Flex :: Detect When A Remote Client Has Started/stopped Streaming Video Over His NetStream With RTFMP ?

May 1, 2011

Am building a video chat application and i was wondering if there are any native events for the NetStream that fire,that can help in detecting when a remote client starts/stops streaming video over his outgoing stream (NetStream) to which the other client has subscribed over P2P/RTFMP in AS3 ?I maybe able to dispatch custom messages since the two clients are already connected, but i don't want to add the extra overhead.

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Actionscript 3 :: Detect That Streaming Stopped?

Mar 1, 2012

I have a flash app and I need to detect whether the streaming of data has stopped.

That means the connecton is still opened but the stream of data is cut of i.e no data in the pipe.

So I am asking which of these NetStatus events coresponds to this case?

NetStatus events from here [URL]

I have used the "NetStream.Play.Complete" event but it doesnt work i.e doesnt detect this event

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Oct 11, 2010

So I built a videochat client that uses the adobe stratus protocol. Its very simple and just connects two users. However, after about a minute of video chatting the clients freeze and the browser crashes.what might have caused this? Is there some sort of cache that I need to clear every so often or a possible memory leak? I am not sure where to start

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Flash :: RTFMP - Remote Stream Not Showing

Aug 15, 2011

I'm trying to create a 2-way videochat. Your own webcam shows perfectly fine, but the other doesn't. I used this page as an example: [UTRL]

Following the steps on the page doesn't seem to work for me. I exchange the peer IDs via PHP. I make my Flash visit a page, which stores the peer ID in the database using a POST request. To fetch the peer ID of the partner, I use PHP sessions, which store both your ID, and that of your partner. I can then use these variables to visit another PHP page, which echoes the partner's peer ID. Both are the same as in the database, so there's nothing wrong with that.

The NetConnection:

Connection = new NetConnection();
Connection.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, CheckConnect);
Connection.connect(RTFMP + DevKey);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Streaming M4V Video From Remote Location Via RTMP

Sep 15, 2011

At a certain point in the app flow, a m4v video is streamed from a remote location via rtmp. This works well, except for two little problems:

1. In very rare cases, the video starts playing, but you see no images and only hear the audio. Seems like this happens more often with Chrome, but that is only a guess.

2. In the first frame or so of the video, you hear a noise in the audio. It really is very short, but still a nuisance. This chirp is not there when viewing the same video with VLC or QuickTime player. It IS there when viewing with the Windows Media Player.

Are there any known problems with codecs and the flash as3 video streaming (via NetStream/NetConnection)? The video is composed by using the ffmpeg library (one mess of a library, I can tell you...) to bring together a live-rendered video (using a 3D Engine) and a pre-created *.wav (which does not have the chirp).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fullbrowser Streaming Video: FLVPlayback Or Netstream?

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hey guys, what would be best to use on a full browser video, where the video should resize as the browser resizes and the flv will be streamed?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Detect If NetStream Video Is Playing Or Not

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I'm sure this is a simple question, but I just can't crack it. In my video player I want to detect if the current status is playing or paused. But I can't figure out where this info comes from. Is it a property of the ns object?

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NetStream Class - How To Detect If Working Video Attached

Jul 31, 2011

I'm building a video chat in flash and everything works really well, except for the part where I'm trying to detect if the other user is sending a working video stream. There's a couple of reasons why the other user isn't sending video.
-The other user got no camera
-The other user got a camera, but the camera is currently being occupied by another application(Skype, Photo Booth, Google Talk, etc.)
-The other user got a camera but hasn't allowed the use of his/hers camera.
(Other unexpected problems I guess...)

So how do I detect if the stream I receive from the other user is a black stream(because of the reasons above) using the NetStream class? The closest thing I have came up with is by adding a timer that polls the currentFps() function from the stream I receive from the other user. But so far this seems pretty unreliable because I might get currentFps() == 0 and show an error because of this even though I actually got video from the stream in some cases. The reason for this is because I poll the API every 4 seconds for the currentFPS function and let's say at 00:00:04 I get "no video" according to the poll but at 00:00:05 the video kicks in, and therefor I need to wait until the next tick until the error message disappears

This is what my current poll looks like
function subscribingStatusPoll(e:TimerEvent):void {
if (subscribingStream.currentFPS == 0){
error.text = "No video found from the other user...
} else {
error.text = "";

This is the only hack I that I can come up with to detect this, but this is unreliable and I actually would prefer a way to instantly detect if the stream I receive got a working video attached to it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movement Started With Key Press And Not Stopped Until Collision Detected

Feb 5, 2005

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Streaming A H.264 Video From Red5 To A Flash Client?

Apr 18, 2010

I´m having problems with h.264 in Flash. My idea is streaming a h.264 video from Red5 to a Flash client with ActionScript 3 or 4. The original code supports streaming video in .flv format with Sorensen and I would like to support .flv format with h.264 encoding.This is my original code:

play_btn.play_symbol_txt.background = false;
isPaused = true;[code]............

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash NetStream.Buffer.Flush When The Streaming Video Is Paused?

Dec 26, 2010

I notice that, when I pause the video, the event "NetStream.Buffer.Flush" is triggered. And according to the language reference: "Data has finished streaming, and the remaining buffer will be emptied.", I have to re-buffer it, right? However, also according to the reference, it shouldn't stop buffering:

Starting with Flash Player, Flash Player no longer clears the buffer when NetStream.pause() is called. This behavior is called "smart pause". Before Flash Player, Flash Player waited for the buffer to fill up before resuming playback, which often caused a delay.

I'm using Flash Professional to do the debugging, and the traced version number is: MAC 10,0,22,91, and it appears for both FMS4 and red5.

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AS3 :: Flash - Detect NetStream Events With Video Object (not Component)

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Video embed code:
// Initialize net stream
nc = new NetConnection();
nc.connect (null); // Not using a media server.


