ActionScript 3.0 :: Interactivity With Away3D - Change A Face's Color?
Apr 18, 2011
I'm new with Away3D 3.6 and I meet a problem to change the color of a cube. I can init a color on a face but when I click on the cube, impossible to change this color
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I have a "dropdown" menu with 2 buttons (instance names arial and georgia).
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onEnterFrame = function() {
draggabletext.output2 = "<font face="" +textface+ "" color=""+textcolor+"">" + inputBox.text + "</font>";
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xmlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loadXML);
function loadXML(e:Event):void {
xmlData=new XML(;
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Apr 21, 2005
How is it done? All I've seen on the web is how to change the color. Well how about going back. I'm talking about a MC with many colors. I can't just change back to a single hexadecimal color.
I can accomplish the change as it passes over a frame, but I can't get it to change back.
In the frame is this:
cHurtColor = new Color(_root.compMC);
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Apr 21, 2005
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colors.onMouseDown = function() {
if (1) {
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I�d like to add something more but don�t know how.I[d like to make the MC to load a random color, in a color range that I specify, like #000000, #FFFFFF and #111111.Also, I want somew buttons to change between this colors, but with an ease transition.
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Feb 24, 2011
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on (rollOver) }
var my_color: Color = new Color(B1);
my_color setRGG(0XFFFFFF);
I want to change B1 & T1
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PHP Code:
_root.Mc._tint = 0xff0000
but its not making it red.
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//_cb is the combo box
setColor(_cb, t_uintBgColor); //t_uintBgColor is a hexadecimal, ie. 0xFF0000
setColor(_cb.dropdown, t_uintBgColor, -150);
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And what is the best solution for coloring the background of a ComboBox?
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Apr 27, 2009
I am trying to build a script that will allow a user who visits a website to change the color of a house.
For an example, when a user visits the site they are able to view a picture of a house with a default color of white. When the click on a button "Roof" the user is able to pick from a select number of roof color options.
Same goes for siding, and trim.
I am hoping with a web presense in this economy, maybe it will turn things around.
What I have seen,
I have seen some sites use shape overlays.
So they take an image, and (I am not sure if it is in Flash or Photoshop) they make a cut out of the roof, then they make 10 copies of it in different colors. For some places I have seen them descibe it at frames for each color. Yet I am not sure how you call upon it on click?
Anyways I am very lost and need a mentor.
Here is an example of what I am trying to do, but with a house:
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