Flash :: Send A Video Stream To A Red5 Server Using Flex?
Jul 2, 2010
I'm trying to send a video stream to a Red5 server using Flex.
My Red5 setup seems to work for remote method invocations and shared objects, but I've yet to succeed in getting video working.
This is the AS3 code that connects to Red5:
# connect to RTMP server
netConnection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatusHandler);
# omitted code for waiting for connection success, and setting up shared
As said, note that the Red5 setup works flawlessly for remote method invocations and shared objects, but not for video which is strange.
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[INFO] [NioProcessor-1]
org.red5.io.mp4.impl.MP4Reader - Frame
position was not found for timestamp:
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this.addScheduledJob(5000,new IScheduledJob() {
public void execute(ISchedulingService jobs0)
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<?xml version="1.0"?><!-- controlsvideodisplayVideoDisplayFMS.mxml --><mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
<mx:HBox> <mx:Label text="RTMP FMS 2.0"/> <mx:VideoDisplay autoBandWidthDetection="false" source="rtmp://localhost/vod/Legend.flv"/> </mx:HBox></mx:Application>
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Sep 20, 2010
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Quick description of my setup:red5 0.9.1; simple flash broadcast and subscribe derived from here [URL] and mr. accattato's videos; using oflaDemo on serverside.
Local image on the broadcaster is good.So far I guess flash broadcaster would be the most likely culprit, but here is my worst since I am new to flex. Red5 should not modify the stream I guess, and it doesn't make much sense for the subscriber to play only 1 frame per second.
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May 29, 2009
Is there anyway that i could send a php command to unload a live stream?
For instance i would like to click a logout button that would then tell the server that im logging off that live stream.
Here is what i have in my SWF file now..
I am sending flashvars to fill in the variables. And this is actionscript 2 because i havent ventured to AS3.
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Jul 22, 2010
I'm trying to make a software which sends video and audio data to a flash media server by using RTMP protocol. Currently, my program can communicate with a flash media server correctly. RTMP specifications does not describe about the raw data in video/audio messages, so I muxed raw H.264 and AAC data into video/audio messages and sent to the server. The server seems to accept them, but a video player cannot playback the stream sending from the server. The player just says "Loading..." For a test purpose, I sniffed the network packets between Wirecast and the flash media server and ripped off only video and audio data. Then, I muxed those data into video/audio message and sent to the flash media server. In this case, the video player connected to the server can playback the stream correctly.
I checked the stream sent from Wirecast, the stream seems not to be H.264 raw data because those data are not started from 0x17 instead of H.264 start code. With those situation, I am wondering what kind of container format I should use for H.264/AAC data to the flash media server.
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Aug 1, 2010
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Jul 19, 2010
Everyone knows that recording a video with the user's webcam is possible with flash in the browser - but all the solutions I found until now involve a rmtp server that accepts a stream from the flash app. Is there a way to use webcam recording without such an extra media server?
The usecase I want to implement is the following:
Show the user the output of his webcam on the screen. The user can hit a record button which will trigger the flash app to record 5 seconds of video material. The recorded video should be sent to the server as .flv file where it can be processed later.
Since the video will only be a few seconds long the amount of data is not a problem. But my actual question is: Is this somehow technically possible to do in Flash?
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Jul 19, 2011
when i try to live stream with FMS! I can stream video with Flash media live encoder to the server but when i create the player to recieve the livestream from server,i can not recieve the live stream,can anyone give me a step by step tutorial of how to do it?
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Apr 30, 2010
I have an *.flv file on a FMS. When I play it on the client side the video plays just fine, but when I call Stream.play(filename, 0, -1, false) on the server side the video turns out really choppy.I both cases I use NetConnection to connect to an rtmp and NetStream to play the stream, but in one case I connect to a stream and request the server to play my file on that stream. Apparently that doesn't work with files? It works just fine for live streams.
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