Flash :: Recording And Playback Of Multiple Video Streams?

Nov 10, 2009

I am planning an implementation for a lecture capture solution for a local university. It is supposed to record all aspects of the lecture: the presenter will be recorded using videocamera + mic, his desktop activity is captured and optionally the whiteboard is captured as well (using Mimio). These input streams arrive (as video streams) to a computer that stores the recording on its harddisk. The file format for the recording should be able the hold multiple streams (Matroska for example).

The recording will be available from the uni's website. So at the client-side Flash seems a natural choice.

The player should display the different input sources into different rectangular regions of the player. One region displays the presenter, another region displays the desktop recording.

Is it possible to use a Matroska file as source for Flash streaming? If yes, how?
If no, is there another container format more suitable for this? The FLV format can only hold one audio and one video file. Is it possible to have one Flash client receive multiple streams and diplay them in different regions of its own canvas?

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Media Server :: Pausing With Dynamic Streaming Causes Multiple Streams To Playback?

Jun 30, 2010

I have the streaming server 3.5.3. The sample player page for the dynamic streaming is here: [URL].click on the dynamic sample. pause and wait a few minutes for disconnect from the server. When you hit play, it starts from that spot and also starts from the beginning in the background audio while showing the buffering orange circle the whole time.

My users are students watching long lectures, they pause all the time. when they come back, it is a mess.

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ActionScript :: Flash - How To Synchronize Multiple Video Streams

Oct 29, 2010

I'm trying to play multiple video streams simultaneously. However, I cannot synchronize these videos to play at the same rate.

I have three 45-second videos in FLV format and I use flash.net.NetStream to play these videos. I call netstream.play() of these netstream at the same time (by using a for-loop). However, these videos are out-of-sync even all videos files are on my local machine.

For example, when the wall clock is at 10th second, the first video is at 7th second, the second video is at 10th second, and the last video is at 5th second.

I think it may be affected by different jitter delays when streaming. However, I still cannot find the way to solve this problem.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Multiple Flash Video Playback

Aug 26, 2009

I would like to play back 3 reasonably high res videos (On2 VP6-S) simultaneously in one Flash App (using flash.video, netstream and netconnect - code only). Unfortunately, when I do this, the video playback drops a lot of frames, however, CPU usage does not go much above 50% - spread over both cores. I'm using a Core2Duo. If I play the same 3 videos simultaneously in 3 separate flash apps (FP10), they play much better (and use close to 100% CPU). I even tried creating it as an AIR app with 3 separate windows (NativeWindow), but that made little difference. I have lodged this as a bug via the Flash Bug Reporting System [URL].

And yes, I do need to be doing something as crazy as this - it is for a pretty cool kiosk app, so I know what hardware will be used (and it has a good Graphics Card). One promising workaround appeared to be playing back a single NetStream in multiple Video instances, as it is NetStream that does the decoding, so I could decode once and present it in 3 places. Two of my video objects are actually the same flv (on different monitors), so there would be a 33% saving right there. If necessary, I could encode both flvs into a single 1920x1200 flv (I've checked - it would play back ok) and then use video.mask to show the relevant bits.


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Java :: Handle Multiple Video Streams In Red5?

Apr 15, 2012

I am writing a Red5 application that provides 1-on-1 video chat to a Flash client over RTMP.

Unfortunately most tutorials I was able to find were sketchy at best and the documentation of Red5 itself tends to be vague when it comes to API concepts and intended usage.

In short, I am a bit stuck and looking for hints on Red5 ApplicationAdapter implementation. Gnarly details are as follows:

First of all, the connections come in two flavors: visitors and consultants. A visitor should be able to indicate which consultant it wishes to communicate with. A consultant simply gets connected to the requesting visitor as long as the consultant is not busy servicing another. Obviously, every RTMP connection has two-way traffic: both sending and receiving video. From the standpoint of the server, connections bring in a bunch of video streams that get their receiving endpoints assigned by request. Since several video conversations can be in progress simultaneously, the main task of the application is to handle the mapping of visitor streams to consultants and provide a list indicating each consultant's state (busy/available) via AMF.

So, all in all, I have a pretty good idea what I am aiming for but how to achieve it with Red5 is still a bit of a mystery.

What is the easiest way to establish the connection type (visitor/consultant)? Which API classes should be used to implement a persistent, globally accessible list of active connections for reporting the state of each consultant? How to switch receving endpoints dynamically when the goal is to connect a specific visitor to the selected consultant?

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Media Server :: Multiple Audio Streams Mixed With A Video Stream

Apr 20, 2011

I have read in FMIS 4 "new features" that "absolute timecode" allows to switch audio tracks while playing a video (managing synch). Is there any exemple showing how to use this funtionnality (server config, flash player action script exemple)?

View 5 Replies

Media Server :: Recording Multicast RTMFP Streams?

