ActionScript 3.0 :: Nullify An Object With A Reference Parameter?
Jul 27, 2010
Having this simple [code]...
Why the function nullify() changes the value of the property "a" but doesn't do the "= null " assigment to the object passed by parameter ?
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Mar 29, 2011
i want to pass by reference so i can use this variable outside the function.
What im doing is creating a global variable such as var cont:int; and then in a eventListener like enter_frame (stage.addEventListener..) calling a function called "mover", this function modifies "cont" value and i just want to print this value modified. The issue is i cant pass the value by reference just by const :S. The function is void, but if i change it to return int, its useless because each time i call the function, the value i want to return its created each time with a new value, beacuse i need to declare it so.. I read i can use a var such as Object but i really dont get it (im used to c++ i have to say)
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ActionScript Code:
function accessChild(parentObj:Object, childObj:Object):void {
Then using "Analyze Project Source Code..." from FlashDevelop tools to analyze my code, I've got an error message:
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XmlClass.aspackage import; import; import;import; import flash.display.Loader import
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"ArgumentError: Error #1063: Argument count mismatch on StatBar_object(). Expected 0, got 1.
at actionscript.stat::StatBox_object()
at actionscript.modes::battle_mode()"
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Jun 16, 2004
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_global.fallIntoBasket = function (fallingObject) {
if (_root[fallingObject].hitTest(_x, _root.basket_mc._y+(_root.basket_mc._height/2)-7, true)) {
trace ("teste");
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Mar 7, 2004
i've been struggling with the following:
i am creating a list of buttons with an attachMovie. the AS is :
var i = -1;
var user = userlist[i];
okay the problem is this: then i assign an on click function to every button right in the while loop that uses the data parameter of the "ob" object and when i play the movie the data parameter is always the parameter of the last object created for all the buttons. I know why this is happening- it overWrites the old "ob" with the new with every itteration of the loop.
But how would i go differently about creating an individual "ob" for each button created and still be able to have a function with a data parameter like this.onRelease.userClicked(data)?
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Apr 15, 2012
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What is the best - lightweight - method to do this?
An object being like this:
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<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
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May 31, 2009
I have problem with accessing object created by function imported from another package.
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One(this one works):
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Dec 14, 2010
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public function Dialog(message:String,title:String="Note",dialogsize:int=99):void
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Nov 4, 2010
I need to get a pointer to a piece of XML. I can get a pointer to the parent node and everything works but trying to get a pointer to a node that has no children just returns the value of that node.[code]...
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Feb 20, 2009
Is it possible to have a reference to a class instead of an object? [code]so that you can then use static vars of those Classes? from the var b?
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Jan 1, 2010
I am new to Flash but have used Illustrator and InDesign for years. How to set the reference object by which all other objects are aligned; e.g. Illustrator ->select all objects then a second click on the reference object and all other objects take their cue. InDesign you lock the reference object and that determines the rest. In Flash it seems that either both objects move or the one that I wish to remain in position jumps rather than the other way around.
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Oct 21, 2010
i have classA and classB like bellow
class ClassA{
public var myVar:String="test";
public function ClassA()
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Jun 28, 2011
classes. GiftMain and GiftItem. i attached GiftItem objects into GiftMain. Actually there are 2 more movieclips between them. i declare a variable in GiftItem as giftMain to reference it to the GiftMain. i have a function in GiftItem which is as below;
trace outputs the right object in this function in GiftItem class but at another place in the same class, it outputs undefined when it is traced even though it is global variable. I just want to reach GiftMain from GiftItem without using _parent or _root. How can i do that?
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May 31, 2011
I am modifying some Flex code written by someone else. There is an mx:text control that I want to change the 'text' property of. I know how to do this within the .mxml file in which the control is defined, however I don't know how to do this from within a separate .as ActionScript file. I recall in Flash there is some way to fully qualify the reference by prepending the stage or something like that
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Jun 16, 2011
I have some object, which extends movie clip:public class MyClass extends MovieClip Now, I want to put two of this in the stage:[code]That would put one, but the other I want it to be exactly the same as the first, so I just need to add a "reference" of obj to the stage, along with obj itself.In the end, I want two objects of type MyClass doing the same thing in the stage. If I try to simply do:[code]only obj2 will appear in the stage.How could I achieve that with references? (in order to save memory and CPU time (it is really important))
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Dec 29, 2011
Is it possible to reference an object using a variable value?
For example, I have a function that is supposed to hide an image and add that image to an inventory list when the item is clicked.
All the image info is stored in an object (name, imgSource, visible, x, y);
I was thinking I could do something like this:
public var item:Object = new Object();
I want "item" to stand for knife so that I could change knife.visible, knife.xPos, ect.
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Dec 18, 2008
When debugging, I see an objects memory reference next to its value. Is it possible to get that as a string or assign a variable based off memory location?
var myInt:int = 5; debugger shows(@afff222)
var copy:int = memor(@afff222);
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Aug 20, 2011
I'm creating a movie clip button and for the out state I have this:
web_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, at_out);
function at_out(event:MouseEvent):void {
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Jun 8, 2009
I'm creating a bunch of movieclips, associating a sound object with them, and then updating them with a progress bar, like so:
var theClip:MovieClip = new MovieClip;
theClip.track = new Sound;
[load sound from URL pseudocode here]
theClip.track.addEventListener (ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onLoadProgress);
function onLoadProgress (erogressEvent):void {
How do I reference the movieClip the sound is a child of? refers to the sound object; returns an error. And you can't assign properties to sound objects.
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