ActionScript 3.0 :: Only Targeted Area To Be Working On Button?

Sep 13, 2009

I attach this flash filecontaining my folderIts basically a button.and when I move my mouse over to the helmet the speech bubble with descriptions comes up.basically I just want my helmet to be the working the moment, when I move my mouse over to the where speech bubble is going to be, button works... but I only want my helmet to be the working mouse over to the helmet and speech bubble comes up. not anywhere else.

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Getting A Button To Load Into A Targeted Frame?

Mar 9, 2009

i have a web page with 2 frames : leftFrame and mainFrame. The left frame is my menu with flash buttons - home, about, news and contact.

What i want is this : when the user hits the "contact" button, i want contact.html to load in mainFrame.i've been at it for 2 days,, searching help, tutorials, sites, everything

i've got the beggining of the script :

this.onMouseDown = function() {
getURL(contact.html target="mainFrame");

View 21 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Button To Work When Its Nested In A MC That Has An OnEnterFrame With A OnPress Command Targeted To It?

Apr 13, 2004

How can I get a button to work when its nested in a MC that has an onEnterFrame with a onPress command targeted to it?

Here's the code for my "popup" MC located on the main timeline.

popup.onEnterFrame = function(){
this.onPress = function() {


Within that same MC is a button that tells it to close. However, I run a trace command to it and nothing happens. It seems like the onPress nested in the onEnterFrame is over-riding my button on(press).

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IDE :: URLLoader Not Working In Browser But In Dev Area

Mar 8, 2010

So I have a contact form that works flawlessly in the Flash development area, but doesn't work in-browser. I've tried in multiple browsers, and it doesn't work in any of them. Here is the relevant AS3 code:

var url:String = "http://******/Scripts/sendContact.php";
var contactVar:URLVariables = new URLVariables();
contactVar.userName = commentName;


On a side note, if this helps any, sendToURL using the POST method doesn't seem to work with anything hosted on this server, but with GET it does.

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ActionScript 3 :: Change Working Area Size?

Nov 29, 2010

How to change working area size? I've the following code but it doesn't work

stage.stageWidth = 200;

stage.stageHeight = 100;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The Drawing API To Define The Hotspot Area But Its Not Working?

Sep 8, 2006

I have got it to drag around and such, but i tried to use the drawing API to define the hotspot area but its not working.


function makeWords(){
yVar = 20
for (i=0; i<25; i++) {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("symbolName"+i, getNextHighestDepth());


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make MC Look At A Targeted Location?

Dec 26, 2009

So far from a previous post i created a MC that goes to a targeted location with this AS:

import mx.transitions.Tween;
this.onMouseDown = function() {  t1 = new Tween(mc, "_x", mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone,  mc._x, this._xmouse, 1, true);  t2 = new Tween(mc, "_y", mx.transitions.easing.None.easeNone,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop Targeted Loader?

Nov 4, 2009

I'm trying to have a preLoader function (preLoadTotal) receive the first progress event from a loader, add it's bytesTotal value to the bytesTotalALL var, and immediately stop it's loading after this. I currently only have one loader triggering this function but intend to add more in order to calculate the total size of all loaders combined (bytesTotalALL).

In the following example you can see my attempt to kill the load after it's bytesTotal info is extracted but no matter what I try the loading continues. What would be the proper syntax to stop the targeted loader?


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Actionscript 3 :: Flex - Change Targeted Id In A Function?

Apr 19, 2010

In a Flex App I have some groups of checkboxes with similar idsAt the definite moment only one group is accessible for checking

group 10


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cycle Through Targeted Movieclips Via An Array?

Feb 3, 2010

I am trying to cycle through targeted movieclips via an array.The symbols are labeled as such, kali1, kali2, kali3, ...etc.What I wanted to do was to move selected movieclips to a particular frame via an array loop.Here is the code I am using and the output I get:

var col1:Array = [8,16];
for (i=0; i<col1.length ; i++){
kaliscope= "kali"+col1;[code].....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Targeted Mc To Communicate With The Parent Timeline?

Nov 6, 2004

How do I get a targeted mc to communicate with the parent timeline? I'm not using levels but targeted mc.

I need the playback head to go from the targeted movie clip (this is called nested, correct?) to the parent timeline and stop at a particular movie instance or frame label. I have been unsucessfully using this:


View 5 Replies

Professional :: Minimum Image Area Not Working Exporting Movie As PNG Sequence

Oct 12, 2011

I need to export an animation from flash as a PNG sequence. I'd like the exported PNGs to be as small as possible so I'm checking off minimum image area instead of full doc size. But this had no effect it still uses the full doc size. I can export a single image and it works then. I deleted anything that could be altering the size. I even tried it with a simple scene with just a box and it still uses the doc size. I can scale down the doc, but that is very time consuming and won't allow for easy iteration so that's not an option. Is this a bug, does it just not work?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Targeted MovieClips Do Not Work Once Loaded Into Container

Oct 3, 2002

I have several external SWF (child) movies that are to be loaded upon demand into another SWF container (parent) movie file. Pretty straight forward. Each of the child movies has MCs communicating with other MCs within the same child movie. For instance the timeline of one MC will have a frame action, which targets another MC instance to play(). Again, Pretty straightforward stuff.