Dec 19, 2010

I know this question comes up from time to time, but it's completely unaddressed in the documentation and I'd like there to exist a more authoritative treatment of the subject.Like many other developers, we're trying to record multicast RTMFP streams. We see three options:

Broadcasting clients open two outgoing NetStreams: one for the multicast group through RTMFP, and another directly to FMS through RTMP for recording. One downside to this solution is that now the user has two outgoing streams, so available outbound bandwidth for any broadcasting client could easily become a constraint on video quality.One can stream to FMS 4 using RTMP and have FMS-side code that records and broadcasts the stream to the multicast group using RTMFP (recommended by JayCharles at http:url...). I haven't tried this out yet but my guess it that it will have worse video quality than a pure RTMFP solution. Is my concern justified?Super-hacky solution: one could have flash player running in some kind of virtual environment on a server. This flash player could subscribe to the multicast stream and record the video at a systems level. Has anyone tried a hack as daring as this? What solution is recommended by Adobe?It's incredible to me that FMS 4 can't act as an RTMFP consumer, thereby both acting as a multicast node and also recording the video. Can anyone at Adobe comment on this omission in functionality?

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Media Server :: Recording Live Streams And Play Files Later

Apr 19, 2011

My Purpose is to record live streams on server side and play recorded files later. What I have done is -

1. Copied All files of applications/live in some safe location.
2. Copied all files from samples/applications/live to applications/live folder. (Deleted main.far from live folder)
3. Restricted SWF and HTML to mydomain in these files - allowedHTMLdomains.txt and allowedSWFdomains.txt
4. In main.asc I added these line in the end
var mystream;var intervalID;
[Code] .....
5. Then I restarted FMS and tried streaming using FLash Media Encoder. I was able to live stream and then i stopped it.
6. A FLV File was recorded in application/live folder with the stream name that i used in encoder.

I am able to view live video on my domain as well as some other domain, that means allowedHTMLdomains.txt and allowedSWFdomains.txt did not worked. Another issue is that I am not able to view recorded video after I stopped encoder but I was able see live video before stopping. I am using jwplayer to view the video and using flashvars streamer (rtmp://xx.xx.xx.xxx/live) and file(abc) to view the live and recorded video.

View 17 Replies

Media Server :: Recording Stream From Webcam As F4V Playback

Mar 23, 2010

I'm recording a stream from a webcam as an f4v file using FMS 3.5. The file is created in the live folder, and i can stream it back to the client no problem, however when I try to play the file in Adobe Media Player (or anything else) it won't play. I've used the f4v post processor which claims to run successfully, but with no joy.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Visualizing Multiple Audio Streams Within Flash

Feb 16, 2011

I'm currently working on a project which involves importing audio streams and visualising them within Flash. At the moment I have two files, one which can import all of the streams at once, continuously and another which visualises just one of the streams using an example animation I found which will be replaced at a later date. My problem is connecting the array to the visualisation so that all of the streams interact with it and affect the animation. Below is the code I have for the multiple streams with no visualisation file.

var stream_arr:Array = new Array(
[Code] .....
Note that I have removed the "http" from all stream addresses due to my low post count.

And here is the code I currently have for the file which can visualise only one stream, rather than the multiple I would like.
function goBack(evt):void {
} var snd:Sound = new Sound();
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Intercept Video And Audio Streams?

Sep 16, 2011

is there any Java library out there that can help intercept video and audio streams being sent through the browser?

So for example, a video starts loading through a flash player using some Flash server, the java application would listen for video/audio stream and capture and write it to video on the disk.

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Video Recording Using Flash?

Jan 27, 2012

i have to record the video at client side n then save it on server side, so that it can be viewed when ever required.to act like a video testimony by client.

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Actionscript 3 :: Microphone Recording/saving Works In PCM Playback Double Speed?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a working mic recording script in AS3 which I have been able to successfully use to save .wav files to a server through AMF. These files playback fine in any audio player with no weird effects.

For reference, here is what I am doing to capture the mic's ByteArray: (within a class called AudioRecorder)

public function startRecording():void {
_rawData = new ByteArray();
_microphone.addEventListener(SampleDataEvent.SAMPLE_DATA, _samplesCaptured, false, 0, true);


The audio file plays at double speed! I checked recording bitrates and such and am pretty sure those are all correct, and I tried changing the buffer size and whatever other numbers I could think of. Could it be a mono vs stereo thing?

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Flash :: Real Time Transcoding Of Multiple RTMP-Streams?

Nov 18, 2010

Here is my problem: We are broadcasting sportevents live to the internet via flash media encoder.At the event locations we mostly have just 2 mbit upstream. So at the moment we are streaming with about 1mbit rate.But we need also streams for mobile-devices and a stream for users without fast internet. So we want 2 more streams with lower-bitrates,but we can't get this through the 2mbit...I am looking for a solutiuon which can transcode about a 1mbit(and may be in the future a 1.5mbit) livestream in to two (or more)lower-bitrate streams.The solution should be scalable,because sometimes we have 7 events at one day on different locations,so there could be 7 input-streams.I've searched the net for hardware transcoders, but didn't find a stable solution and I've tested also transcoding with ffmpeg, but it seems to get problems with timing and key-frames for bitrate switching.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Live Flash Video Streams Broadcasted?

Oct 23, 2009

How are live flash video streams broadcasted? I am guessing that as the broadcast is recording, the people that are watching are watching what has been recorded to an flv file a few seconds ago, making it 98-99% live, since it is a few seconds off of the actual recording time.

