I would like to play back 3 reasonably high res videos (On2 VP6-S) simultaneously in one Flash App (using flash.video, netstream and netconnect - code only). Unfortunately, when I do this, the video playback drops a lot of frames, however, CPU usage does not go much above 50% - spread over both cores. I'm using a Core2Duo. If I play the same 3 videos simultaneously in 3 separate flash apps (FP10), they play much better (and use close to 100% CPU). I even tried creating it as an AIR app with 3 separate windows (NativeWindow), but that made little difference. I have lodged this as a bug via the Flash Bug Reporting System [URL].
And yes, I do need to be doing something as crazy as this - it is for a pretty cool kiosk app, so I know what hardware will be used (and it has a good Graphics Card). One promising workaround appeared to be playing back a single NetStream in multiple Video instances, as it is NetStream that does the decoding, so I could decode once and present it in 3 places. Two of my video objects are actually the same flv (on different monitors), so there would be a 33% saving right there. If necessary, I could encode both flvs into a single 1920x1200 flv (I've checked - it would play back ok) and then use video.mask to show the relevant bits.
I am planning an implementation for a lecture capture solution for a local university. It is supposed to record all aspects of the lecture: the presenter will be recorded using videocamera + mic, his desktop activity is captured and optionally the whiteboard is captured as well (using Mimio). These input streams arrive (as video streams) to a computer that stores the recording on its harddisk. The file format for the recording should be able the hold multiple streams (Matroska for example).
The recording will be available from the uni's website. So at the client-side Flash seems a natural choice.
The player should display the different input sources into different rectangular regions of the player. One region displays the presenter, another region displays the desktop recording.
Is it possible to use a Matroska file as source for Flash streaming? If yes, how? If no, is there another container format more suitable for this? The FLV format can only hold one audio and one video file. Is it possible to have one Flash client receive multiple streams and diplay them in different regions of its own canvas?
I am using Flash Professional 8 and Dreamweaver 8 to maintain a website. I have just started using flash to show video highlights from high school football games which I record. Using iMovie I export the video as quicktime file and then import to flash to convert to a flash video file to post on the web site. The video coming out of iMovie has very good contrast and the quicktime movie has the same good contrast. When looking at the file in Flash the contrast changes dramatically. I becomes washed out. I am using Max OX 10.6 operating system.
I have a video embedded in Flash as an FLV. I'm able to get the video to play through the way I want, but when the video plays through and ends, I want to have two options/"buttons" display that allow the user to either replay the video a la youtube, or link to another web page.
I know it must a very basic question but I can't seem to find any answers. I've included a screen capture of the end of the video.
I would like to be able to play my flash video on top of my website, and then disappear once its finished. Just like on the apple website, with the macbook air. This is probably very simple, but I am not sure what it is called!
Can anyone familiar with H.264 video recommend the 'best' compression settings to avoid the occasional visual 'glitch' one gets on playback using the flash video player?
I'm new at actionscript and not sure how to do this. I have a button named btnPlay and an flv video named valerie.flv. I would like it when the button is pressed, the flv video plays in the same flash file through the standard flv player.
Anyone know how to vary the playback speed of video in Flash? I'm looking to implement this in an educational website where users can slow down the video or breeze through it by changing the playback.
Here's an example of what I'm looking for: [URL].. Except that this is a PC application, .exe. I'm looking to vary speed WITHIN Flash. I think FLV is not an option because you can only jump from cue-point to cue-point. With F4V work? MP4?
I understand Core Animation is Objective-C specific, and I am NOT familiar with developing AIR applications, but I was wondering if there was some how a way to trigger Core Animation through developing an AIR application? Don't AIR apps become native to the platform they're developed on?I just want to find a way to improve video playback through flash apps.
I am loading a h.264 mp4 video (quite big, 2048 x 768) into a flv player. When I test it inside flash (Ctrl + Enter), the video runs really smooth. However, when I publish my .exe (or even a .swf, although I need the .exe),
Without getting into the details of why (its for school) I'm trying to use a custom preloader I've created to load a Flash video.I've created the animations, and the loader functions, but on the Event.COMPLETE event, how do I pass the data I've loaded into myUrlLoader to an FLVPlayback component?Or should I even be using the FLVPlayback component? Everything up till:
myUrlLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(e:Event){ //what do I do? });
I've got a Flash video that takes a very long time (30 seconds+) to load, which is obviously frustrating for users. I'm using the JWPlayer to embed the video.Flash experts (which is not me), what am I doing wrong? Or is the video file too big/server too slow? I've tried embedding in various ways (direct embed, swfobject) without change.I notice it does sometimes play right away on load, but I'm not sure if this is because at that time, the Flash video is cached in my browser.
