittest. I just can't figure out how to code it so that the draggable circle can't be moved over the stationary circle.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Grr Infinite For Loops?

Mar 29, 2009

Shouldn't flash detect these before running the script and crashing and having to force quit and restart (and flash startup takes a while)? Like just give an error: infinite for loop or something? And this happened to me a bunch when working with for loops within for loops, when I accidentally used the same variable for both loops, so of course it never ended and crashed flash.

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XML :: Loading File With Possible Infinite Tags In AS3

May 16, 2010

Basically, I have a XML file similar to:


Yeah, to some extent it's poor design. But the idea I'm going for is that any Event has the potential to compromise of other Events and this idea kinda loops. How to do this?

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Flex :: Replace Infinite Loop?

Jun 18, 2010

I want to access a webservice:getMonitorData() , on creationcomplete and returns an array, in an infinite loop so that the getIndex0.text is updated each time.Flex is not able to handle an infinite loop and gives a timeout error 1502. If I run the for loop until i<2000 or so it works fine.How can replace the loop so that my webservice is accessed continiously and the result is shown in getIndex0.text.This is how my application looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Group xmlns:fx=""


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Infinite Tsunami Accordion?

Jan 27, 2010

I posted on Kirupa Yesterday trying to get help with a project. I've had no response because the help I need is admittedly a pain in the behind. I'm at the end of my thether here so I thought I try posting here also. I'm in the process of trying to make an "infinite scrolling tsunami accordian". Sounds sweet right.

Its supposed to grow as items are moused over along with accordion functionality. also it is supposed to wrap around the items. Ive gotten very close but I have some problems that I've hit a wall on. I've never seen a 3 in one menu like this and it'd be really cool to get it going.

So far I have the tsunami effect and the wrapping around. The only problem is that when you click on an item, instead of the items below it animating to the bottom bound of the menu and then appearing at the top when they go too far theres a big *** pause and then they just jump to wrap around position.

The accordion aspect is there too but I can't figure out how to handle the spacing when an item is expanded. I've attached a zip file containing the project in the hope that somebody might have the time to try and me flesh this out . The class in question is named infiniteTsunamiAccord.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Infinite Ray Intersect Line

Mar 3, 2011

I need to determine if a ray from a point (point and angle or vector) which goes to infinity intersects a line segment (two points), and if so, what direction it crosses (left or right.)I've been searching around on google but haven't had any success implementing the math solutions.I'm trying to do is implement the winding fill rule described here to determine if a path is clockwise or counterclockwise.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX] Infinite Menu As A Loaded Swf?

Oct 9, 2004

Im using the infinite menu code from the tut.

The AS in the tut works fine in a stand-alone swf, but if you load it into another swf it wont work properly cuz it uses values like _ymouse<18

Those absolute values are not correct once the swf is loaded into a different sized movie.

What would you guys say is the best way to convert the code so that it would work when loaded?

If thought of changing every value to a target such as _root.MCinMAINmovie.CONTAINERmcFORinfiniteMENU._xm ouse>218 but this seems rather tedious... and it makes it hard to build code for something that needs to be a loaded swf and test it say before you have you main swf built.

Heres the code for the infinite menu

onClipEvent (load) {
xcenter = _root._width/2;
speed = 1/10;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouseover On Infinite Menu

Nov 10, 2004

i've created av "infinite menu" a menu that moves in a direction depending on the position of the mouse. I need a little help to make it stop whenever the mouse aint over the menu.[code]This is just a beta version so the grapics aren't correct.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Infinite Menu With/without Using OnClipEvent?

Jul 2, 2005

//this is one of the code pieces I've been trying
scroll_menu.onEnterFrame = function() {
var speed=.5/100;
var xcenter=400;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Infinite Scroller Not Wrapping Around?

Sep 20, 2006

I've got a infinite scroller (adjusted one of scotty's) and it's not wrapping around i.e there's a gap in the images, the last image kinda blinks at a certain point.I've attached the files, it's probably something quite simple but i cant see it.Here's the script:

spacing = 0;
containerMC._alpha = 100;


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IDE :: GetURL In Old Infinite Menu FLA Not Working

Feb 7, 2007

I've got the very old infinite menu posted on Kirupa's site. I haven't done anything but switch it to a vertical menu, but the problem is that I put a button in the menu, the 2nd grey box, with a getURL that just goes to google. Problem is, it won't load the url. I had wanted to put buttons in this menu to get new URLs or do things it flash, but it won't respond.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Looping Frames 6 Through 7 Infinite?

Dec 23, 2007

I have a movie clip named "services_mc" it has 7 frames inside of it. When the movie clip gets to frame 7 I want it to go to frame 6 and play (and repeat this infinite).

I thought all I would have to do is put this in frame 7:


but it stops on frame 7.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Ball To Rotate Infinite?

Aug 6, 2008

I have a movieclip with the instance name "Ball".

I want the ball to rotate infinite, what code do i need for this?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Infinite Tiled Background?

Sep 1, 2009

I am creating a space game in AS3. In order to show movement while keeping your space ship in the center of the screen I would like to move the background (in the opposite direction that the space ship is moving). I would like the background to tile so that if you ever reach the end of one background image it will place another one right next to it seamlessly. I have worked out the code to move the tiles to the right place at the right time, however whenever the tile is repositioned due to the ship reaching the edge, there is a brief period of lag.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: (MX) Pausing The 'infinite Menu'?

Mar 8, 2004

Alright, this is my problem; i need to find a way to pause and start again from that same position the 'infinite menu' found here on kirupa friend of mine attempted to and gave me some code to fiddle with. I did fiddle with it, but problem was, the code was for Flash MX 2004. So it didnt work on my MX. Here is the existing code i have, but doesn't function (i.e. works fine when control>Test Movie, but doesnt work when actual .swf from folder is opened)

cmdPause.onRelease = function() {
if (_root.Paused == true) {
text = "pause";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Infinite Scrolling MC With Easing?

Aug 19, 2004

I'm having trouble with a scrolling portfolio type of movie that I've created. It contains a movieclip with thumbnails on it and a left and right button that scroll the thumbnails back and forth. It uses easing to move to each position. It also disables the buttons while the movieclip is scrolling to prevent throwing the movie off alignment. What I'm trying to accomplish is to give the scrolling feature endless scrollability. I have duplicated the slidebar to reposition whichever one necessary to be next in line as the user scrolls through. My code seems to be working but not very well. Sometimes I see one of the slidebars shoot accross the screen to it's correct position, sometimes you have to wait a couple seconds for it to move over. It's acting very quirky. I'll post the .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Infinite FlashLevel Navigation?

Jan 31, 2005

looked at the flashlevel navigation that's in the Best Of Kirupa section... totally dig it.I'm wondering though... is there a way to have it, once you get to the end of the last listing in the XML file, inside flash, to have it loop back to the first one? so that pretty much it'll just keep scrolling?

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