These files work beautifully when viewed independently. The problem is when they are loaded into the parent container movie the target MC functionality no longer works. I believe it's because once the child movie is loaded into the parent movie the absolute path of the targeted MC has changed and what was once the '_root' in the child movie is no longer the actual root?

I have tried both methods in the child movie:

//method without using 'with';
And using the 'with action like so:
//method using 'with
with (_root.ContentWindow) {

It would seem that in theory once the Child SWF file is loaded into the Parent SWF file the targeted path would have to have another level in it - cuz now the MC 'ContentWindow' is no longer one level down from the '_root' but two levels?
For example:

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IDE :: Make To Have A Button Inside Another Button Area?

Mar 5, 2010

I've made a mask with a FLVPlayback inside and with a sliding bar that appears when I make rollover in the FLVPlayback. All working well. I want to put some simple controls in the sliding bar like pause or play, but I can't access the buttons because they are inside a first button ( the FLVPlayback ) that triggers the sliding bar. How can I make to have a button inside another button area?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash Countdown Timer - Change The Targeted Time On The Fly Using Xml

Mar 11, 2007

I am looking for a component/tutorial/movie that is a FLASH countdown timer/clock that you can change the targeted time on the fly using xml. So, the clock might countdown for 4 days, 3 hours and 19 minutes to an event. but then halfway through i decide i want to change the event to a day later, so i need to us xml to dynamically change the clock to add 24 hours or whatever onto the clock without having to go back into the flash file.

Additionally, this flash file will be part of a flash screensaver that has xml driven photo gallery in the background. this photo gallery i can do, but i am looking for a flash countdown with xml access. I am willing to pay/donate for it if there are no free ones available.

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AS3 :: CS3 Create Hit Area Button

Apr 1, 2009

I made a movie (looks like a button). Inside that movie, I have frame 1 - 36 for MOUSE_OVER, and the rest for MOUSE_DOWN. Frame 1 is for MOUSE_UP. I've assigned name to the movie home_mc, then went to scene1 and place a script on frame 1 (in separate layer):

home_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER,but tonOver);
function buttonOver(event:MouseEvent):void
home_mc.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, buttonOver);

The movie plays correctly,but whenever I move the mouse (while its still on the button), then the movie plays again; to me it looks like its a hitArea() not configured.

To check that I have set a button and placed my home_mc movie in OVER frame.

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CS3 Movieclip Button Hit Area

May 8, 2009

I have a movieclip button with the following actionscript (which I have on the main timeline above my MC layer):

movieclip1.onRollOver = function(){ movieclip1.gotoAndPlay("normal");
movieclip1.onRollOut = function(){ movieclip1.gotoAndPlay("hitout");
movieclip1.onPress = function(){ movieclip1.gotoAndPlay("over");

This works perfectly! My movieclip button takes up the whole stage but I don't want the whole stage to be my hit area (which right now it is). I was searching and I found this actionscript: hit._visible = false;
this.hitArea = hit; The tutorial said to make another layer inside my MC, then add that code. But when I play my movie, I can still see my green square (which was supposed to be my hit area) and it does nothing!

View 12 Replies

CS3 - MovieClip Button (Hit Area)

Apr 30, 2010

I'm new to the forum my name is Chris. I'm currently working as a Graphic Artist for a company called TransTech Systems in Schenectady, NY [URL] I registered today Im trying to figure out. I need to disable the hit area of an object thats part of a movieclip button. Im trying to create a single image light box effect in which the blown up image closes when you mouse off the thumbnail. Here is a link to my movie [URL] If you click on the pic of the gauge you will see the image blows up, and the background fades to a transparent black for better contrast between the pic and the page. I need the background fade effect to not have a hit area otherwise the rollout action does not work.

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Professional :: How To Set A Button's Hit Area

Oct 22, 2010

I' m having an issue with setting a button hit area.I have imported a bitmap image, and converted it to a symbol button, and set it a hit event.My problem is that the hit area of the button is more than what i want, I want the hit area to be only the bitmap itself, and not its whole extent.The red circle is out of my bitmap picture, but because it is in its extent if I press there it will invoke a hit event.

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Button Hit Area Different In Flash Than Published?

Oct 7, 2010

I am creating a simple flash animation in Flash CS5 of a hip hop group, where when you mouseover their picture, their name pops up over their head.

I made each image a button and created the frames for up, over, down, and just a black rectangle for the hit area.

The problem I have is that in Flash when I have simple buttons enabled, it works fine and flawlessly, but when I publish it the hit area is sketchy and doesn't always react when moused over.

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Don't Want Angled Button's Hit Area To Be Bounding Box

Jun 12, 2009

I am trying to create buttons on a 45 degree angle. They are simply text. I have tried drawing different hit areas for the button, but when I publish the swf the hit area for the button is always its bounding box (so there is a huge space in the upper left and lower right corner which activates the button).