Is there anything I am missing have wrong to capture events from my net stream?

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Java :: Detect When Flex Client Closes The Connection?

May 13, 2010

I have a Flex application that connects to a BlazeDS server using the StreamingAMF channel. On the server-side the logic is handled by a custom adapter that extends ActionScriptAdapter and implements FlexSessionListener and FlexClientListener interfaces.

I am asking how can I detect which "flex-client" has closed a connection when for example the user is closing the browser? (so I can clean some infos inside the database)

I tried using the following:

1. To manually manage the command messages:

public Object manage(final CommandMessage commandMessage) {
switch (commandMessage.getOperation()) {


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Media Server :: Streaming Is Automatically Stop Even FMS Is Started?

Jul 30, 2011

Some time streaming is working fine and even in Admin console i see the bandwidth Grapgh is growing up due to no. of connected usersbut automatically it happen streaming is stop and bandwidth graph is going down till zero then i restart to FMS then streaming goes smoothly and working fine.before restart i check FMS services it is started and also encoder is connected when i restart it goes smoothly.What happen to FMS i don't know and i don't find any error in FMS log how to stop streaming even FMS is connected and started

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When FMLE Stopped,Remote RTMP Stream To FMS 4.5 With Rtmfp?

Nov 14, 2011

When FMLE stopped,Remote RTMP stream to FMS 4.5 with rtmfp?

edit  "applications/multicast/main.asc" ?
* File: main.asc
* --------------

* The server-side portion of the multicast sample application.

* This app accepts publish and unpublish requests from FMLE, and republishes

* the live stream from FMLE into a target Flash Group.[code]..............

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Status Of The NetStream Whether It Is Playing Or Paused Or Stopped?

Jul 22, 2009

how I know the status of the NetStream whether it is playing or paused or stopped

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Actionscript 3 :: Detect Corner Or Edge Which Started Resizing From AIR NativeWindowBoundsEvent?

Mar 22, 2012

If you do a manual start of resizing with startResize(EdgeOrCornerString) you have to set EdgeOrCornerString. But how to detect which one Edge Or Corner has been clicked from inside (NativeWindowBoundsEvent) resizing handler? event.type gives only 'resizing', there is no edge or corner specified. Is it possible and if yes, how?EDIT: I want to do custom resizing of NativeWindow, and need to know from which corner or edge user has started resizing operation.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Client To Client Streaming?

Mar 17, 2010

I am trying to build a client-to-client streaming program - client 1 has a webcam and client 2 will connect to client 1 and be able to view the webcam. Is this possible using 2 swf clients? Can someone point me in the right direction as to what commands would be used to connect the two clients. I have tried: binary sockets Connect() where each clients points to the other and they both time-out NetConnection to try to point each client to one another to establish a connection, but no luck with that either; this seems more oriented towards streaming content to a flash media server rather than to another flash client.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect User Stopped Typing?

Nov 27, 2008

How can I detect if a user stopped typing for about 2seconds?After those 2 seconds I want a mc to start playing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Detect If Mousewheel Stopped Rotating

Sep 29, 2009

How to detect if mousewhell stopped rotating? I need to initiate the behavior when mousewheel stopped rotating.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Client For Netstream?

Jan 22, 2010

I've got a feature-heavy video player for a client that needs to do pretty much EVERYTHING that flash video can do. Included in the to-do list is bandwidth sniffing for dynamic video switching, which I've managed to make happen using SimpleClient, a custom netstream client class that can pump out the the users bandwidth(see below). The problem with this client is that it didn't include an onMetaData function that can give me all the stats on the streaming flv. In short, does anyone know how to add that functionality to the following .as file? Or, perhaps, does someone have a netstream client that DOES have all the bells and whistles?


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Flex :: Send Video Stream From Script To Netstream?

Jul 9, 2011

How to send a video data stream from one side written by java to another side written by flex and then display it? I just know that on flex one method is to use netstream class get the real-time video stream and bind with a videodisplay to display it. But which class I should use to send this video stream in java and which class I need to use in flex to receive this flow and pass it to the NetStream class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Live Webcam On Remote Server From Client

Sep 29, 2010

where to start looking if I want to try and broadcast a live webcam on a webpage client to server to browser?

I want to be able broadcast a live webcam from a machine in location x to a remote server at location y and for the server at location y to display it on a webpage.

I have posted on here before as acidman but can't remember my password!

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Media Server :: NetStream/NetConnection Client Property

Apr 7, 2011

Both NetConnection object and NetStream object has a client property. Can I use the same client for both objects?

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Flash :: Add Such A Handler, The NetStream Client Doesn't Function As It Did Before?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm trying to add a custom callback handler to a NetStream client in a p2p application. The problem is, when I add such a handler, the NetStream Client doesn't function as it did before. It seems the NetStream.client object is changed. I know the default object is this. But changing the client to this doesn't solve the problem.The remoteControlStream, is the incoming stream. And the localControl stream is the stream being publishedThis is the localControlStream that's being send by the peer, and received as remoteControlStream:

private function initLocalControlStream():void{
localControlStream = new NetStream(nc, NetStream.DIRECT_CONNECTIONS);
localControlStream.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, localControlHandler);

The onPeerConnect method of the localControlStream doesn't get called when I connect when the above handler is added. When I remove the that handler, the onPeerConnect method gets called.

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Professional :: Flash Video Conference / Getting Started

May 2, 2011

I am an ASP.Net/C# developer interested in setting up a Flash Video Conference web site.

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Reset NetStream.time For A Streaming?

Jan 27, 2010

How do i reset netStream.time for a streaming .flv that was intiatied on the server side? It just keeps incrementing on me even after the streaming .flv is done playing.

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