I'm trying to sync video with content. I can use cuepoints in Flash CS5 for that, or I can use FLVplayercaptions to sync video with caption. Is there a way to know the current time of playback?
I've been deploying video to the web via Flash for a couple years now and I was curious if anyone has experience with / knows if deploying video via a Flash Media Server or any other type of video centric server has a significant impact on performance playback? I've noticed lately that with YouTube content, often available in "HQ" or "HD" that the video playback suffers very marginally when switching to higher quality video. However, with video players I have developed, using HTTP progressive download, CPU usage often spikes during download of the video and decreases once it's been cached. I've also recently employed pseudo-streaming techniques with the help of XMOOV but this doesn't seem to have much of an effect on CPU usage during video download.
My video player was developed in AS3 and while it's not using a class based structure, it does follow general OOP techniques. Would a class based video player improve performance? Here is a link to a work in progress video player: [URL] Please try a couple videos and let me know if they play back smoothly and / or if you notice CPU spikes. Also note that the only video that makes use of XMOOV is the "Make a Wish" video as it's been injected with the necessary metadata.
I want to import a video for optional playback into a flash animation. Now, the animation is a loop and replays after 120 frames or so. I noticed when I exported my moviemaker video and imported it into flash, it automatically asked me if i wanted it to arrange it to fit or not. the thing is, i don't want the video to automatically play like flash does for default. What i want is to be able to have it look like how a video looks in youtube 'before' you play it..you know how it has that 'arrow' sitting on it with a black screen showing
you that it's ready to be played if you want it to? well, that's what i want. so, if someone stumbles upon my animation loop on the web, they will see a little video in the upper corner that has the ability to play but it doesn't start
playing right when they get to the page.Also, when they play the video, the length is obviously longer than the loop of my animation, but I obviously don't want it cutting off when my loops ends and restarts, so is there a way to code where it will keep playing on it's own timeline apart from what the flash animation loop is doing? (it should be able to play all the way through, end, and be able to be played again no matter how many loops the animation goes through)second thing i want, is the video to be small..like maybe 220 X 180 in size.
when i exported in Moviemaker, I actually got a video size that I liked but the quality looked poor and sounded poor (I went with the Pocket PC export 148kbps or something like that). Now, was the quality poor just because Flash had to cut it off because of the animation loop restarting or is it going to be poor just cuz PocketPC export is a bad choice? In other words, what export choice should I go with in Moviemaker to get the desired results i want (with the desired width + height I want as well)?
Do you have to code to make it be a video that's got the arrow/blk bkgrd i.e. not playable til a user clicks...or do you just have to export it a certain way in Moviemaker to make it's format that way?
So for the first time I imported a video clip into Flash 8, used the wizard and even found a tutorial that basically walked me through the steps of the flash wizard.I imported a clip from my computer, progressive download from web server, tried both encodings of flash 7 and 8 medium,SteelOverAll skinning,the let flash do its thing, set my publish settings, published, tried it out and played SWF, looked fine, then uploaded the SWF, FLA, HTML and FLV on my web site but all it does is "waiting for .... .com", my website.I double checked in different browsers, Internetexplorer, Mozialla, Chrome, all having Flash Player 10 latest version and the FLV file is only 1.2MB big, yet after 10 minutes still nothing playing back online........did I overlook something here?
I'm trying to accurately determine how many seconds of a video (NetStream) have been loaded so I can scrub/seek correctly. First I tried doing duration*(ns.bytesLoaded/ns.bytesTotal) but this is inaccurate by maybe 15%, ie if that calculation says 20 seconds is loaded and I scrub to 20 seconds ns.time will tell me it can't go past 17 seconds.
I think this is because the size of the file loaded doesn't map perfectly to the number of seconds loaded (obviously), ie as the video loads, some of the bytes loaded aren't the actual video but are overhead of the container/file the video is in. So to load 1% of video you have to actually load 1.15% of the file's size.