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Professional :: Animated Hit Area Into A Button?

Aug 23, 2010

I have an 800x800px button within a 800x800 stage, in the up state only 200px of the button are visible, the others 600px remains out of the stage, the over state is a movie clip with a spring-like animation that brings the button to the left to a viewable area of 600 pixels (while now only 200px are left out of the stage). the down state is very the same than the over (without animation, so no changes in size at all).
The problem here is how i set my hit area: if I set it to be the size of the up state then the button works the way it's supposed to work but if i move the mouse just i little to the left (just out of the hit area, remember, same size as the up state) then is considered not to be on the over state so i come back to my initial 200px button. By the way if i set the hit area to match the size of the button once it has completed it animation on over state (600px of viewable button) I fix this issue but then I will click the button even when I'm out of the UP state.It's possible to place a movie clip inside the hit area so that it always mach the motion of the movie clip inside the over state?[URL]This is an early prototype of the site but you'll see what i mean, my buttons are the numbered tabs, when you roll over there you'll see they become animated but i planning to make this animation much more exaggerated and then is when the problem come...

View 6 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Diagonal Hit Area For A Mc Button?

Apr 20, 2010

Ive been looking all over, since all my efforts bring about a rectangled shape hit even with hitArea defined.

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Tween Hit Area Of Flash Button?

Mar 19, 2009

Is there anyway that you can tween the hit area of a button in flash so that it follows a button as it moves? I have my buttons set up as such:When a viewer visits the page they only see a small part of the button, and when they roll over it the entire button rolls out, but I want to be able to make the hit area only as big as the small portion, and expand when the button appears in full so the entire button is clickable.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Clicked Outside Of A Certain Area - Button Or MC?

Jun 1, 2005

is there any action script for doing something when clicked outside of a certain area? such as clicking outside of a button or MC?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Blocking The Hit Area Of The Button?

Jul 3, 2003

I have a button (with actionscript) under some dynamic text. The dynamic text, including some small transparent space around it, is blocking the hit area of the button. How do I solve this problem?

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IDE :: Define Hit Area For Animated Button?

Dec 9, 2010

I've created an animated button where when you rollover it - a message box appears. My problem is that the button hit area is the whole size of the movie clip (including the message box), so the box will appear even if you haven't rolled over the button.

So basically I want to define the hit area to just the size of the button itself, rather than the whole movie clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Enlarge The Hit Area Of Button

May 12, 2005

how can i enlarge the hit area of a button when i'm over it? i tried creating a movieclip ("mc") containing two frames; one frame ("normal") with a button including a small hit area, and one with a button containing a larger hit area (framename="over"). when i roll over the movie clip it sucessfully changes to frame "over" with the large hit area button (from root i tell "mc" to cange to frame "over"), but in fact only up,over and down state frames are taken from the new button. the hit area is still the small one from the first frame.

basically the thing i want to achieve is, that one rolls over the button, but will have to move his mouse farer away from the overstate graphic of the button, to release it. so optically the same button, but with a larger hitarea than the one you entered when rolling over the button in the first place, so one cant accidentally get off of it too early.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Take A Static Text Field, Convert It Into A Button, And Use It As A Button,but Button Not Working ?

Mar 7, 2010

I want to take a static text field, convert it into a button, and use it as a button. I need it static, because I changed orientation, and I do not know how to do that otherwise. The problem is, even though I converted it to a Button symbol, it does not work when I test the movie. It works fine with "Enable simple buttons", but when I test it, the button is not there, no change in mouse cursor, no reaction at all.So this is what I did:

Made text. // static, not selectable, Orientation: vertical left to right, / //rotated; Two filters: Drop Shadow and Glow;

Converted text field to Button - Symbol (scrollBT)

Editing the Button,I put the same content (the static text field) in all four frames: No luck, not working. without the Hit frame filled (which I think doesn't really make a difference): No luck, not working.Tried again, converting the static text field in the button into a Graphic Symbol: No luck, not working.Tried again, and put some differences in the frames for "ON" and "OVER" etc.: No luck, not working.Tried again, duplicating a similar, working button, edited it, and: No luck, not working.

To the button itself and the AS: The button will be a scroll-button for a text field, with different scroll speeds on rollover and press, but nothing else. The code for that I have (I think). It's something like (and please excuse my incorrect syntax here, but I'm typing from memory; still, I use the Script-Assistant and my syntax is apparently correct; it's also working with other buttons):

on {rollOver} {
function (scroll) {
textfieldtxt.scroll - = 1;}[code]....

I'm at the end of my wits. The only difference I can tell from other (working) buttons I did the same way, is that the scrollBt does not do anything except scrolling, while all of the others have frame actions (gotoAndplay etc.) associated with them.

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Professional :: Button Link Not Working In Safari, But Working In Firefox?

Apr 18, 2011

The ad on the bottom right of the screen (the one with lightning flashing) has an invisible button in its Flash file (CS5) linking to [URL]. This file is imported as SWF in Dreamweaver CS5.
The hyperlink works in Firefox, but not in Safari. Maybe it is just my computer.

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