ActionScript 3.0 :: Netstream Load Only A Minute Of Video
Feb 4, 2009
I need help creating a video player which will load only 60 seconds of video from an external flv file which can be of any length (more than 60 seconds). I am able to play only 60 seconds of video but the player buffers the entire video which results in loss of bandwidth.
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Aug 27, 2007
Using netstream to load in a video and have the buffer to basically load the entire video before it starts playing. So the video doesn't begin to play until the buffer is full but while the buffer is filling up, the cue points are being read and triggering actions.
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May 27, 2009
I am playing a FLV file with NetConnection & NetStream. Works great except each time I play the video, I lose about 8MB of RAM.I found numerous references to this, but haven't found a solution. I close the stream, close the connection, remove the child the vid is playing in, etc... This is for a kiosk's attract loop, where the video can play once a minute if left unattended... that's a lot of RAM gone in an hour.
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Jul 18, 2011
The stop button plays as expected. The play/pause button plays as expected. The issue is when you press pause which will cause the play button to appear, then press stop. the video automatically plays and it shouldn't. I have bolded the control button script for convenience.
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Apr 5, 2012
I'm making a video player in AS3 and was wondering how to find out how much of the video is currently cached/buffered. I'm not sure what the correct terminology is, so I haven't been able to find it in the documentation.
NetStream.time gives me the current location of the video, so based on that I can display a progressbar.
Underneath the progressbar, I want to display how much of the video has been loaded already. How do I find this value?
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Jun 23, 2010
It's a simple video player that opens a netStream which setups a client callback object onMetaData.The size is off when video is scaled.Example 1:
ActionScript Code:
trace("width: " + data.width, "height: " + data.height);
if(data.height > 240)
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May 28, 2010
my website contained some flvīs netstream. everything works fine!now i want to switch between some external swf and my netstream.. but it doessnīt work!.[code]
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Aug 20, 2010
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Jul 28, 2011
I have a netstream object playing a video introduction
and on another frame of my movie I have a menu, at which point I call
and then depending on what the user clicks, the netstream opens a new video:
except I see a flicker from the previous video I had running. I've tried all sorts of things.
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Sep 17, 2008
I am trying to load video using NetStream. I am able to do this by using the Video Class, but is it possible with the FLV Playback? I would like to add a seek bar so people can scroll the video if they want to.
I know the FLV Playback Component has this built in so I would use it BUT I can't load a stream to the FLV Playback, I can only set it's source. This works fine, but it doesn't allow me to unload it, the sound keeps playing, which is why I ended up using the NetStream instead.
So I have 2 questions. 1) Is it possible to load the NetStream to the FLV Playback component? 2) If not, how do I add the seek functionality to my Video Class?
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Jul 29, 2010
Is there something i can check to see if a NetStream Video is a live stream? I have a DVR app, need the player to snap to live point (if it is live - seek(100000) ? or start from the begining if a recorded video - Ideall a boolean if the stream is live or not...
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Jan 19, 2010
I'm using the netstream and video object to play a video in flash. Specifically a mp4 video.
What I'm trying to do is start playing the file from a specific position (Ex. 20seconds).
However with doesn't work unless the stream has been loaded past 20seconds. Is there a way to specify starting to load at 20s? Or any other way of accomplishing this?
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Jun 24, 2010
I'm loading flv file using Video and Netstream (trivial example from docs). On Flash player 10.1 everything works fine. On everything stops on NetStream.Play.Start.
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May 9, 2011
I am using Flash Pro CS5.5 to create a video player for the iPad. I can get it to work locally, but when I test it on the iPad, it cannot open the video file. The video file is included in the package file. Is there a trick to referencing a video in the package? Here's what I am trying:
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);"myvideo.mp4");
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Oct 5, 2011
i have video streaming from the server, and later on i want to add another one just side by side. thats all good, i done that. Now my problem comes when i want to remove video. I manage to remove it from display, but i can hear that video is still playing in the background. So how do i can stop streaming that video?here is my code for setting up the video:
ns = new NetStream(connection);
ns.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorHandler);[1].toString() + ".flv");
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Oct 21, 2007
just wondering if it is possible to play an FLV and attach the video from that netstream to another and publish it to FM2.
is there a a way to attach video and audio from one netstream to another?
i have tried everything so far that i know of. when i think its attaching and publish it, i see nothing. publshing my cam and mic work flawlessly.
here's my code:
nec = new NetConnection();
nes = new NetStream(nec);"http://testbox/transformers.flv");
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Jan 23, 2009
if someone knew the as 3 netstream code to play a video,
also would anyone happen to know if it's possible to show the time of a video being played w/ netstream?
