ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass A Variable From Main Class To A MovieClip?
Dec 26, 2011
I have a document with main class.I also have some movieclips which have their own class and functions.I am trying to pass a variable from my main class to one of these MovieClips.I tried some stuff, nothing worked.
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import*;[ code].....
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in main stage:
1. how can i access the variable "sequence" in "mc_rect"
2. how can i pass parametre from main stage to mc_rect via function setSequence(data:int)?
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but1b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fbut1b, false, 0, true);
function fbut1b(e:MouseEvent):void{
var mc:documentwindow_mc=new documentwindow_mc();
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((root as MovieClip).parent.parent as Object).somefunction(parameters);
and to dispatch an event. inorder to pass parameters throug the event i need to extend it with another class.
isnt the (root as... ) more efficient if all i need is to pass a link?
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package {
import flash.display.Sprite;
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[Code] .....
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Dec 20, 2010
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class myClass extends MovieClip {
public function myfunc() {
trace( "mainVar: " + _root.mainVar );
As you can see, I want to access the variable "mainVar", which exists in the main movie, from within the class. This works fine, if I have only one instance of the class. But, if I have more than one instance, within separate movie clips, the value of mainVar is always taken from the first instance. How do I refer to the actual instance from within the class?
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Jun 2, 2011
Here's my main class:
import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
Basically the class waits for the callback variable (my_msg). The problem is: I need to set the dynamic textbox text to my_msg variable.
How can I access it? I know I can access a public var in the timeline with functioname.variable but I can't define a public var inside a function, right?
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Mar 24, 2009
I have a new FLA with a variable in frame 1:
var testVar:String = "hello";
//--- my document class:
I just get null. How can I see a variable like that?
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May 18, 2010
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var cagedMonkies:int = 10;
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Jun 2, 2011
Here's my main class:
in the timeline I have a dynamic text box named my_textbox: var my_test:main = new main(); my_test.check_DVBViewer(); my_textbox.text = ??Basically the class waits for the callback variable (my_msg). The problem is: I need to set the dynamic textbox text to my_msg variable. How can I access it? I know I can access a public var in the timeline with functioname.variable but I can't define a public var inside a function, right?
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Nov 7, 2004
I have a class that has a constructor which accepts some parameters.
class MyClass {
var myNumber:Number;
function MyClass(number) {
myNumber = number;
Is there a way I can link this to a movieclip and pass the parameter? From what I've found there are two ways to link the class to a movieclip, one using the registerClass and another typing the name intro the Linkage Box in the Library. But in both cases there are no parameters being setup.
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Aug 25, 2010
I declared a variable & it's value in the main timeline. Then I created a movieclip and have some actionscript inside that movieclip. Is it possible to read the varialbe's value within the movieclip?
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Feb 11, 2010
I'm converting an old AS2 file into AS3 (and trying to learn AS3 at the same time).A movie clip contains a number of different animated sequences and buttons within the application trigger these different sequences.The buttons are functional only when an animation has completed playing.
In AS2, I achieved this with a var called _root.animating which was initially set to "false" and switched to true when the animation played and switched back to false at the end of the anim sequence. The buttons checked this var when clicked. Here is some of the AS2.[code]...
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Jul 11, 2010
im trying this every which way.creating global variables etc.I have a movie clip with a text area (lets call it txttest)there is text inside it which i want to send from this movieclip on the main frame to a text area (lets call that one txttestB) on the main frame. Whatever i try i get undefined in the text area on the main frame.I have tried this...
_global.selectedcompany = txttest.text;
_root.txttestB.text = _global.selectedcompany;
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