Flex :: Send Video Stream From Script To Netstream?

Jul 9, 2011

How to send a video data stream from one side written by java to another side written by flex and then display it? I just know that on flex one method is to use netstream class get the real-time video stream and bind with a videodisplay to display it. But which class I should use to send this video stream in java and which class I need to use in flex to receive this flow and pass it to the NetStream class?

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Flex :: Send Custom Animation As A Video Stream In Flash?

Mar 15, 2010

I'm using NetStream class to create p2p video conferension. Is it possible to add overlay pictures or animation into video captured from webcam and then send reencoded stream to other user?

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Flash :: Send A Video Stream To A Red5 Server Using Flex?

Jul 2, 2010

I'm trying to send a video stream to a Red5 server using Flex.

My Red5 setup seems to work for remote method invocations and shared objects, but I've yet to succeed in getting video working.

This is the AS3 code that connects to Red5:

# connect to RTMP server
netConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
# omitted code for waiting for connection success, and setting up shared


As said, note that the Red5 setup works flawlessly for remote method invocations and shared objects, but not for video which is strange.

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Flex :: Programmatically Stream Audio With NetStream?

Dec 31, 2009

In Flex you can stream microphone audio to an FMS/Red5 server using NetStream.attachAudio, which requires a Microphone object. Is it possible to stream audio through the NetStream from somewhere other than a Microphone? For example, from a file/embedded resource?

The reason I'm asking is that I'd like to be able to run automated tests that don't require using an actual microphone.

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Flex - Disconnect A Subrscribed Stream From The Publisher Of The Netstream?

Oct 20, 2010

I have a publisher who publishes a netstream using stratus p2p. This is then connected to by player who subscribes to the netstream.

I believe one can reject the subscriber when the stream tries to connect by using the onPeerConnect method of the netstream's client. However, I would like to boot the subscriber after they have been connected.

There are potentially other subscribers to that netstream so I cannot just close it. How would I boot a particular subscriber without closing the published netstream?

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Flex :: Red5: Send The Microphone Stream?

Dec 22, 2011

i am using red5 and flex. Actually my objective is to send microphone stream from the server to the client and play it on the client side. Similarly send microphone stream from client to server and play it on the server side. No need to store the live stream.

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Flex :: Netstream Video Chat Client Freezes And Crashes After Time?

Oct 11, 2010

So I built a videochat client that uses the adobe stratus protocol. Its very simple and just connects two users. However, after about a minute of video chatting the clients freeze and the browser crashes.what might have caused this? Is there some sort of cache that I need to clear every so often or a possible memory leak? I am not sure where to start

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Flex :: Detect When A Remote Client Has Started/stopped Streaming Video Over His NetStream With RTFMP ?

May 1, 2011

Am building a video chat application and i was wondering if there are any native events for the NetStream that fire,that can help in detecting when a remote client starts/stops streaming video over his outgoing stream (NetStream) to which the other client has subscribed over P2P/RTFMP in AS3 ?I maybe able to dispatch custom messages since the two clients are already connected, but i don't want to add the extra overhead.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Netstream.play.stream Not Found

Feb 7, 2009

I am trying to upload my demo reel. I compressed it to an FLV file, and used the import video command with the setting' "Load external video with playback component." After selecting my skin and hitting ok, I got a prompt that said "Netstream.play.stream not found." Why isn't this working?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: NetStream Doesnt Stream On Web Server

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these codes works perfect on local web server but doesnt on real web server.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get Left-/rightPeak() From A Live Stream (NetStream)

Feb 11, 2009

I have a FMS and it works perfekt. What I try to build is a simple "player" for a website where I can listen to the livestream from my FMS. To connect to my stream works fine. But now i want to build a animated volume amplitude. It works with an mp3 who is on my FMS but not with the livestream. I think I found the problem why it does not work but not the solution.

I have following to connect to my livestream:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream;


Maybe I must create a new SoundChannel for my NetStream but I don�t know how!?

