ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Child Swf In Different Domains And Passing Params?

Mar 24, 2011

I have a parent swf that loads a child swf and attempts to pass some data into the child.

The process works fine if parent and child are located in the same domain (lets say

As soon as I place the child swf into and try to load it, it will load in the parent, but it is not loading the values.

Crossdomain policies are in place (the child does load!), but the params are not sent.[code]...

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I have a map of the US acquired from here (called U.S. Map). I am currently generating XML from inside an ActionScript file, and would then like to display this map using my generated XML as the argument. According to this, to do this in html would require the following declaration:world.swf?ata_file=pathname/filename.xmlHow can I replicate this behavior using the Loader from ActionScript? Right now I have:

var ldr:Loader = new Loader();
var url:String = "us/us.swf?data_file=senate.xml";
var urlReq:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);


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ActionScript Code:
var loadit = new Loader();


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AS3 :: Flash - Passing Variables From Parent To Child?

Oct 14, 2011

I'm trying to access some variables from my parent in my child MC.

Parent code:

var data_history:String;
function finish_checkUp(event:Event):void{
var checkUp_stat:String;


Now as you can see, i have tried the trace method, but with no luck. Flash doesn't report any errors regarding the trace method, but does report the two undefined vars (data_history). Ive tried to use the trace method above all the functions, at the top of the script, still the same errors though.

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var loaderZ:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loaderZ.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
loaderZ.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, loading);


I am getting the word "depressed" from page 1 (verified by trace) Unfortuntely this does not work.

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VocText.htmlText = = word;

Then it outputs the word DEPRESSED to the text field VocText but does not return the value from the txt file.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing Variables From Parent Flash Into Child?

Jul 26, 2010

how can I pass a variable from a parent flash file to a child flash file which it calls?We have a parent flash file which imports various child flash files based on instructions in an XML file. It's probably easier to see an example - opg2DOTcoDOTuk/flash/yay.html (replace the DOTs, couldn't post an url due to restrictions) - the text above each page, and the 'enlarge page' lightbox links are all in seperate flash files (one per double page) which are brought in, depending on the pages you are looking at, based on the instructions in an XML file which looks like this...

<page ani_swf="pages/text1.swf">pages/white.jpg</page>
<page ani_swf="pages/text1.swf">pages/0001.jpg</page>
<page ani_swf="pages/text2.swf">pages/0002.jpg</page>
<page ani_swf="pages/text2.swf">pages/0003.jpg</page>

etc, where the swf is the header flash file containing the text and one or two lightbox links, and the jpg files are the page images that appear.We had to repeat the imported child flash file because of a glitch when you go backwards through the book otherwise.

This system has been fine for us up until now but recently we've had to look at making it a dynamic system, so the content of the book can be varied depending on a variable being passed into the parent file via FlashVars...

<param name="FlashVars" value="zone=1" />
<embed src="newbook3.swf" FlashVars="zone=1" ....etc

This makes the book load an xml file called "1"). This is fine, except we also need to vary the 'enlarge page' target images to match.The 'enlarge page' links are currently hard coded into each child flash file, like this...

on (release){
getURL("javascript:SWFDelegate('imagename.jpg','Ex ample');");

- What we've tried so far:

1. Trying to pass the variables in querystrings from the XML

<page ani_swf="pages/text2.swf?var1=image1&var2=image2">pages/0002.jpg</page>
<page ani_swf="pages/text2.swf?var1=image1&var2=image2">pages/0003.jpg</page>

with the child flash setting it's action like this...

on (release){
var image1 = var1 + ".jpg"
getURL("javascript:SWFDelegate(image1,'Example');" );

I'm not sure if the syntax here is correct. We have to add the ".jpg" in here because, as far as I understand it, you can't pass "." in a querystring.

2. Passing the variables for the child into the parent

I read somewhere that variables passed to a parent are automatically available to a child. Not sure if this is true, but it didn't work for me when I tried it like...

<param name="FlashVars" value="zone=1?var1=image1&var2=image2" />
<embed src="newbook3.swf" FlashVars="zone=1?var1=image1&var2=image2" ....etc

Combined with...

on (release){
var image1 = var1 + ".jpg"
getURL("javascript:SWFDelegate(image1,'Example');" );
} the child button action.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set LoaderInfo Params From Flash

Oct 7, 2010

This is my case

1: I have two swf : a.swf n b.swf

2: I can't do any coding on a.swf but I can code on b.swf

3: b.swf loads a.swf

4: a.swf takes some params from html

5: Since b.swf now loads a.swf,how can I set loaderinfo params of a.swf from b.swf?

So is there any way I can set loaderinfo params from loading swf to the loaded swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set LoaderInfo Params From Flash?

Oct 7, 2010

This is my case1: I have two swf : a.swf n b.swf2: I can't do any coding on a.swf but I can code on b.swf3: b.swf loads a.swf4: a.swf takes some params from html 5: Since b.swf now loads a.swf,how can I set loaderinfo params of a.swf from b.swf?So is there any way I can set loaderinfo params from loading swf to the loaded swf.

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Jun 2, 2009

How would I load a .swf from within a .swf with parameters?First, I need to know how to pass the parameters, and second I need to know how the other .swf is going to read those parameters...

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Disable Flash Audio In Object Params?

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...args is for string. something possible for Objects ?

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