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Jun 18, 2009
I am doing video.attachNetstream(ns) in the videoContainer's parent movieclip. How do I access the netstream object of the video inside the container. Basically, I want something like this : video.getNetstream(). Does any equivalent exist?
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm sure this is a simple question, but I just can't crack it. In my video player I want to detect if the current status is playing or paused. But I can't figure out where this info comes from. Is it a property of the ns object?
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Jun 13, 2007
I would like to ask, how can I adjust the volume for the video playback ? here is the code
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
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Nov 13, 2009
I have an external video that I have attached through NetStream and it works okay, however I have another one that is longer and not working at all. That file is set up exactly the same as the one that is working, so I don't know what's wrong with it other than perhaps the file is too large to handle that way?
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Dec 16, 2011
I simply want to move a video forward and backword when it is already playing, but the seek method is not working properly. I can't figure out, where the problem is.I have two buttons (pluz_btn and minus_btn). Plus button is used to move half second forward and Minus button is used to go back half seconds.The plus button is working but it is showing about is moving the video to about 3 seconds.The minus button should move video backword. But it is also moving it forward.[code]......
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Nov 6, 2008
What is best practice for buffering video playback? To prevent choppy playback? Using NetStream etc...
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Apr 12, 2012
I want to modify all the frames loaded from NetStream before playing them out.
Is there any possible way? better with build-in classes and methods, or 3rd-party lib.
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Jul 9, 2011
How to send a video data stream from one side written by java to another side written by flex and then display it? I just know that on flex one method is to use netstream class get the real-time video stream and bind with a videodisplay to display it. But which class I should use to send this video stream in java and which class I need to use in flex to receive this flow and pass it to the NetStream class?
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Jul 31, 2011
I'm building a video chat in flash and everything works really well, except for the part where I'm trying to detect if the other user is sending a working video stream. There's a couple of reasons why the other user isn't sending video.
-The other user got no camera
-The other user got a camera, but the camera is currently being occupied by another application(Skype, Photo Booth, Google Talk, etc.)
-The other user got a camera but hasn't allowed the use of his/hers camera.
(Other unexpected problems I guess...)
So how do I detect if the stream I receive from the other user is a black stream(because of the reasons above) using the NetStream class? The closest thing I have came up with is by adding a timer that polls the currentFps() function from the stream I receive from the other user. But so far this seems pretty unreliable because I might get currentFps() == 0 and show an error because of this even though I actually got video from the stream in some cases. The reason for this is because I poll the API every 4 seconds for the currentFPS function and let's say at 00:00:04 I get "no video" according to the poll but at 00:00:05 the video kicks in, and therefor I need to wait until the next tick until the error message disappears
This is what my current poll looks like
function subscribingStatusPoll(e:TimerEvent):void {
if (subscribingStream.currentFPS == 0){
error.text = "No video found from the other user...
} else {
error.text = "";
This is the only hack I that I can come up with to detect this, but this is unreliable and I actually would prefer a way to instantly detect if the stream I receive got a working video attached to it.
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Oct 16, 2011
Is it possible to have a same Video object ( and perhaps StageVideo) connected to multiple NetStream's objects? It's videoconferencing app, in which all members can speak ( So multiple audio sources) but should not hear themselves (that's why I don't join them in a single stream).
That's what I tried:
ns = new NetStream(nc);
ns.addEventListener(AsyncErrorEvent.ASYNC_ERROR, asyncErrorHandler);
ns.client = this;;
ns2 = new NetStream(nc);
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Jan 14, 2009
how to get flv's to load up dynamically using xml - it all works well apart from this one problem that i have.
when the thumbnail for the flv is clicked the preloader appears and the flv starts to load - but for some reason the audio begins to play almost immediately - then when the flv actually loads then the audio plays again whilst the initial (unwanted) audio carries on playing!
this is the script for the netstream:
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Oct 29, 2009
I got my video Netstream playing just the way I want it. When I rollOver a certain area, I start my video and when I rollOut I close it. My problem is that, when i've started it once and done a rollOut and afterwards do a rollOver again, I get a little glitch of sound whenever the video starts. It seems that I need to empty/flush my netstream? Looked at NetStream.Buffer.Flush, but not sure how to use it.
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