ActionScript 3.0 :: Movie Clip That Gets Bigger - Slider At The Bottom And Objects Fall From The Top
Jan 23, 2009
I am trying to design a very basic flash game. The basis of which is that there is a slider at the bottom and objects fall from the top and you have to avoid them. However, if the object lands on the slider, it also has to become part of the slider and so the area of the slider increases. I am unsure of how to code this last bit as the properties of the slider must change.
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Apr 11, 2010
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I am trying to increase the speed of a movie clip by using a slider. Can someone point me to some information on how to do this? I found this but am not sure my version is picking up the change in frame rate accurately
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Jan 4, 2010
I am attempting to attach a slider bar to a movie clip. The movie clip is of a face morphing from emotion to no emotion. My ultimate goal is to have the viewer choose when the emotion has disappeared by moving the slider bar.
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May 18, 2011
i have a movie clip in my library and i would like to add to appear in the middle of the stage. However i also have a slider from components, and what i would love to happen is that as i slide the bar the movie clip that i want to appear on the stage to duplicate/copy.
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Jan 5, 2010
I am trying to add action script 2.0 to a slider that i created using that slides a movie clip that is a timeline from left to right. In the timeline are (i)More... buttons that will reveal more information. I just need to know how to integrate the timeline into the code using as2 to make it slide when the slider is dragged..
This is the action script that I have on the slider movie clip as stated in the above tutorial. But this is ALL the action script I have on EVERYTHING..... I know I need more to make it pan the timeline but I dont know how to do it.
I really could just use a good tutorial that shows me how to link the image that im sliding to the slider bar. When the slider is moved to the right... the image flows left.... toward the end of the timeline. When the slider is all the way right. The end of the timeline is shown. The timeline is bigger than the stage so the slider is on a line with years on it.
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May 9, 2010
I have got a movie clip moving up the stage and when I press the keyboard I want it to come back down to its starting position on the bottom of the stage. What code do I add to the following?
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Nov 1, 2007
iam trying to bulid a slider which will change the alpha of another movie clip named do i do this. here is the actionscript i have so far:
onClipEvent (load) {
top = _y;
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Sep 7, 2010
onClipEvent (load) {
MinX = 0;
MaxX = 200;
FRAME = _root.p1;
p1 is the instance of the movie which I am trying to move with slider. When I apply above code on the handle of the slider with instance name 'handle' everything works perfect. Slider moves and so do the movie. Now instead when I bring the same code to the main timeline to do the same, onClipEvent does not work, it gives error. So I replaced it with the code written below. Now I can move the handle but movie is not moving.
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Aug 10, 2005
I am trying to create a slider that will move a series of images in a movie clip based on the location of the slider. The problem I have is that when you click and drag the scroller it will move the images once but after that the images will not move. I am guessing that the problem is with my code. I want to move the _x of the images movie clip based on the _x of the slider. Here is the code I am using which is placed in frame one of the "timelineSlider" MC:
If it will help I can send the the original .FLA file by email as it is too large (225kb) to post on the forum.
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Feb 9, 2012
I would like to know if there is a way to update the position of the thumb on the Slider component when a movie clip plays. Currently I have a movie clip symbol on my stage with the instance name ShapeMC. It has about 10 frames or animation and two actions. the first frame has a stop action as does the last frame. The actions are on their own layer, separate from the actual animation. I also have the slider component in my library, but it is only there so I can reference it through AS3. My AS3 instantiates a variable of type Slider. I then define the properties, like the width, hieght, thumb size, minimum, maximum, as well as enabling livedragging. I did this so the user can drag the slider and move through the Movie Clip symbol. I added a button that allows the user to click it and autoplay the Movie Clip symbol (ShapeMC). All that works. What I would like to do is when I hit the play button, I would like to see the thumb on the slider move along the slider as the Movie Clip symbol (ShapeMC) plays. So if the Movie Clip symbol reaches frame 5, the slider thumb show be seen as being half way through the tread. I tried putting the currentFrame into the .value property of the slider, but that didn't do anything. No errors, but it didn't move the thumb at all.
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Jan 13, 2004
I have a menu bar as a movie clip and another movie clip acting as a slider. I want to on pressing a button on the Manu bar movie clip get the slider to slide across with easing. however I don't want the easing to be infinite so can't use a this._x*=.9 or some decimal < 1. Loop function only acts on the sinle fram so it too quick to see.
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Sep 9, 2009
I want to read the pixelcolor of a bigger clip, just two pixels or so.
When I create my Bitmapdata it is taking a while and framerate goes down. What would be a quick way to just extract some pixels out of my animation clip?
bmd.draw(MovieClip(root) )var px:int = bmd.getPixel(pt.x,pt.y);
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Oct 29, 2008
I used this tut to create a menu. [URL] And my question is; Can I make the slider to move after a movie clip symbols instead of button symbols? That way my menu would be animated.
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Sep 16, 2009
I am currently trying to design a small flash movie. I have a "Movie Clip" object (a short animation) that i wish to act like a static object until a certain frame on the main Timeline. Then i want it to play out, at it's own pace, just like normal, until it finishes (no looping).. What do i need to put into, and where do i put it? So in short, frame 30 of the main animation triggers the clip, whilst the main animation still runs.
A lot of solutions suggest a button, but I don't want to use a button, as it's not interactive - just a movie. i just want the damn movie clip to play in the damn movie when it reaches frame 30! it shouldn't be that hard..