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Actionscript 3 :: What Type Of Data Can I Send Via A NetStream?

Oct 27, 2010

I know I can attach audio and video to a NetStream. Apparently, I can also attach text messages although I haven't seen an example (if you know of one, please let me know). I also know that I can record a stream via Flash Media Server. I'm wondering what other types of data - if anything - else I can attach to a NetStream and record?

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Media Server :: Play Live Video Stream With Flex?

Sep 23, 2010

I'm trying to get Flex Builder 3 to play a live video stream with Flash Media Server and Flash Live Media Encoder.
I'm able to stream pre-recrorded (vod) flvs in flex from flash media server.
I'm able to stream live video using Flash/FMS/Flas Live Media Encoder, but not with Flex.
This code streams pre-recorded Video on Demand flvs, but not live streams:
If I change source to "rtmp://localhost/live/livesream.flv, I get nothing.
<?xml version="1.0"?><!-- controlsvideodisplayVideoDisplayFMS.mxml --><mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
<mx:HBox>        <mx:Label text="RTMP FMS 2.0"/>        <mx:VideoDisplay autoBandWidthDetection="false"             source="rtmp://localhost/vod/Legend.flv"/>    </mx:HBox></mx:Application>

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Media Server :: Send An Image Using NetStream Or NetConnection?

Jun 23, 2010

Would I be able to send a image using NetStream or NetConnection?

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Media Server :: Does NetStream.send Work With RTMFP?

Nov 23, 2010

I have application that uses the send functionally in the NetStream on the server-side. When a connect to the app using rtmp I am able to see the send come thru but if the app uses rtmfp it does notI gone thru all the examples in setting up a mutlicast app and I know the app works because when I publish a video out everyone in the group sees the video. The only thing not working is send. I've also set dataReliable to true.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stream AAC Audio File Stored Locally Using NetStream Class?

Jan 25, 2010

I would like use NetStream class to stream AAC audio file stored locally on server (because i can't use Sound class, AAC not compatible) How can i do this ? (without flash media server)
I have tried using http protocol, no errors occured, but i receive no audio data.

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Media Server :: Publish Live Stream(H.264) To FMS(NetStream.Buffer.Empty)?

Feb 27, 2011

I am developing a C++ program to connect FMS via RTMP, and then publish a live stream I can't use FMLE here because I need collect the H.264 NALU from somewhere and forward them to the FMS.I write a demo app, which parses H.264 encoded FLV file, and send the VideoTag in the FLV as RTMP Message content for publishing.Finally, I make it run and I can see some frames of video!But the problem is: The video does not play smoothly and it just updates some frames.
Then I looked at the NetStream event and found that:Everytime when there is a NetStream.Buffer.Full event, the frame in the video is updated and display correctly But immediately there is another NetStream.Buffer.Empty event followed and the video is frozen.

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Media Server :: NetStream.play(streamName, -1);  Plays Recorded Stream?

Sep 16, 2011

NetStream.play(streamName, -1); This seems to be working wrong.if I have recorded an flv on server using FMS and FMLE with  only audio with name "myaudio" and then after if I try to play a live  stream using NetStream.play("myaudio", -1) then it plays the recorded  stream. I believe that documentation says that it should start a live  stream instead of playing recorded stream as the second argument is -1.  Is this a bug in NetStream.play method?

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Flex :: Use Flash Player To Play Video Stream From Other Media Server(rather Than FMS)?

Oct 10, 2010

is it possible to play video stream from non-adobe(or homebrew server), in the newest flash player(10).It looks like the VideoPlayer only plays the stream from FMS? Is it the business model of Adobe?

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Flex :: Flash - Getting Exect Time Of Currently Playing Flv Video Stream In VideoPlayer?

Dec 5, 2010

How to get timestamp with milliseconds or better nanoseconds of currently playing video?

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ActionScript 1/2 :: NetStream Video Control Button - Play Video Automatically

Jul 18, 2011

The stop button plays as expected. The play/pause button plays as expected. The issue is when you press pause which will cause the play button to appear, then press stop. the video automatically plays and it shouldn't. I have bolded the control button script for convenience.