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As3 :: Flash - Recording Video Using Webcam?

Dec 19, 2011

i know how to use a webcam in as3,i want to record webcam video and save to my Local disk

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Flash :: Video Contrast In Video Poor In Dreamweaver Playback

Oct 4, 2009

I am using Flash Professional 8 and Dreamweaver 8 to maintain a website. I have just started using flash to show video highlights from high school football games which I record. Using iMovie I export the video as quicktime file and then import to flash to convert to a flash video file to post on the web site. The video coming out of iMovie has very good contrast and the quicktime movie has the same good contrast. When looking at the file in Flash the contrast changes dramatically. I becomes washed out. I am using Max OX 10.6 operating system.

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Flash :: Recording H.264 Video Using Media Server3.5?

Jan 5, 2010

need some help in recording the H.264 video using Flash media server 3.5, does anyone have working experience (or) any idea about H.264 video  recording with the Flash player. I am trying to publish the stream using  the netstream.publish(mp4:streamname.mp4);  but the video codec id of this recorded video is coming as H.263, hence I tried to record the video  in H.264 format.I am using logitech webcam for capturing the video.

Do i need to install anyother codec plugin for h.264 support?

View 11 Replies

Actionscript 3 :: Audio/video Recording Using Flash?

Sep 29, 2010

I want my users to record audio/video and post that to other users.

Is it possible to record video through Flash's and receive encoded video on server side without any further processing (i.e. just saving the stream to a file)? I did some Google search and found that it's possible with new microphone API [URL] Did anyone tried that already? How easy is to use Red5 server for recording? How can i get the recorded video/audio file(s) from it? DO i've to write some logic for this?

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Flash :: Video Recording From Browser Using PHP - Red5

Oct 28, 2011

I wish to build an application using which I can record video (along with audio) and also audio (only audio preferably in mp3 format). From some research I did, I found I need a client app in flash or flex, a RTMP Server (RED5 preferable as its free) This is the code which I used to get cam working flash.

var camera:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
var video:Video = new Video();

The problem is, I don't know how to send the stream to RED5. Also, what do I need to do so that I can store the video according to the user. The website I am creating is in PHP/MySQL and need to have their own videos and audios recorded. I love the way facebook has integrated Video Recording.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash : Recording Video From Webcam

Jan 20, 2011

I have an application which shows videos from users webcam. I want to know that is there any open source script or something in as3 which can save this video as mpeg or flv format.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Recording Video To Flash Media Server

Mar 30, 2010

I have purchased flash media server and I'm looking for a way to have people record video off their webcams and have it saved to the FMS. How to do this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Online Audio Video Recording Flash Media Server

Aug 21, 2006

Task is to take online interviews and record them for lather reviewing. I m new to media server and video streaming.

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Media Server :: 3.5.3 Freezing / Stuttering Server Playback Of Recorded Streams

May 24, 2010

I'm using the server Stream.play() method to playback a recorded stream, it plays back fine until it hits the buffer limit (Say I set the buffer to 5 seconds, it will playback fine for 5 seconds). But then it freezes and playback is very stuttery (1 frame every 2/3 seconds). Is this a know issue? I'm using windows 2008 server. I've tried a few things to resolve this but no luck. The server is running the dev license and has no load.

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Flash Interaction After Flv Video Playback?

Dec 7, 2010

I have a video embedded in Flash as an FLV. I'm able to get the video to play through the way I want, but when the video plays through and ends, I want to have two options/"buttons" display that allow the user to either replay the video a la youtube, or link to another web page.

I know it must a very basic question but I can't seem to find any answers. I've included a screen capture of the end of the video.

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Professional :: Flash Video Playback Over Webpage?

Nov 24, 2010

I would like to be able to play my flash video on top of my website, and then disappear once its finished. Just like on the apple website, with the macbook air. This is probably very simple, but I am not sure what it is called!

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Actionscript 3 :: H.264 .f4v Video 'glitch' On First Playback In Flash

Jun 22, 2011

Can anyone familiar with H.264 video recommend the 'best' compression settings to avoid the occasional visual 'glitch' one gets on playback using the flash video player?

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Flash - AS Button Click For FLV Video Playback

Jul 7, 2011

I'm new at actionscript and not sure how to do this. I have a button named btnPlay and an flv video named valerie.flv. I would like it when the button is pressed, the flv video plays in the same flash file through the standard flv player.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playback Speed Of Video In Flash?

Oct 27, 2009

Anyone know how to vary the playback speed of video in Flash? I'm looking to implement this in an educational website where users can slow down the video or breeze through it by changing the playback.

Here's an example of what I'm looking for: [URL].. Except that this is a PC application, .exe. I'm looking to vary speed WITHIN Flash. I think FLV is not an option because you can only jump from cue-point to cue-point. With F4V work? MP4?

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Flash 10 :: Stop A Video From Auto-playback?

Oct 12, 2010

I've created a new flash file, imported an mp4 video with a control panel clearOverAll.swf).how can I get it to stop autoplayback?

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