How To Pass Variable From Inside MovieClip Into Another One

Sep 29, 2011

I am creating a quiz and I set one quiz block with questions into a movieclip. When the person answers the correct answer I want it to add to a counter and pass that value onto the next movieclip. So movieclip one is added to the stage it does something then adds a counter. Then moves to the next frame and movieclip2 is added to the stage. It does something and add to the same counter variable from movieclip1. And so on and so on until no more movieclips.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Pass Variable To New MovieClip

Jan 9, 2008

I have this functions which attaches movieclips on the Stage and makes them move clockwise. The problem is I cant pass the radius[i] variable to the new movieclips.

function placeItems(itemName:String, num:Number) {
var angle:Number = 0;
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radius[i] = Math.floor(Math.random()*100);
[Code] .....

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Flash :: Use MovieClip Target Name To Pass Variable To Function

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How can I combine the following functions and still pass a different string to the buildUI(); function?

I have two functions that do the same thing only at the end they both call a function and pass a String value to the function. This string value is the only thing different.

Below is are my eventlisteners and functions as they are now:

female_start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startFemale);
male_start.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, startMale);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass A Variable Value Contained Within A MovieClip To Class File

Dec 13, 2009

I need to pass a variable value contained within a MovieClip to my class file. The MovieClip is my preloader, to which my code will show that upon the initial launch of the SWF. Until the variable is sent, my code assumes the preloader is still running and therefore will not progress. Originally, it was working when I had my class file extend MovieClip and then used this code in the preloader MC:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass A Variable From A Main Movie To An Attached Movieclip?

Mar 28, 2012

I have a Flash Professionl AS3 project I am working on.

I have this in a main movie:
but1b.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, fbut1b, false, 0, true);
function fbut1b(e:MouseEvent):void{
var mc:documentwindow_mc=new documentwindow_mc();


The issue I have is I need to do this 40 times.
Is there a way for me to use the same documentwindow_mc movie clip and pass a variable to change the "documents/print2flashdocument1a.swf", part?
How could I do this from the fbut1b function?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Inside Movieclip Variable Not Defined

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I am brand new to AS3 and just about muddled through with AS2. I have a problem which should have a simple solution but everything I try gives errors.I had a load of buttons on the main timline which worked fine. I have moved a load of them into another movieclip called flyoutMenu. Now none work and I get the error:Error #1065: Variable about is not defined.This is the code stripped down to one button:[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Function, Pass Value, Access Variable In Movieclip Class From Main Stage?

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import flash.display.*;
import*;[ code].....

I have new a object in the main stage var

mc_rect:MC_Rectangle = new MC_Rectangle()

in main stage:

1. how can i access the variable "sequence" in "mc_rect"

2. how can i pass parametre from main stage to mc_rect via function setSequence(data:int)?

3. how can i call the function in addSequence() in mc_rect.

in, i usually use mc_rect.sequenct,mc_rect.setSequence(data), mc_rect.addSequence() to achieve my goals......btw, can function in mc_rect return out result to main stage?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Variable Inside A MovieClip?

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PS: I'm doing it for sorting purposes in a slideshow.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Outside Variable Inside Movieclip?

Apr 18, 2004

I have a movie clip that needs to load an outside Variable and I know how to do it if the Variable is in the main time line.

Main TimeLine:
timedelay = 5;
timedelay = _root.timedelay

What I can not figure out is how to load a variable in a movie clip that is on the Instance of itself (not in the movie clip).

I am fine if I only use one instance of the movie clip at a time on the stage since I can set the Variable on the Main TimeLine into the movieclip (using .root), but this would not work correctly if I want two instances of a movieclip with differenct variables.

Right now I am having to make duplicate copies of a movie clip with different Variable names. I was hoping there would be some way where I could only use one movie clip and give it different variables.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Variable Access From Inside A Movieclip?

Feb 25, 2009

In as2 it was possible to access variables created on the _root level from inside a movieclip. Like: _root.myVar =newVar.

How do I accomplish the same in as3.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Variable That Has A Movieclip's Name Stored Inside It?

Aug 13, 2010

I have a simple question about Variables in AS2, i have a feeling the solution is pretty simple. What i exactly need is a variable that has a movieclip's name stored inside it. I created a variable called cardType and stored the moviecip's name inside it. Now when i declare the Tween you see below and assign it to the variable cardType (which should be replaced with the movieclip's name), it does not work.

PHP Code:

var CardType;
CardType = LondonQuestions_mc.redCard_mc;
new Tween(cardType, "_alpha", Strong.easeOut, 0, 100, 2.5, true); 

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Outside Variable Inside Movieclip?

Apr 18, 2004

I have a movie clip that needs to load an outside Variable and I know how to do it if the Variable is in the main time line.

Main TimeLine:
timedelay = 5;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Up To Reference Variable / Object Name Inside Another Movieclip

Mar 23, 2011

i'm referencing variable names and object names dynamically such as:[code]i have 5 balls (insert joke here) which get all the same functions etc so i wanted a way to avoid making 5x functions to handle each one of the balls. Now one function can handle all 5, etc.what i can't figure out is how to use this same set up to reference a variable or object name inside another movieclip. if i have another movieclip named "myParent" for example, i thought i could refer to it with:[code]but this doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Passing A Variable To A Button Inside A Movieclip?