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Sep 10, 2011
i want to referance objects in the level above the movie clip that i have the AS in. what i mean is that i have a movie clip on the stage, and that movie clip has some actionscript in it, and that AS needs to refer to an object on the main stage, how would i do that? i have tried parent and stage 1, but neither seem to work
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Dec 21, 2006
Anyway, I am having problems with storing movie clip objects in an array because when I try to access them, it kinda loses its properties as a movie clip. Say, i have mc_1 stored in the array,and in the course of the flash movie, a button is triggered to change its visibility to "false".. what i do is, arr[0]._visibility = false.So here's what I'm really trying to do with my school project: I have 24 movieclips, i named them field1, field2, ..., field24. I stored them in an array. Initially, they're invisible. Then, a button is clicked to show one field. If the button is clicked again, the second field is displayed, and so
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Mar 19, 2007
I am fairly new to Flash and action script as a whole, and would like to know how one can write a script that allows users to rescale/ resize and rotate movie clip objects at runtime.I.e. When a user moves their cursor over an object on the floor plan, I would like for them to be able to either resize the object or rotate it.
After trawling the web, I am still yet to find an existing API that I can use to build my floor planner in Flash. However, I did stumble across the 'Space planner' created by Icovia for architects and interior designers alike. If you visit the icovia web site at http:[url].....and click on 'Test Drive' under Interior design and Home renovations section, you will see what I envisage for my project. However, all I would like to know for now is how I can manipulate objects on the floorplan using action script.
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Sep 17, 2002
I know there is a way to manipulate the objects that are within a movie clip, but what's the syntax for it? For example, if i have a movie clip that consists of 4 squares, how would move just one of those at a time, separate from the other 3?
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Oct 18, 2009
I've been trying to figure out a way to have movie clip effects only operate WHILE the two objects are colliding with each-other. It seems after they collide, however, They no longer need to be in contact to execute the supposedly conditional command. In an attempt to get around "hit Test" I made a fake hitTest, below:
function zone(mc, zquestion){
if(man._y < mc._y +25 && man._y > mc._y -25 && man._x < mc._x +25 && man._x > mc._x -25){ mc.onRelease = function(){ trace(zquestion); } }else { null;} } onEnterFrame = function(){ zone(block1, "Insert Important Question here?"); if(Key.isDown(Key.LEFT)){man._x -= 5;} if(Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT)){man._x += 5;} if(Key.isDown(Key.UP)){man._y -= 5;} if(Key.isDown(Key.DOWN)){man._y += 5;} }
except my attempt at "null/do nothing" if coordinates don't equal all of the above has failed. I really don't understand the "else" command, and would like to know how to create a "if NOT X...then DO NOT do Y".
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Apr 9, 2010
Unfortunatly im having to extend to more draggable objects. So they will be within another movie clip so i can have them scrolling. After making the scroll, the draggable objects dont register on the droptarget as they are within another movie clip. Below is i think the part of the code that needs to be changed so the draggable objects know where to find the drop target.
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Dec 23, 2011
Has anyone found that since Flash 11 plug-in with hardware acceleration the video movie clips seem to fall apart? I see quality loss both in hardware acceleration and without in all my clips since this upgrade. Before that the movies were fine! Also I have installed a new Nvidia driver, do you think this is a issue?
I think Flash enables hardware acceleration in in-page video movies as well as full-screen mode.
Do I have to redo all my video clips now or am I just confused?
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May 10, 2011
I'm creating a simple game and I need to move objects down the y-axis from the top of the screen to the bottom.I want one object specifically to randomly appear and then exit the screen. I'm using a random number generator to test against and call the object to the screen and to move from top to bottom when the random number is greater than 950.The problem is that when the random number generator, generates two numbers in a row over 950 the objects skips back to the top.The animation is nested within the mc. I tried animating it with as3 but it jumps down the screen and doesn't look like a smooth animation.Is their a way that I can track the progress of the mc animation and use an && conditional to only play the animation when it's on, say frame one of the animation?What I want is to say if the movie clip is at frame one(stopped) and the random number is greater than 950 play the clip. If the clip is begin played not at frame one. Don't replay it.[code]
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Dec 7, 2004
I have been playing about with the "Changing colors with Actionscript" FLA found on this site. Basically, when you move your mouse over a coloured box the movie clip changes to the corresponding color. This is the AS
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Mar 26, 2007
would like to make 3 versions of the same site, and then have them redirected depending on the user's monitor resolution. Because of this, I need to make some of the movie clips smaller, and some bigger. What is the best way to do this. Some of the movie clips contain text.
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Sep 14, 2011
I am using a flash template for my project. The link to flash template is this [URL]. There are categories of image slider like Object, Animals, I want to create more category than four fixed categories. There is also an xml file in it and actionscript file these two files implement image slider. How to increase categories for this slider though you can modify existing categories. I have populate the xml file but nothing happen.
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Dec 18, 2009
I'm creating a movie that is 500px wide but the background image is 1500px wide. How can I show the image at 100% without it being cut at 500px?
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Sep 25, 2009
The following code blocks create a movie clip 20px high and align it to the bottom of the stage (I add 100px to stageHeight because by default it traces 300 instead of 400). Regardless, both code blocks work when tested in Flash.In HTML however, only the first code block works.The second code block produces a blank HTML page. The second block is so that I can change the footer's height and still have it sit at the bottom of the stage...Considering "footerY" traces 380px, I have no idea how the two code blocks are so different that one HTML page makes the clip visible and the other doesn't.
var footerHeight:uint = 20;
// var footerY:uint = (stage.stageHeight + 100) - footerHeight;
// trace(footerY);
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