I'm looking for a way to allow a Flash Video to change speed smoothly, from slower to faster than original framerate. It only needs to work on a Windows PC, and the latest version of Flash 10.2 with Stage Video is available.
I am having trouble getting a function to work within flash. I basically am creating a video where the intro video plays through then the user is prompted with 3 choices to select which video will play next. I am using keyboard input to make the selection. I have the keyboard input capturing working, pretty basic, but I am having trouble getting it to switch to say scene 2 (where I have another video).
And I get a compiler error stating "Scene 1, Layer 'content', Frame 1, Line 11 1120: Access of undefined property event.
I've created a new layer in the scene 1 and put that code in and everything compiles fine. I created scene 2 and imported a video into it from the library but the video plays and does not respond to any key input and the output is not showing the trace any longer. Enter does work to pause and play the video though.
import flash.events.Event; import flash.events.KeyboardEvent; function reportKeyDown(event:KeyboardEvent):void { stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, reportKeyDown); if (event.keyCode == Keyboard.ENTER){ gotoAndPlay("Scene 2"); }}
I've put together a small website and have managed to teach myself quite a bit but there is one thing that I can't seem to find any info on,on the second page of the site I have a video, which progressively loads into the page, however I would like to make the video stop playing when you go to any of the other pages of the site. I'm sure this is a pretty straight forward piece of code but I can't work it out myself.This is the code I use to start my video playing.....
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection(); nc.connect(null); var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
I am wanting to play a number of movie clips and flash produced video clips. On the main timeline I have a frame for each clip I want to play. In that frame is a flash movie that contains the video that I have embedded onto the timeline for the movie. The filesize for this project is massive and I am struggling to work on the file. I want to be able to play the video files with the playback component in each of the frames where the video was.
I have trouble in choosing between external video with playback component and embedded video . I have tried adding video to dynamic page and everything is perfect .This video I have imported using the option File ->import video -> external video with playback component. If I try to execute flv on another system , the video is not playing eventhough it is in library.
So, I have imported video using the option of embedded video and this worked fine on another systems as it embeds video. The video plays for only 2 min 54 sec. I have compressed the bit rate to how much ever I can in premier pro. It resulted in reducing the size of the file but still I see the video occupying more than 3500 frames in the timeline. I feel this is not optimal.
I have successfully embedded the youtube video in my flash code with: //create area to put youtube video on screen this.createEmptyMovieClip("reason1_video", 10000); reason1_video._xscale = 60; reason1_video._yscale = 60; this.reason1_video.loadMovie("[URL]");
However, the video plays with black bars on top and bottom even though it plays without those directly from youtube: [URL]. Even if I take off the scaling, it still has the black bars. How do I get rid of them? It seems like youtube uses a different player than flash. [URL]. Click on #1 and you will see the video I am talking about.
I'm using a playback control that is giving me problems. The only thing that I'm using is a play/pause buttons and the time scrubber. I found this code on a website. Now, when I preview the swf, it plays fine, but when the video starts playing, the screen turns black and flash quits automatically.
This is the Error that I'm getting: TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at Website10_fla::MainTimeline/updateDisplay() at flash.utils::Timer/_timerDispatch() at flash.utils::Timer/tick()
And this is my code: import flash.display.MovieClip; import flash.utils.Timer; import flash.events.TimerEvent; // time to buffer for the video in sec.const BUFFER_TIME:Number = 8; // start volume when initializing player // const DEFAULT_VOLUME:Number = 0.6;
Recently any flash videos I watch keep freezing even when the video is fully buffered. The sound continues to play but the picture stops. It can jerk into life after a few seconds but then it'll freeze again and keep doing this for the duration of the video. I have no problems on my Windows PCs on the same web connection.[code]...
I have successfully embedded the youtube video in my flash code with: //create area to put youtube video on screen this.createEmptyMovieClip("reason1_video", 10000); reason1_video._xscale = 60; reason1_video._yscale = 60; this.reason1_video.loadMovie("[URL]"); However, the video plays with black bars on top and bottom even though it plays without those directly from youtube: [URL]. Even if I take off the scaling, it still has the black bars. How do I get rid of them?