Dec 23, 2009

I have list that is generated from a database that when click it calls a seperate movieclip in the library called comments and loads data from the database in it. I the movieclip i have buttons that I am trying to pass the data to but it doesnt seem to be working.

here is my actionscript:

getReleaseInfo_Result = function (releasesID,track1url,track2url,track3url,track4ur l) {
_root.container.attachMovie("comments", "comments", 100);
_root.container.comments._x = 325;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Values In Variable After User Contact Inside MovieClip

May 19, 2011

I want to know if I have variables inside amovie clip that get some values after user contact and I want to use this values in other frames in the main timeline.

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Flash :: Check And Reset Variable On Main Timeline From Inside A Movieclip?

Feb 11, 2010

I'm converting an old AS2 file into AS3 (and trying to learn AS3 at the same time).A movie clip contains a number of different animated sequences and buttons within the application trigger these different sequences.The buttons are functional only when an animation has completed playing.

In AS2, I achieved this with a var called _root.animating which was initially set to "false" and switched to true when the animation played and switched back to false at the end of the anim sequence. The buttons checked this var when clicked. Here is some of the AS2.[code]...

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something.onRelease = function () {
var jscommand:String = "'http://www.someform.php?proj= + (pid)','win','height=200,width=300,toolbar=no,scrollbars=yes');"; getURL("javascript:" + jscommand + " void(0);"); }

I can do a standard getUrl("http://www.someform.php?proj=" + (pid), "_blank"); works fine but no control over window properties.

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Javascript :: Pass The Variable So That The Resulting Line Of Code Doesn't Have The Quotes Around The Variable Value?

Oct 3, 2011

I'm trying to pass the contents of variable playnoyes to the long line of code below to decide whether or not to autoplay the flash movie, but doing it as I have below, the resultant line of code has the variable in quotes and therefore the code doesn't execute it as expected. My question is, how can I pass the variable so that the resulting line of code doesn't have the quotes around the variable value.

var playnoyes='true';
var testtext = "<script type='text/javascript'>AC_FL_RunContent ('codebase','[code]....

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Mar 5, 2010

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PHP Code:[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Button Inside MovieClip Inside MovieClip Doesn't Dispatch Event

Jan 25, 2012

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Pass A Variable With Brackets In The Variable Name?

Nov 20, 2010

I am trying to pass a variable with brackets in the variable name. Example


Whenever I publish the file flash gives me an unexpected "]" error code. Is it possible to have a variable name with brackets? I tried to use the escape codes %5B%5D to pass the brackets but that didn't work also.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass Php Variable To Variable?

Nov 28, 2009

i write my own code for php and actionscript...and i had a problem with it.. How to pass php variable to action script variable?


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Flex :: Pass Parameters To HTTPService And Use Them Inside The URL?

Aug 2, 2009

Flex3 + Cairngorm. I have my service in Servicis.mxml:

<mx:HTTPService id="docIndex" url="{URL_PREFIX}/jobs/{???}/docs" resultFormat="e4x"/>

And I call it from my generic restful delegate like this:

public function index(params:Object):void {
var call:AsyncToken = services.getHTTPService(resourceName+"Index").send(params);

I want to know how I can use the params Object I pass inside the url definition (the ??? above).

EDIT: I'll explain myself if you didn't understand my problem: I have a restful api written in rails to which I'm connecting. Doc is a child resource of Job. If I want to get all docs I have to supply a job_id too. Therefore in the service the url must be changed for each .send() call, with the proper job_id (the ??? part above). I'd like to call it like myDelegate.index({job_id:34}) and insert that job_id field in the Service URL.

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Php :: Pass Values By Reference Inside A For Each Construct?

Jan 12, 2011

How do I pass values by reference inside a for each construct in AS3? Basically, I want something equivalent to the following code in PHP:

foreach ($array as &$v) {
$v = $v + 1;

This would allow me to change all elements of the collection $array through a single loop.

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IDE :: Pass Variable From One Swf To Another Swf?

Nov 12, 2009

can i pass variable from one swf to another swf. each swf is in separate html page.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass Variable Swf To Swf

Mar 23, 2009

I am able to pass a variable from an html link that loads a separate html file and instructs the embedded file to go to a specific frame. But - I now need a link within an swf file on one page to open a new page and tell that swf to start on a specific frame and it is not working. Here is the code I use for the first example - works like a champ:


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How To Pass URL Variable To Flash

Oct 24, 2008

I want to put a variable at the end of a URL and have Flash "find" that variable. The url would be: [URL] "Campbell" is the variable I want to pass to Flash. I then have this script in the root timeline:
loadVariables (""+agent".txt", this);

I want "agent" to be replaced with Campbell. That way I can have it read a bunch of variables from the txt file. I tried this as well:
loadVariables (""+_root.agent".txt", this);
What am I missing in this?

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