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Media Server :: Sending MetaData With NetStream.send Is Not Working?

May 2, 2010

I'm trying to send metaData from client to FMS server when recording Webcam video and have implemented sending of metaData as stated on Adobe's help page at: http:[url]....

However when I play the recorded video from FMS, my custom metaData properties trace "undefined".I can trace default metaData properties such as duration or videocodecid successfully,but not my custom properties such customProp,width or height. Here is part of my code that is related to the issue: private function

ncNetStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void  [code].....

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Flex :: Apply A Filter To A Camera Video Stream Publishing To Media Server

Mar 10, 2012

I am Trying to Apply some information Like text and An Image as an overlay to create a overlay effect as lice a security camera with time and date on the video along with a png based Logo.

I can record VIDEO Using Flex and FMS or any other Media Server. But I want to save a modified version of the stream being uploaded.

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Media Server :: Send A Stream To Fms From A Webcam?

May 20, 2011

I wonder if i can do the following, send a stream to fms from a webcam and then serve it with apache on http x-flv format.

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Media Server :: Send Webcamera Stream To FMS4 By UDP?

Nov 7, 2010

How can i send webcamera stream to FMS4 by UDP. i need the UDP speed and the server ability to save the audio/video confirence

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Flash :: Save Video Stream From Webcam As An Image Instead Of An Flv Video File Using ?

Jun 30, 2010

This will create an flv video file on flash media server:

var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);
ns.publish("yourCamera", "record");

How can I generate an image for the current video frame every 2 seconds?

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Flash :: Video Broadcasting - Stream Webcam Video From One Computer To Another

Feb 16, 2010

For fun I'd like to recreate [URL]. Basically i need to be able to stream webcam video from one computer to another using flash.

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Media Server :: Send PHP Command To Unload Live Stream

May 29, 2009

Is there anyway that i could send a php command to unload a live stream?

For instance i would like to click a logout button that would then tell the server that im logging off that live stream.

Here is what i have in my SWF file now..


I am sending flashvars to fill in the variables. And this is actionscript 2 because i havent ventured to AS3.

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Flash :: Send A Message To Stage If AS3 FLVPlayback Stream Isn't Found?

Mar 10, 2011

I've successfully created an FLVPlayback component using the component library and it's playing the streaming video that I want it to. My question is, if that stream is not online or cannot be found, how would I go about displaying a message on the stage to let the user know, there is no active stream.

Here's my code -

thestream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, onNCStatus);
function onNCStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void {

There's no output still. It seems like the function isn't getting invoked. However, if I place a trace outside the function (before it), I get a response: trace(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS);

the output:


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Media Server :: Stream.play (live_from_FMLE, -1, 4500, True) Got No NetStream.Play.Start?

Nov 5, 2010

I got a bunch of live stream from FMLE, say: "FMLE_channel1", "FMLE_channel2", "FMLE_channel3". And then on the server side, I created several corresponding republished stream called "channel1", "channel2", "channel3".

On periodical basis, we call Stream.get("channel1").play("FMLE_channel1", -1, 10, true) every 10 seconds. Similar things were done on the second channel & third channel.Soon after the above Stream.get("channel1").play() call, I should get the following events in sequence:info :NetStream.Unpublish.Successinfo :NetStream.Publish.Startinfo :NetStream.Play.Resetinfo :NetStream.Play.Start In the above case all are happy. Clients can view channel1, channel2, channel3 well.But then after a while, one of the three channels, in most case it would be channel1, will not be viewable.

With the server trace info, I found that after the Stream.get("channel1").play() call, only the following two events exists:

info :NetStream.Unpublish.Successinfo :NetStream.Publish.Starti.e. I was missing the play.reset and play.start event.I further checked and confirmed that the FMLE was publishing all three channels fine to the server. I was able to view the "FMLE_channel1" from flash clients, but not the republished "channel1". the version is FMS 3.5.0.

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