ActionScript 3.0 :: OnFI Handler For NetStream Timecode
Aug 31, 2010
We are sending a multiple streams from FMLE to FMS, and then playing them with NetStream instances. We could have several streams playing on the same flash canvas. The idea is to use ActionScript to synchronize the playback of these streams using embedded system timecode from FMLE, so all the camera angles are playing at the same place in the stream. However if we use the onFI handler to receive timecode data we see one of the streams reporting valid timecode, and the other seems to get 'stale', reporting the same value for multiple onFI events.
Example: NS2 is great:
NS2 20:14:19.215
NS2 20:14:19.246
NS2 20:14:19.277
NS1 20:14:07.443
NS2 20:14:19.324
NS1 20:14:07.443
NS2 20:14:19.355 ... etc
However NS1 traces out like this with stale data:
NS1 20:14:07.990
NS1 20:14:07.990
NS1 20:14:08. 52
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.443
NS1 20:14:08.474
NS1 20:14:08.506
NS1 20:14:08.552
NS1 20:14:08.943
NS1 20:14:08.943
NS1 20:14:08.943
NS1 20:14:08.943
NS1 20:14:08.943
NS1 20:14:08.943
NS1 20:14:08.943
All FMLE /FMS instances are configured identically - either stream will decode valid timecode it played on its own - just not while both are running in the same stage!
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[Code] .....
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My end result is to call a milliseconds );
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OSM.onEnterFrame = function() {
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//some code
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//Load Thumbnails
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country = "uk"
on (rollOver){ gotoAndPlay(country)}
on (release){ getURL("/"+country+"/", "_self");}
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